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Underground Archives

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:45 pm
by DaVo
I had to pull the site because there was a number of problems with the database and a couple of Drupal modules. In fact it got so bad I got kicked off my host provider because it was calling up 100 tables and creating a new table every time someone loaded a page. Still not sure which module was causing it.

However I'm working on a new build and it is in alpha until I can manually transfer all the listings to the new site. Which will take a while.

Biggest difference is the Freelinking module will not work with the site anymore. So links to other content will have to be done using the text editor link button. However, I've added some new features like facebook log-in and the new media module.

For a preview go to the temp url - and let me know what you think.

Re: Underground Archives

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:32 pm
by kurtis
why not just make a more basic site instead of trying to make it advanced and getting all the info up before going more advanced?

Re: Underground Archives

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:33 pm
by kurtis
I guess what im saying is to just wordpress that shit or something similar.

I would think the content is more important than being able to log in through my facebook.

its like when they re-did this site. was pretty basic imap/frames/text. everything was just submitted through email and Morty would update it. tried going the route of being anyone being able to submit shit and worked for a short time but now is so fucked the site is worthless.

obviously internet 2003 and 2011 are differently and its easier to find a template that allows for user based submission type stuff.

Re: Underground Archives

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:03 pm
by DaVo
kurtis wrote:I guess what im saying is to just wordpress that shit or something similar.

I would think the content is more important than being able to log in through my facebook.

its like when they re-did this site. was pretty basic imap/frames/text. everything was just submitted through email and Morty would update it. tried going the route of being anyone being able to submit shit and worked for a short time but now is so fucked the site is worthless.

obviously internet 2003 and 2011 are differently and its easier to find a template that allows for user based submission type stuff.
The reason I added the FB login is because I thought about all the site that I wouldn't post if I had to fill out another membership form. The membership has always been open and produced tons of spambots. FB will produce less of them.

I tried wiki for a while and getting your average person to learn just basic code just doesn't happen. I spent most of my time reconstructing the content and codes.

When the site start after it was suggested on the old Iowa Hardcore Forum, it was first me entering what I remembered. After that I began getting e-mails from people and then cutting and pasting info into the html pages. Next was a forum for submission which took a dump one day losing months of posts. When I switched to CMS the main draw was the speed of the posts and less work for me.

I like submission forms because it reminds people of what information would be interesting. A kind of nudge of what to write. Also it makes content structure and navigation easier to control and uniforms the what content is on the pages and how it looks. The lost of wiki-style linking may cause so problems but it shifts the focus back to the toolbar and lets the editor do the work. My goal is to make submitting and editing so easy that the average person can do it without learning anything new. Right now it's pretty close with the exception of link to other content.

The site will be evolving till the end of time. Thanks for the input.

Re: Underground Archives

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:40 pm
by DaVo
New URL but still have a lot to transfer out of the old archives. Seems that I didn't get the information to the new host and the old one expired. Now some domain farm wants $2500.00 for and will still redirect to the site.