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Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:36 pm
by little foot
don't worry, everything is under control

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:02 am
by little foot
haha, where did you get that picture?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:07 am
by servo
looks pretty @nonymous to me

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:13 am
by Hank Fist
is that an AP pic?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:16 pm
by @nonymous
well, the ramsey county sheriff's dept showed it's true colors this week, in what will likely lead to a very high profile court case and a hefty lawsuit for the city to deal with.

because hurricane gustav fucked up the republicans RNC schedule, the strategy against it too, had to change at the last minute--thus rendering some of the hard work and tactics that were planned useless(though many successful actions took place on monday and tuesday).

the interesting thing about this week was that instead of the authorities using the actions of who they call "masked criminals" as an attempt to marginalize and discredit genuine dissent in this country, they carried out ridiculously violent preemptive attacks on not just anarchists, but "peaceful" demonstrators as well, even media(most notably, Amy Goodman). this strategy obviously backfired, encouraging would-be law-abiding citizens to confront the police themselves(in full riot combat gear)--before they were gassed and treated like dogs, of course.

one of the finer moments of the week was when i noticed a group of elderly folks, called "grannies against war" or something, holding space with a group of masked criminals, chanting together at the police thugs, "who do you protect, who do you serve?!"

many more updates, with a full analysis of the event to come soon. hundreds more were arrested today and downtown was essentially evacuated.

great coverage, including minute-by-minute livewire reports, photos, videos, press statements and even a .pdf of the affidavit for the RNC Welcoming Committee, who was targeted most severely, can be found here:


Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:22 pm
by Tampa Josh
@nonymous wrote:well, the ramsey county sheriff's dept showed it's true colors this week, in what will likely lead to a very high profile court case and a hefty lawsuit for the city to deal with.

because hurricane gustav fucked up the republicans RNC schedule, the strategy against it too, had to change at the last minute--thus rendering some of the hard work and tactics that were planned useless(though many successful actions too place on monday and tuesday).

the interesting thing about this week was that instead of the authorities using the actions of who they call "masked criminals" as an attempt to marginalize and discredit genuine dissent in this country, they carried out ridiculously violent preemptive attacks on not just anarchists, but "peaceful" demonstrators as well, even media(most notably, Amy Goodman). this strategy obviously backfired, encouraging would-be law-abiding citizens to confront the police themselves(in full riot combat gear)--before they were gassed and treated like dogs, of course.

one of the finer moments of the week was when i noticed a group of elderly folks, called "grannies against war" or something, holding space with a group of masked criminals, chanting together at the police thugs, "who do you protect, who do you serve?!"

many more updates, with a full analysis of the event to come soon. hundreds more were arrested today and downtown was essentially evacuated.

great coverage, including minute-by-minute livewire reports, photos, videos, press statements and even a .pdf of the affidavit for the RNC Welcoming Committee, who was targeted most severely, can be found here:


I'm sure this is a completely unbiased and truthful account. Any lawsuit won't be high profile or even successful, at the luckiest the city might settle for a much lower amount than is sought after, but that is doubtful.

In the end you probably feel like you accomplished a lot, but what did you really? The RNC still happened, as scheduled, nobody's mind was changed. You were probably not even thought about by the people attending the convention.

Basically you wasted your time and got sprayed with mace and hit with batons for no reason. Good job!

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:27 pm
by Big Fat Retard
The Ramsey County Jail is awesome. They even have radios with 10 preset stations built into the walls of the cells. Nice view of the Mississippi too.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:41 pm
by @nonymous
tampa josh wrote:I'm sure this is a completely unbiased and truthful account. Any lawsuit won't be high profile or even successful, at the luckiest the city might settle for a much lower amount than is sought after, but that is doubtful.

In the end you probably feel like you accomplished a lot, but what did you really? The RNC still happened, as scheduled, nobody's mind was changed. You were probably not even thought about by the people attending the convention.

Basically you wasted your time and got sprayed with mace and hit with batons for no reason. Good job!
considering that your opinions and quips are that of a general pathetic nature, and overall you seem like a total dunce, i'm not too concerned with whatever it is you're trying to achieve by challenging my analysis of said events.

you're clearly not familiar with these types of demonstrations and how often there are successful lawsuits against the city(recall the 2004 RNC in NYC which settled for $2 million dollars to 52 protesters).

anyways, carry on, you ridiculous human being.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:46 pm
by Big Fat Retard
@nonymous wrote:
tampa josh wrote:I'm sure this is a completely unbiased and truthful account. Any lawsuit won't be high profile or even successful, at the luckiest the city might settle for a much lower amount than is sought after, but that is doubtful.

In the end you probably feel like you accomplished a lot, but what did you really? The RNC still happened, as scheduled, nobody's mind was changed. You were probably not even thought about by the people attending the convention.

Basically you wasted your time and got sprayed with mace and hit with batons for no reason. Good job!
considering that your opinions and quips are that of a general pathetic nature, and overall you seem like a total dunce, i'm not too concerned with whatever it is you're trying to achieve by challenging my analysis of said events.

you're clearly not familiar with these types of demonstrations and how often there are successful lawsuits against the city(recall the 2004 RNC in NYC which settled for $2 million dollars to 52 protesters).

anyways, carry on, you ridiculous human being.
Better be careful, he might beat you up.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:09 pm
by Tampa Josh
@nonymous wrote:
tampa josh wrote:I'm sure this is a completely unbiased and truthful account. Any lawsuit won't be high profile or even successful, at the luckiest the city might settle for a much lower amount than is sought after, but that is doubtful.

In the end you probably feel like you accomplished a lot, but what did you really? The RNC still happened, as scheduled, nobody's mind was changed. You were probably not even thought about by the people attending the convention.

Basically you wasted your time and got sprayed with mace and hit with batons for no reason. Good job!
considering that your opinions and quips are that of a general pathetic nature, and overall you seem like a total dunce, i'm not too concerned with whatever it is you're trying to achieve by challenging my analysis of said events.

you're clearly not familiar with these types of demonstrations and how often there are successful lawsuits against the city(recall the 2004 RNC in NYC which settled for $2 million dollars to 52 protesters).

anyways, carry on, you ridiculous human being.
Obviously you think my "quips" and opinions are pathetic, because I'm not some lame anarchist moron like yourself. No big deal I think your quips and opinions are pathetic. Where does that get us? Nowhere. But seriously WHAT DID YOU CHANGE?

And despite me thinking your opinions and ideas are idiotic, I do respect you for doing something you believe in, however misguided I feel your beliefs might be. So keep doing what you are doing and getting sprayed by mace and accomplish no change until you grow out of this phase of your life.

And yes Afroman's butt buddy back in the day I would have rocked this dude senseless, but now I don't think there is any need for it. It accomplishes nothing, much like the lame protests.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:13 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Tampa Josh wrote:And yes Afroman's butt buddy back in the day I would have rocked this dude senseless, but now I don't think there is any need for it. It accomplishes nothing, much like the lame protests.
Back in the day, I would have shit on your doorstep in the middle of the night. Then I would have dipped my fingers in it and finger painted peace signs on all your windows.........back in the day.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:44 pm
by ilikehorses

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:29 pm
by Tampa Josh
Are you still stuck on that? Did you really fail to read that i have never attacked anyone over their sexual preference or that I have stopped beating up people I don't agree with politically along time ago becasue I realized it didn't change anything? I mean normally I would just ignore this and chalk it up as a miserable attempt to try and piss me off or something and get me all worked up provoking some lame e-fight, but I don't know. You somehow got it in your head that I was working for the government beating up people at WTO, so you have shown yourself to be pretty unable to comprehend things.

Either way, no matter what you say it isn't getting under my skin. So put your fishing pole away, I'm not biting. Nor do legitimately dislike anyone of you I'm debating with.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:33 pm
by Big Fat Retard

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:46 pm
by servo
when did ole johnny reeferseed get so fucking funny?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:55 am
by @nonymous
storkus wrote:AHAHAHAHAH. You guys are going to think that I'm stalking him now, but I was watching some clips on that twincities.indymedia link that @non posted, and is this him AGAIN at 4:15 in the background?
haha. you had to be looking for it that time!

it's true, there are many reasons to participate in these large scale demonstrations.

i would say the common theme that most people share(at least in my experience) is the desire for change; not political change, but an actual change in the structure of our society--horizontal organizing to start with, not top down politics.

people realize when they get in the streets that the authorities are not there to protect us--not to protect our voice or our bodies. they are there to protect the ones who are destroying our world from us. you can write that off as some extremist rhetoric, or you can go find out for yourself.

all in all, i'm proud of the work that was done these past few days, and saddened that many of my friends are in jail--some who could potentially be there for a long time if the media and sheriff's dept have their way.

i just read that a couple fox news reporters were gassed in a peaceful demonstration tonight along with a local CBS journalist. perhaps they too will start reporting the truth. probably not.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:50 am
by Varg
Tampa Josh wrote:

I'm sure this is a completely unbiased and truthful account. Any lawsuit won't be high profile or even successful, at the luckiest the city might settle for a much lower amount than is sought after, but that is doubtful.

In the end you probably feel like you accomplished a lot, but what did you really? The RNC still happened, as scheduled, nobody's mind was changed. You were probably not even thought about by the people attending the convention.

Basically you wasted your time and got sprayed with mace and hit with batons for no reason. Good job!
x 2.

I don't know why ilikehorses is questioning your manliness over beating up faggots (which doesn't even appear to have actually happened) when there are hundreds of douchebags in MN who don't even have the balls to show their face and use some of the most COWARDLY tactics I have ever seen. Throwing feces? @ has the nerve to bitch about fuckbags being "treated like dogs"....AND THEY WERE THROWING FEKAL MATTER??!
I'm still not quite to the maturity level of tampajosh where I think hitting people WONT solve anything.

I don't understand @nonymous' gripe with capitalism....I'm told you own (or co-own) and operate a business? What's the deal with that?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:27 am
by joseph
@- have you ever considered the reason the RNC selects more leftist states is so people will protest. then spark more interest and more media coverage?

my snide questions for you are - how much money did you spend? how much did you lose by not working? how much is that bandana in the window?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:05 am
by joseph
storkus wrote:
joseph wrote:@- have you ever considered the reason the RNC selects more leftist states is so people will protest. then spark more interest and more media coverage?
Goddamn, you're a moron. Minnesota is a "leftist" state? Better tell that to Senator Norm Coleman and Governor Tim Pawlenty, two of the most abhorrent right wing politicians alive.

2004 in NYC was a stage meant to remind people of 9/11 and scare up votes.

Your theory not only doesn't work, it doesn't even make sense if you actually think about it for one second, instead of just making shit up.
im a moron? is your name @? norm coleman is a wingnut. he was a democrat until he couldnt get elected. pawlenty is crap. mn has some of the highest tax rates in the country. and fuck you.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:16 am
by robdigi
Even with republican politicians currently in office, MN is still demographically a democratic stronghold. The DFL is alive and well.. plus, Franken will be taking Coleman's place soon enough.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:01 pm
by Hank Fist
...cause he's good enough, smart enough, and doggonit......

sorry, it's seriously all i can think of when i see or hear the name franken.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:20 pm
by Cosmo
@nonymous wrote:well, the ramsey county sheriff's dept showed it's true colors this week, in what will likely lead to a very high profile court case and a hefty lawsuit for the city to deal with.

because hurricane gustav fucked up the republicans RNC schedule, the strategy against it too, had to change at the last minute--thus rendering some of the hard work and tactics that were planned useless(though many successful actions took place on monday and tuesday).

the interesting thing about this week was that instead of the authorities using the actions of who they call "masked criminals" as an attempt to marginalize and discredit genuine dissent in this country, they carried out ridiculously violent preemptive attacks on not just anarchists, but "peaceful" demonstrators as well, even media(most notably, Amy Goodman). this strategy obviously backfired, encouraging would-be law-abiding citizens to confront the police themselves(in full riot combat gear)--before they were gassed and treated like dogs, of course.

one of the finer moments of the week was when i noticed a group of elderly folks, called "grannies against war" or something, holding space with a group of masked criminals, chanting together at the police thugs, "who do you protect, who do you serve?!"

many more updates, with a full analysis of the event to come soon. hundreds more were arrested today and downtown was essentially evacuated.

great coverage, including minute-by-minute livewire reports, photos, videos, press statements and even a .pdf of the affidavit for the RNC Welcoming Committee, who was targeted most severely, can be found here:

I enjoy how placing quotations around the words masked criminals somehow removes the fact that, in deed, you really are masked criminals. Unless, I'm mistaken, busting up cop cars is, at the very least, criminal mischief, not to mention actions such as these cost the tax payers money, in the long run. I have to agree with Tampa Josh and say that more than likely, nothing, of substance was accomplished.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:01 pm
by @nonymous
varg wrote:when there are hundreds of douchebags in MN who don't even have the balls to show their face and use some of the most COWARDLY tactics I have ever seen. Throwing feces? @ has the nerve to bitch about fuckbags being "treated like dogs"....AND THEY WERE THROWING FEKAL MATTER??!
no one threw feces, or urine. you really do believe everything you read and see on the tv don't you, you fucking moron. the only shit that was on the street was from the cops' horses.

it's funny. the urine found in one of the houses that were raided was actually just some dude who was not apart of anything, and had his water turned off. he was just pissing in buckets and disposing of it later. of course, during the press conference with the ramsey county sheriff's dept., in front of all the media, he went into detail about how they planned on using the urine to throw at the delegates. what a joke.

during one of the hearings for the people in jail(as i sat in the courtroom and listened), they were going over items to give back to people being released and the judge says, "so who do we return the urine to?", ha.
joseph wrote:@- have you ever considered the reason the RNC selects more leftist states is so people will protest. then spark more interest and more media coverage?

my snide questions for you are - how much money did you spend? how much did you lose by not working? how much is that bandana in the window?
the first sentence makes no sense, but i'll try to address it. i think you may be confused as to why people actually protest. and with reason, it's tough to understand because people are there for different reasons. i think i probably went over this in an earlier post actually, maybe you didn't read it. some were there because they think the political process is broken and needs fixing; that and they don't like republicans--which is to say they don't like senseless wars, imperialism, etc. others were there to cause as much grief and make it as uncomfortable as possible for these politicians--to send the message that we are in charge of our own lives and won't be intimidated by repressive forces that play into our daily lives. getting the picture? there isn't a simple answer to that question. storkus' point is also valid.

as far as how much i spent, very little. we had gas vouchers that my partner got for birthday that pretty much got us there and back. we were lucky enough to stay at my friend's parents house in st. louis park, who are not only vegan but amazing cooks and amazing people. actually, the only money we spent was on a fancy vegan meal at hard times cafe and a couple bottles of water. i for sure would have spent more money in des moines during those days.
cosmo wrote:I enjoy how placing quotations around the words masked criminals somehow removes the fact that, in deed, you really are masked criminals. Unless, I'm mistaken, busting up cop cars is, at the very least, criminal mischief, not to mention actions such as these cost the tax payers money, in the long run. I have to agree with Tampa Josh and say that more than likely, nothing, of substance was accomplished.
you have to be smart enough to understand that our definitions of accomplishment differ, aren't you? smashing cop cars is illegal, that's right. but here's what some people don't understand(because they don't want to): how is the violence and illegal actions taken by the police and other authorities, preemptively in this case, any different? who holds them accountable?

the answer is, we have to. no one else is going to do it. every single freedom and civil right that have in this country has been fought for illegally at some point in time. hell, if laws weren't broken, this country wouldn't even function. there's an old saying with IWW union workers, it's called Work to Rule. when you follow the rules, things don't get done. ask a line cook the same question.

again, myself and a few others are working on a full analysis of this event. there's still a lot happening.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:24 pm
by joseph
@nonymous wrote:the first sentence makes no sense, but i'll try to address it. i think you may be confused as to why people actually protest. and with reason, it's tough to understand because people are there for different reasons. i think i probably went over this in an earlier post actually, maybe you didn't read it. some were there because they think the political process is broken and needs fixing; others were there to cause as much grief and make it as uncomfortable as possible for these politicians--to send the message that we are in charge of our own lives and won't be intimidated by repressive forces that play into our daily lives. getting the picture? there isn't a simple answer to that question. storkus' point is also valid.
yeah i get it. people protest for millions of valid reasons. some also go for the party or poon. protesting and trying to halt a legal assembly are 2 different things. im not holding your beliefs against you. im actually glad you take interest. im a little confused why you try to change things in a system youre against. just seems like you pick and choose where your "radicalism?" starts and stops?
that and they don't like republicans--which is to say they don't like senseless wars, imperialism, etc.
i dont understand why you say this. its profiling and ... not nice.
as far as how much i spent, very little. we had gas vouchers that my partner got for birthday that pretty much got us there and back. we were lucky enough to stay at my friend's parents house in st. louis park, who are not only vegan but amazing cooks and amazing people. actually, the only money we spent was on a fancy vegan meal at hard times cafe and a couple bottles of water. i for sure would have spent more money in des moines during those days.
whats a gas voucher? wheres it come from? how do i get one? FANCY meal at hard times? youre being too kind.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:30 pm
by @nonymous
joseph, here's a piece written before the convention(in which nearly all of the predictions within came true) that gives some good insight as to why some people came and what their objectives were: ... expect.php

read carefully. . .
joseph wrote:im a little confused why you try to change things in a system youre against. just seems like you pick and choose where your "radicalism?" starts and stops?
i'm really sorry, maybe it's getting lost in the interwebs, but i generally have no clue what points you're making when you post. why am i trying to change a system that i'm against?. . . .because i'm against it? we weren't out there in the streets advocating reform or protesting the presence of mccain or anyone else specifically, but what they stand for. it's the same reason folks were at the DNC.

explain what you're talking about better if i didn't respond correctly.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:47 pm
by joseph
when i try to go to crimethinc im blocked -
The Websense category "Society and Lifestyles" is filtered.
@nonymous wrote:i'm really sorry, maybe it's getting lost in the interwebs, but i generally have no clue what points you're making when you post. why am i trying to change a system that i'm against?. . . .because i'm against it? we weren't out there in the streets advocating reform or protesting the presence of mccain or anyone else specifically, but what they stand for. it's the same reason folks were at the DNC.

explain what you're talking about better if i didn't respond correctly.
its my fault its hard for me to type/speak what i think. we pretty much agree on most things. i think you blame more than me but its pretty even well except for the capitalism thing. you seem to be trying to change without using the system changes that are in place. like voting. peaceful protests. running for office. seems like you propagandize more than attempt?

im not explaining well. or even good. nevermind.
i am curious how much your bandana cost?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:57 pm
by @nonymous
joseph wrote:you seem to be trying to change without using the system changes that are in place. like voting. peaceful protests. running for office. seems like you propagandize more than attempt?
let me get this straight. you think i'm "choosing" when and when not to be radical. you believe it's ironic that while i don't believe in the political system, reform, or capitalism, i should be using the channels given to me by the very forces i decry and wish to abolish to make change?

joseph, i don't think that those choices i'm given to make a change really will make a change--that's what this entire thing is about. that's what anarchist's are about--making change themselves, collectively and through horizontal organizing structures. if you can't at least understand that(you don't have to agree to something to understand it by the way), then i'm afraid this conversation is over.

my bandana wasn't a bandana, it was a t-shirt.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:21 pm
by joseph
@nonymous wrote:
joseph wrote:you seem to be trying to change without using the system changes that are in place. like voting. peaceful protests. running for office. seems like you propagandize more than attempt?
let me get this straight. you think i'm "choosing" when and when not to be radical. you believe it's ironic that while i don't believe in the political system, reform, or capitalism, i should be using the channels given to me by the very forces i decry and wish to abolish to make change?

joseph, i don't think that those choices i'm given to make a change really will make a change--that's what this entire thing is about. that's what anarchist's are about--making change themselves, collectively and through horizontal organizing structures. if you can't at least understand that(you don't have to agree to something to understand it by the way), then i'm afraid this conversation is over.

my bandana wasn't a bandana, it was a t-shirt.
wow, we have very different definitions of anarchists. i didnt know you didnt believe in "reform" that explains alot.
i still dont get the capitalism business owner thing but im ok with it.
tj was telling me about some fancy designer bandana, maybe it was a joke i didnt get?

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:34 pm
by @nonymous
joseph wrote:wow, we have very different definitions of anarchists. i didnt know you didnt believe in "reform" that explains alot.
i still dont get the capitalism business owner thing but im ok with it.
tj was telling me about some fancy designer bandana, maybe it was a joke i didnt get?
are you high? what anarchist do you know that believes in reform?

owning a business simply allows me to maintain control of my income and my situation in life. it's not ideal by any means and is a real headache sometimes.

i have no idea what you're talking about with the bandana.

Re: Crash the Conventions. . .

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:48 pm
by joseph
@nonymous wrote:
joseph wrote:wow, we have very different definitions of anarchists. i didnt know you didnt believe in "reform" that explains alot.
i still dont get the capitalism business owner thing but im ok with it.
tj was telling me about some fancy designer bandana, maybe it was a joke i didnt get?
are you high? what anarchist do you know that believes in reform?

owning a business simply allows me to maintain control of my income and my situation in life. it's not ideal by any means and is a real headache sometimes.

i have no idea what you're talking about with the bandana.
wait. are you high? they were different sentences. and you do believe in reform of sorts.