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aeon grey
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Re: Biden.

Post by aeon grey » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:14 am

I am also a little more excited about Biden than the rest of the pack. Hopefully Hillary fades to the background.

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Re: Biden.

Post by joseph » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:43 am

storkus wrote:He is the most qualified individual in the country on foreign policy, and I have more respect for him than any other living politician.
you are insane. the "most qualified individual in the country"? respect? for biden? he has a combover. hes... insane.

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Re: Biden.

Post by Furious D » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:11 pm

joseph wrote:
storkus wrote:He is the most qualified individual in the country on foreign policy, and I have more respect for him than any other living politician.
you are insane. the "most qualified individual in the country"? respect? for biden? he has a combover. hes... insane.
You've raised some valid points here. Just kidding.
....just kidding.

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Re: Biden.

Post by Varg » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:11 pm

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Re: Biden.

Post by JoePreppy » Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:40 pm

I was going to bump the thread that I posted during the early days of the primaries, where I declared my support for Biden
something like "in it for Biden even though he has no chance" I remember :wink:

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Re: Biden.

Post by El Rhino » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:46 am

I don't see Obama as being a candidate of any real substance, so I'm glad to see Biden on the bill and generally agree with his diplomatic qualifications. Like I said in that other thread, I'd rather have the Western world on our side and on the same page then always hatin'.

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Re: Biden.

Post by El Rhino » Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:27 am

storkus wrote:
Go watch Obama's speech from tonight. According to the analysis I heard, he laid out 29 different policy pledges. His stances are pretty clear on most of the issues that concern me, which is a list that probably contains your issues as well, albeit with you on the opposite side most of the time.

I honestly feel that in his VP pick, his handling of this convention, and the content presented tonight, that the "lack of substance" criticism is dead, and most everyone who watched him tonight agrees. Pat Buchanan had to be cut off for lack of time because he was running so long praising him. That should say it all.

The sad part is, the republican party is so out of touch, not to mention stranded without a platform, that all we're going to see for the next week is the same tired, debunked case against Obama. They and all the represent are now truly and officially antiquated.

Everyone pretty much wants the same thing, it's just how we get there that people disagree about.

If Pat Buchanan has good things to say about Obama, I'll listen. That guy is by far my favorite contemporary political figure. I haven't been keeping up on it lately, but I imagine a lot of that stems from the fact he has no love for McCain, as many Republicans that really take a stand against illegal immigration don't. Link, please.

The issues that the Republican party generally stands for aren't out of touch, it's just that the party is out of touch with itself. I haven't talked to many Republicans who are happy with the direction the party's brass are taking it. I'm registered as a Republican, but I consider myself an independent now. I'm still conservative and on the right of most issues (except environmental and labor related ones), but I don't want much to do with the whole neo-con thing. Hopefully we can write this one off and come up with someone with some balls, a brain and a bit of charisma and try again.

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Re: Biden.

Post by aeon grey » Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:36 am

storkus wrote:McCain's combover is actually probably worse than Biden's, for the record.
Biden's is more of a comb "back".. than a comb "over"

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Re: Biden.

Post by Hank Fist » Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:56 am

yeah, biden has a pretty nice head of hair. McCain has a true combover. I'd like to see what happens on a windy day.

So i watched most of the speech. It was nice to watch a candidates speech that wasn't totally monotone (kerry) or one in which the simplest words weren't fumbled around and the most obvious points weren't given a smug "im really on to something here" smile.
I don't get the hoo ha about stage. It didn't look like a greek temple. It looked like any number of buildings in DC.

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Re: Biden.

Post by robdigi » Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:53 am

Getting the PUMA vote isn't going to chip away at Obama much when they were republicans in the first place. Whoops!
All that's missin' is the retired band teacher with the self-inflicted gunshot wound!

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Re: Biden.

Post by Hank Fist » Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:12 am



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Re: Biden.

Post by Cosmo » Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:28 pm


If she comes out to Van Halen's, Hot For Teacher, it may be over for Obama.

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