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10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Chariot

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:03 am
by awelldressedman
Thursday October 7th
Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines
Doors at 4pm, Show starts at 4:30
14 dollars at the door
12 dollars in advance

I Wrestled A Bear Once
Sky Eats Airplane
The Chariot
Chelsea Grin
A Well Dressed Man

All ages show. Hope to see you there!

If by any chance you are interested in purchasing some pre-sale tickets, please email me at thank you!

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:18 pm
by kurtis
nnoooo thanks

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:21 pm
by servo
how is a band on epitaph billed so shittily on this under like 4 other just as shitty but not on fucking epitaph bands?

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:27 pm
by joseph

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:28 am
by tylerjames515
Fuck you for bringing this shit to Des Moines. I hope your van blows up with all of you in it, including all of those crappy bands.

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:57 am
by kylervk
what the fuck happened to the chariot that put them on this shitty tour?

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:41 pm
by inx515xhell
suck bands suck.

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:32 pm
by jonnyROCKET
kylervk wrote:what the fuck happened to the chariot that put them on this shitty tour?
for real. is it worth 12 bucks to see them at the VM but intentionally miss the other bands?

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:20 am
by servo

the dude (David) was really into heavy music. He started off being into the same metal every teenage kid is into (metallica, megadeath etc) but branched out into stuff like Botch or Deadguy. Of course, most of these bands were long broken up before we had heard of them, but for some reason the dude really wanted to see The Chariot. During the same summer I was living with my parents ('05), he found out that they were going to be playing in my college town so he really wanted to go. Finally after telling me that he'd pay for gas, my ticket and dinner, I agreed to go to the show with him. I thought it'd be bad, but I wanted to see David around a bunch of scenesters.

So David and my future roommate Andrew got in my car and drove the two hours to get to the show. We met up with some friends who didn't move back for the summer who also wanted to see the hilarity of David interacting with scene kids. Obviously the dude was legendary in my group of friends so they figured something would happen. We got to the venue way too early. The venue was this Christian coffee house/venue so we didn't feel like hanging around inside. Luckily there was a chinese place next door so we went to get some bad Chinese and sit in some air conditioning since it was July and fucking hot out.

We were there for an hour or so, came out side and the line to get in had started. We already had tickets so we didn't care and decided to hang out in the parking lot by my friend's car. He brought some booze and people were passing it around. I was edge at the time so I didn't take any. This is relevant for the next part of the story. As the line stretched out into the parking lot, a lot of people who already had tickets were just hanging out around the cars because the lot was in the shade.

After people had passed the bottle around a few times, David went back to my car to get his backpack and motioned for ust o get in our friend's car. He came back, pulled out a towel and wiped the dash off before pulling out a small bag of coke. Andrew and I stood there in awe as he made a few lines and offered us some. We got out, some of our friends got in, they did some coke. We watched.

I wondered if I needed to reevaluate the life decisions that led me to watching my friends do blow outside a Chariot show.

They finished up and had a little left so they decided they wanted find some girls. David and the other two dudes spent the rest of the time outside wandering around asking generic Christian scene girls if they wanted to do blow and then laughing at their reactions.

We went inside. The venue sucked. The sound was terrible (or maybe that was the bands?) and they had all these rules: no drinking/smoking obviously, no swearing. The Chariot start playing. They were pretty terrible. During the time between a couple of their songs, David yelled out "YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK". Two rather large security guards grab him and force him to the exit. I follow since I was his ride and I really didn't want him going to jail or anything.

I went outside and asked one of the security guys if he could just let my friend off with a warning because I didn't want to leave Andrew inside (he liked the Chariot a lot). The whole time I'm trying to convince this guy, David is glaring at the other security guard. They're in each other's faces but they're not saying anything. David was a pretty big dude, he lifted weights and shit, but the two security guards were bigger than him.

I somehow convince the security guy i'm talking to let us back in after David calms down. I basically told the guy " i know this show is fucking terrible and you'd love to be anywhere else and i'll make sure my friend doesn't do anything stupid. if he does, you can kick us both out and it'll be fine." We shake hands on it.

Right as I look over to David to see if he heard the agreement, David grabs the guard he was glaring at and fucking head butts him. Dude falls down and David jumps on him and starts throwing punches at the dude's face. Dude was out cold. The other guard pulls David off and throws him to the side. I look over and blood is running all over David's face from when he headbutted the dude. He goes over and starts fighting with the other guard.

I don't know what to do, so I go inside to find Andrew to tell him we need to go because I'm not about to sit and talk to the police about while my friend attacked two dudes while on coke. I peaked out the door to see the one guard still knocked out while the other guy trying on his phone calling the cops. Cops show up, i have no idea where he is. They ask me some questions, tell me to go find him and to call them when we do.

I called his phone and he never answered. He later texted me to say he'd get home somehow so we left town.

Re: 10-7-10 Vaudeville mews, I Wrestled A Bear Once-The Char

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:28 am
by sams
tylerjames515 wrote:Fuck you for bringing this shit to Des Moines. I hope your van blows up with all of you in it, including all of those crappy bands.
oh yeah?