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Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:02 pm
by @nonymous
joey chaos wrote:All I'll say, is that if I was on that island, I would have shot Locke a season ago.
if you weren't already shot by michael or sayid.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:05 pm
by Joey Chaos
They should have shot that nig when he blackmailed them. And considering the circumstances, I would be playing for the same team as Sayid.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:10 pm
by moltar
@nonymous wrote:Sayid's character does have a hard torturer side, which we've seen many times, but he clearly doesn't like that part of him and has attempted not to show it. if you're speaking strictly 4th season here, clearly the format has changed and each episode focuses on specific things--his episode will come.
No, they've killed it. They tried to hold onto it by a thread for a long time, but it's been gone for awhile. Hopefully they can successfully reincorporate it. The whole idea of people who deserve torture/torture out of necessity/internal conflict with the act is the heart of the theme. They've made Sayid too strong and his conflicts too weak to get back to that stage.
Locke's character is clearly connected to the island more than the rest--that is to say, he does what he thinks is best according to what the island "wants" as where the rest of the characters(excluding the others) do things solely based around survival and getting off the island.
This has nothing to do with my point. Locke was an emotional and physical mess before the island. He keeps screwing up trying to follow the path the island has set for him while on the island. He is a control freak and no one is following him anymore. This should not leave him composed.
of course there are cliff hangers, it's tv. there has to be an end to the episode. watching it on DVD does not provide this frustration--in fact, i think what you're calling cliff hangers should more appropriately be called climax.
This show slaps a twist that may or may not ever be explained at the end of practically every episode and you want to call those climaxes? You're riding alone on that one.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:13 pm
best show ever made. discuss.
agreed. the complete first season on DVD sat on my speaker for almost two months, untill i was bored and had a couple days off from work and i watched the whole first season in a day. i just could not stop watching it. i ended up not watching the second and third season on TV and waited for the DVDs to come out because i couldnt take this week to week shit. I WANT TO KNOW NOW! but this fourth season has gotten so intense that now i can wait untill the fourth season comes out on DVD, so have been watching week to week. but missed last weeks. is there going to be another episode on tomorrow night? hopefully with the previous week re-run before.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:18 pm
by @nonymous
moltar wrote:This has nothing to do with my point. Locke was an emotional and physical mess before the island. He keeps screwing up trying to follow the path the island has set for him while on the island. He is a control freak and no one is following him anymore. This should not leave him composed.
this paragraph leads me to believe that you've seen none of season 4. if that's the case, i'll drop it here and you can decide for yourself.
This show slaps a twist that may or may not ever be explained at the end of practically every episode and you want to call those climaxes? You're riding alone on that one.
what twists haven't been explained? i would say that nearly everything in this show will eventually connect if it has any significance(which so far, most things have). sure, there is the occasional prop dept. toss in with the numbers in the background and the dharma logo on the shark that is just for fun, but most big things on have a purpose.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:27 pm
by moltar
Nope, I'm up to date. The only season I skipped was one. I see where you're going with that, but Locke is still too far in the dark (note his interview with Ben).

Asking what hasn't been explained on this show is a little blunt don't you think?

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:34 pm
by @nonymous
moltar wrote:Nope, I'm up to date. The only season I skipped was one. I see where you're going with that, but Locke is still too far in the dark (note his interview with Ben).

Asking what hasn't been explained on this show is a little blunt don't you think?
yeah it is a bit vague, but that was my point. i can't think of any big twists that haven't been explained or at least have some direction.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:18 pm
by elliot
@nonymous wrote:
elliot says wrote:It also has polar bears, some hatch with an evil clock that has to be reset, and a cloud of black smoke that kills people.

Goofy shit. No care ever.
elliot means wrote:the show references a group called "the dharma initiative" that, from what we know, conducted animal testing and psychological experiments on the island in the late 70's--of which evidence can be seen today. the island also appears to have supernatural properties, though no conclusions have been drawn yet. i enjoy this show because i don't trivialize and single out individual subplots in an attempt to paint an incredibly complex and intelligent show as "goofy".

my name is elliot, and i love this show. got me Adam. I do secretly love Lost. I pray every night for Hurley to take me away in his huge, loving arms.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:31 pm
by His Manjesty
storkus wrote:I don't have HBO, so I can't keep up as much as I'd like, but The Wire for the win.
ding! ding! ding!

this man is correct.

@, calling the wire a crime drama doesn't really do it justice. the scope of the shows subject matter increases season by season, and in turn, the show gets better each season as well. let me know what you think after you've made to season 3 or 4.

oh, and 1 more thing. that hurley character is such a sick piece of shit that i can't hardly stand to look at him for an entire episode.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:01 am
by teedotjaydot
His Manjesty wrote:
storkus wrote:I don't have HBO, so I can't keep up as much as I'd like, but The Wire for the win.
ding! ding! ding!

this man is correct.

@, calling the wire a crime drama doesn't really do it justice. the scope of the shows subject matter increases season by season, and in turn, the show gets better each season as well. let me know what you think after you've made to season 3 or 4.
that's what i keep telling him.
His Manjesty wrote:oh, and 1 more thing. that hurley character is such a sick piece of shit that i can't hardly stand to look at him for an entire episode.
thass a huuuge bitch....


Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:43 am
by elliot
Dave, your new signature has completely blown my mind.

The Great Khali really is terrifying, though. He accidentally killed a guy in the ring a few years ago. Dude doesn't fuck around.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:04 pm
by @nonymous
his manjesty wrote:@, calling the wire a crime drama doesn't really do it justice. the scope of the shows subject matter increases season by season, and in turn, the show gets better each season as well. let me know what you think after you've made to season 3 or 4.
yeah, i've only seen season 1.
oh, and 1 more thing. that hurley character is such a sick piece of shit that i can't hardly stand to look at him for an entire episode.
that's mean dude. hurley is awesome.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:24 pm
by joseph
@nonymous wrote:that's mean dude. hurley is awesome.
why? he does nothing but almost cry. he feel sorry and sad all the time. if he was skinny everybody would call him emoboy and youd hate him. although i hope he didnt recommit himself. i hope hes in there for murder.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:49 pm
by @nonymous
why? he does nothing but almost cry. he feel sorry and sad all the time. if he was skinny everybody would call him emoboy and youd hate him. although i hope he didnt recommit himself. i hope hes in there for murder.
i have no idea what you're talking about.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:08 pm
by joseph
@nonymous wrote:
why? he does nothing but almost cry. he feel sorry and sad all the time. if he was skinny everybody would call him emoboy and youd hate him. although i hope he didnt recommit himself. i hope hes in there for murder.
i have no idea what you're talking about.
that hurley is a whiny bitch.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:30 pm
by moltar
joseph wrote:he does nothing but almost cry. he feel sorry and sad all the time.
This sounds like Jack. At least he's evil now and someone can shoot him.

Don't forget that Hurley is constantly screwing up. He's a Scooby Doo character. All he does is screw up but then the show has him save the day. The only good thing about Hurley is that the writers like to make his episodes mindfucks.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:56 pm
by joseph
moltar wrote:
joseph wrote:he does nothing but almost cry. he feel sorry and sad all the time.
This sounds like Jack. At least he's evil now and someone can shoot him.
you win.
moltar wrote:Don't forget that Hurley is constantly screwing up. He's a Scooby Doo character. All he does is screw up but then the show has him save the day. The only good thing about Hurley is that the writers like to make his episodes mindfucks.
definitely. and that fact that hes nuts probly adds to his mindfuckedness.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:26 pm
by His Manjesty
elliot wrote:Dave, your new signature has completely blown my mind.

The Great Khali really is terrifying, though. He accidentally killed a guy in the ring a few years ago. Dude doesn't fuck around.
hahaha yeah. that has to be one of the best recorded reactions i've ever seen.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:36 pm
by joseph
so is jack turning into charlie form party of five?

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:03 pm
by @nonymous
moltar wrote:Don't forget that Hurley is constantly screwing up. He's a Scooby Doo character. All he does is screw up but then the show has him save the day. The only good thing about Hurley is that the writers like to make his episodes mindfucks.
hurley doesn't constantly screw up, not sure what you're talking about. hurley is a solid character and provides a great balance(and humor) to the rest of the characters.
moltar wrote:This sounds like Jack. At least he's evil now and someone can shoot him.
jack's evil? are we watching the same show?

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:08 pm
by inx515xhell

end of thread.

p.s. the library in longmont has three seasons on dvd. i've been all over that.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:22 pm
by @nonymous
the valenzetti equation.

Re: Lost

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:39 pm
by moltar
Didn't you see Jack's sorry excuse of a prop beard in the first fast forward? Now that's gone and he's part of team freighter. It's time someone sent him on a trip to visit his dad.

Re: Lost

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:59 am
by @nonymous
moltar wrote:Didn't you see Jack's sorry excuse of a prop beard in the first fast forward? Now that's gone and he's part of team freighter. It's time someone sent him on a trip to visit his dad.
he's upset and is fucked up on pills and booze because he wants to get back for an unknown reason, and that makes him evil? doesn't make much sense.

also, he's not part of team freighter. . .not sure what you're talking about.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:13 pm
by joseph
so, no interest from the finale?

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:18 pm
by @nonymous
pretty good finale. season 5 should be interesting. the format will change and wont rely on flash forwards and flashbacks. walt's tall.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:20 pm
by Joey Chaos
I only like watching it when I can watch a whole season at once, so when it's out on dvd, I'll have some input.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:20 pm
by joseph
what about the coffin size?
i think its presented different from the 3 finale

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:21 pm
by @nonymous
joseph wrote:what about the coffin size?
i think its presented different from the 3 finale
the coffin is the coffin. whether or not its a different size in the season 3 finale, i don't know but can assure you it has no significance. LOST is well known for having errors like that, some intentional, some not.

because of the writers' strike they will now have to use part of season five to do the freighter people's back stories, which kinda sucks. the Rousseau flashback will be awesome.

oh and the frozen donkey wheel(the hint that the producers gave weeks before the finale) turned out to just be a frozen donkey wheel--i liked that.

Re: Lost

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:30 pm
by joseph
the wheel and the desert and the future and ben and the moving of the island..... im not that impressed with any of the season finales.
i dont understand why tv has seasons. shows are much better as marathons