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Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:52 am
by tylerjames515

apparently, republicans know about this and are flooding the poll with 'yes' votes to try to sway undecided voters.

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:24 am
by laffeyn
I heard they found out about Vargs virginity thread and are doing the same thing.

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:48 pm
by KY Jelly Belly
Found this today

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:31 am
by robdigi

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:38 am
by Potter
what about africa?

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:25 am
by aeon grey
She stares into the camera.. and it scares me.

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:50 am
by KY Jelly Belly
Here's a very good rundown on the debates of last night and a fact check on a few points both of them made.

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:38 pm
by KY Jelly Belly

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:39 pm
by DaVo
Is it just me or are they trying to run on the same platform of full of shit that Ronald Reagan. Palin quoted him twice. Has things gotten so bad that we look at the 80s as some golden age?

I encountered this a number of times over the last few years that some how Reagan was in fact a good president. If he is the standard of what the American public is looking for we are in real trouble. If that is what McCain is planning here's a few things we can look forward to:

1.) Unaccountable military spending
2.) Scraping of all social programs including: school lunch programs, mental health, and health care for the poor.
3.) Trading arms with terrorist countries
4.) Wasting Billions on the Developemnt of weapons based on science fiction movies
5.) Increased US Military present throughout the world.
6.) Legal funding of US friendly terrorist orginization.
7.) Increased of cowboy diplomacy in the form of picking Military might over discussion.
8.) Suppurt of crimial dictorships that make the nazis look like boy scotts.
9.) Reducing employment statistics by decreasing the period of time you are allowed to collect unemployment and making it harder to collect. Leaving millions without any form of income and creating a truly forgotten man that is completely off the radar.
10.) Widing the gap between the poor and wealth by giving the wealth massive tax breaks and decreasing regulation over business and then justifying it with the theory of trickle down.
11.) Continuing an aggressive military policy against "possible future military threats".
12.) Failure to hold failed financial organizations accountable for mismanagement.
13.) Oh and my favorite. Having a low level easily replacable scape goat, "Who acted alone" to take the fall when the time comes.

Re: Sarah Palin Content

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:05 am
by joseph
DaVo wrote:planning here's a few things we can look forward to:

1.) Unaccountable military spending
2.) Scraping of all social programs including: school lunch programs, mental health, and health care for the poor.
3.) Trading arms with terrorist countries
4.) Wasting Billions on the Developemnt of weapons based on science fiction movies
5.) Increased US Military present throughout the world.
6.) Legal funding of US friendly terrorist orginization.
7.) Increased of cowboy diplomacy in the form of picking Military might over discussion.
8.) Suppurt of crimial dictorships that make the nazis look like boy scotts.
9.) Reducing employment statistics by decreasing the period of time you are allowed to collect unemployment and making it harder to collect. Leaving millions without any form of income and creating a truly forgotten man that is completely off the radar.
10.) Widing the gap between the poor and wealth by giving the wealth massive tax breaks and decreasing regulation over business and then justifying it with the theory of trickle down.
11.) Continuing an aggressive military policy against "possible future military threats".
12.) Failure to hold failed financial organizations accountable for mismanagement.
13.) Oh and my favorite. Having a low level easily replacable scape goat, "Who acted alone" to take the fall when the time comes.
if you cross off #s 3 and 8, im in.
and i believe #12 is currently happening.