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My blog if you're into 90s hardcore/metalcore

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:18 pm
by Path To Misery
And a handful of bands of today who are decent. I rip everything at 320 kbps (top quality) and try to be thorough with my posts. Also try to include something to read as opposed to "NEW ALBUM LEAK" like most blogs. I take requests too, so if you're ever looking for anything that might be up my alley ... let me know.

About to do an Unruh discography here in a few days.

Re: My blog if you're into 90s hardcore/metalcore

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:19 pm
by Path To Misery
I also do one specific to Pittsburgh ... I just did a discography for a local band called Kamikabe. Newer stuff is tech metal but their older stuff (demo and first EP) sounds like endthisday, Nehemiah ... but with more screamo influence. Check it out if you're interested.