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MKE band needs help- 6/3/10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:31 am
by coelacanth
Hello everybody,

My name is Peter Woods. I'm a musician from milwaukee looking for a show in Iowa on June 3rd. The dudes from Sender Receiver pointed me in your direction, so here we are.

If you know of anything happening on June 3rd we can hop on, or think you can get something started, let us know. A venue has been flaking on me, so now we have a big ol hole in the middle of our tour.

We have music at We will play with anyone and we'll play anywhere. Hardcore/metal/noise/smooth jazz, whatever. We don't need anything besides a room to play in, as we're instrumental (and have a lot of loud amps).

So yeah, let me know if you can help. My email is I also help run a venue here, so I can definitely return the favor.


Re: MKE band needs help- 6/3/10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:38 pm
by Big Fat Retard
His name is Peter Woods.....huh, huh...huh

Re: MKE band needs help- 6/3/10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:23 pm
by Joe
I am listening to this downstairs and my roommate is listening to Slint upstairs. Very cool effect.

Did you get a show booked at Gabe's? That place sucks a lot. I would go, but I'll be going to the Black Market Fetus show on June 3rd. I'll tell my roommates about it though, they'd dig it.


Re: MKE band needs help- 6/3/10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:33 pm
by Joe
Coelacanth was the name of my one man noise project. It sucked!

But you dudes are pretty good. I'll let some Iowa City peeps know you are looking for a show.


Re: MKE band needs help- 6/3/10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:35 pm
by Joe
The coelacanth is my favorite fish.


Ever read this book? Crucial read if you have any interest whatsoever in this fish.


Re: MKE band needs help- 6/3/10

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:27 am
by coelacanth
BFR- Yes, yes it is. My middle name is also Jacob (Jacobs being an english slang for balls, or at least a term they use in the movie Snatch *giggle*). So my name is Penis Testicle Penises. Grade school only sort of sucked for me.

Joe- While I don't like to spread rumors about venues I have never been to, yeah, we did. Dude was totally down to help us out and now hasn't responded to my emails for the past three weeks. Slint rules though. Thanks for letting people know! Funny that you had a one man noise project named Coelacanth, as there is a drone group out of San Francisco witht he same name. I will look into the read.