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FRI - Shock Value, Cruciform, FU/FD - Iowa CITY PSONE

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:06 am
by Joe

Shock Value // Milwaukee // Powerviolence

Cruciform // Iowa City // Hardcore

Turshia // Muscatine // Noise / Hardcore

Face Up Fetish Face Down Hate Crime // Corridor // Powerviolence

I'm drumming for Face Up/Face Down for their tour and that is obviously not me drumming on their recordings on their myspace because I kick ass and those drums do not.


Re: FRI - Shock Value, Cruciform, FU/FD - Iowa CITY PSONE

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:02 am
by zach walther
guess who read "pizone" while reading this thread...

this guy!

Re: FRI - Shock Value, Cruciform, FU/FD - Iowa CITY PSONE

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:42 pm
by Joe
Yo, had a show fall through on the 24th, so if you guys got a basement we can play in in Des Moines or Ames on this day, that would rule. We're punk. You can mosh hard to it. It'll be fun.


Re: FRI - Shock Value, Cruciform, FU/FD - Iowa CITY PSONE

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:40 pm
by kylervk
do it in des moines

but hey man, check out your flier for this


...dead stuff

and whats up with that name, sounds kinky

Re: FRI - Shock Value, Cruciform, FU/FD - Iowa CITY PSONE

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:50 pm
by Joe
I didn't make the flier, didn't name the band, not in the band, just drumming for their tour.

ya'll gonna hook it up or what? I just wanna chill with friends.
This will also be the only time you will ever see Joe Milik do beatdown drums for like 10 seconds.
