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¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:45 am
by El Rhino
Anyone been following the World Cup? I know most of you fagz don't like sports, even one as non-threatening as soccer.

The US team is looking pretty good. Ghana will be a tough team to beat and Uruguay (who will beat South Korea) will be even tougher. No matter what happens, their performance has been much better than the 2006 cup.

I'm a fan of France as a country and culture, but I'm glad to see their team get humiliated the way they did during group play. What a fucking joke. I developed a soft spot for North Korea during their match with Brazil - they played good fundamental and sportsmanlike soccer without the theatrics you see from pretty much all the other teams. I felt bad for them during that Portugal match.

Uruguay, my second choice behind USA, has been fuckin' solid. Argentina, my third choice, has been entertaining and I can't help but to like seeing Maradona as the coach. They had an easy bracket for group play and they're going to have to turn up their game a notch to beat Mexico (who don't have their best team ever on the field, but are still formidable).

My predictions: Uruguay vs. Brazil and Argentina vs. Spain in the semifinals.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:56 am
by tylerjames515
Currently watching Italy vs Slovakia... Italy is my number one behind the US but I think we're going to get shut down considering how this game (and past ones) is going.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:06 am
by joseph
yes. isnt blocked at work. my coworkers arent happy with me.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:10 am
by servo
sucks the north korean team is gonna have to spend a few years in re-education camps when they get home

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:53 pm
by El Rhino
servo wrote:sucks the north korean team is gonna have to spend a few years in re-education camps when they get home

True. KJI will probably cank their annual dog allotment over the Portugal match.

There are certainly some shithole countries in the World Cup, but more or less all of the players live in luxury. Not true for North Korea. The majority of the team had never seen a cellphone before the World Cup and probably have family members that are lucky to get meat once or twice a year and even luckier if they own a bicycle. There's something charming about a team where all the members will probably end up working in some shitty tractor factory in a few years playing against teams that will celebrate with coke and supermodels after the match.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:04 pm
by Beaver
El Rhino wrote:
There are certainly some shithole countries in the World Cup, but more or less all of the players live in luxury. Not true for North Korea.
"In communist North Korea, car drives you!"

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:25 pm
by KY Jelly Belly

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:11 pm
by El Rhino
Ok, so the US blew it with Ghana. They can't blame it on anything except simply being out-played. Ghana doesn't have the skill level or finesse of the better teams, but they've got a ton of heart and stamina. Definitely a team I respect.

Uruguay vs. Ghana. Ghana's style of play can work against a half-cocked US team, but Uruguay is one of the most calculated, cohesive and aggressive teams I've seen so far. Their defense is on point and so is their offense. It should be an interesting match, but I foresee Uruguay shutting them down.

Argentina vs. Germany. This will be a good one. Watching Argentina is one of the most amazing soccer watching experiences one can have. Germany, of course, is a solid team and very capable. So far Argentina has had it easy with the teams they've been up against and I don't think they've been firing with all cylinders. They'll have to up their game against Germany. This one will be close, but I'd like to see Argentina win it.

Netherlands vs. Brazil. Should be another good one. I don't think Brazil has performed quite up to their potential in this cup but a half-assed Brazil is still good enough. Brazil will win, 2-1. I hope I'm wrong though as I kind of like Dutch soccer.

Spain vs. Portugal. About to go watch it now. This one should be tough. Spain is favored, but Portugal is nothing to scoff at. It's hard to say on this one.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:05 pm
by Varg
Soccer is fucking gay.

Though not nearly as gay as all the fucking people here making a big god damn deal about it now.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:30 pm
by tylerjames515
I bet any soccer player would beat the shit out of you.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:39 pm
by Big Fat Retard
I didn't realize people actually watched soccer. It has to be the most boring sport on the planet.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:03 am
by Shane
No, that would be baseball. Soccer is way better than baseball.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:10 am
by Varg
tylerjames515 wrote:I bet any soccer player would beat the shit out of you.

You're kidding right? This is soccer we're talking about? These are the guys that get tripped and lay on the ground for 10 minutes crying and you're going to put your money on them? Cool story, bro.

Shane wrote:No, that would be baseball. Soccer is way better than baseball.

This. Daniel Tosh did a great piece about baseball on that episode with the philly foul ball redemption.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:00 am
by aeon grey
I've been watching the games on my phone at work. I find a lot of humor in people who say the game is boring, you are obviously not watching it, and if you are, you certainly have no idea of what is going on.

I am rooting for Brazil, but I like the idea of the young German team putting it to Argentina. I think Argentina is one of the only teams that matches up with Germany's speed though.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:03 am
by Bullet Tooth
Varg wrote:
tylerjames515 wrote:I bet any soccer player would beat the shit out of you.

You're kidding right? This is soccer we're talking about? These are the guys that get tripped and lay on the ground for 10 minutes crying and you're going to put your money on them? Cool story, bro.
just to clarify, most of that is theatrics to get an advantage. you can see a lot of them get up quickly and run on as soon as they get their way. also, these people dont have pads so if they actually do get hit with a cleat or a flying elbow, it actually hurts.

and im going to agree with aeon on the "I find a lot of humor in people who say the game is boring, you are obviously not watching it, and if you are, you certainly have no idea of what is going on" comment he made.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:28 pm
by joseph
Larissa Riquelme?

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:22 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Shane wrote:No, that would be baseball. Soccer is way better than baseball.
Soccer, baseball, basketball, and hockey (unless there are lots of fights) are all pretty boring sports to watch. I literally couldn't make it through a whole game without falling asleep. I find curling to be more interesting. The only sport that matters in my world is College and pro football.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:39 pm
by tylerjames515
Big Fat Retard wrote:
Shane wrote:No, that would be baseball. Soccer is way better than baseball.
Soccer, baseball, basketball, and hockey (unless there are lots of fights) are all pretty boring sports to watch. I literally couldn't make it through a whole game without falling asleep. I find curling to be more interesting. The only sport that matters in my world is College and pro football.
I like pro football but come the fuck on, it can get just as boring as watching any soccer or hockey game. Baseball on the other hand is the worlds most boring sport to watch.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:11 am
by Shane
Baseball fans, in general, confuse the hell out of me.

College basketball is probably my favorite sport to watch when Grand Slam tennis isn't happening.

Re: ¡Copa Mundial!

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:00 am
by noel_nothing