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The Mighty Accelerator TONIGHT @ the mews 5pm friday the 13t

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:40 pm
by kurtis
featuring Andy Koettel

rock stuff influenced by NWOBHM, ZZ Top, BTO.

description from Andy himself
The original concept was to play bar rock in bars to drunken people and make fun of them to their faces by playing stupid songs like "Werewolves and Fast Cars", "Lesbian Date Rape", etc. Like, they'd be into it - cheering along with us and then saying "Wait a minnit, did he just say werewolves and fast cars?".Not a very good premise to start a band, I know. BUT!!!!!!!!! The music is 100% legit and I'm very serious about it. We've played two shows so far and both were really well received. People seem to dig it. You can hear two of our rehearsal songs on our Reverbnation page...

wish I had a better heads up but he just emailed me about half hour ago.

check it out if you got the night off and/or bored