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who did this!?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:17 pm
Someone came and shot and poisned my neighbors dogs Lilly and Deveto last night they are Doberman Pinscher they just died about 10am this morning.I'm posting this to see if anyone knows who may have done this or has heard anything about it.Please let me know ..We think the person who done this may go to East High School.We live on Dean ave around the 2600 block..(515)491-6493...Thanks

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:23 pm
by joseph
matt- where did you cut and paste that from?

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:07 pm
it was posted on craigs list this morning. I check pets everyday looking to rescue a doby dogy. when I saw this post it really pissed me off to the point I wanted to put the word out in the underground scene.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:56 pm
by Joey Chaos
I'm fixin to shoot my neighbors dog. No lie. The motherfucker is always messing up my deer hunting and trying to eat my yard ducks. The owner don't do anything about it, and the sheriff said shoot it. I wonder how much Joe Graham will give me for the loins off of it?

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:05 pm
want me to go to the owners house with you? we can take turns slapping the shit out of him. that's what I'd do first.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:04 pm
by servo
sorry i shot and poisoned those dogs
i was fucking drunk and high
seemed like a good idea at the time

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:53 am
Awesome! next time I see you I'll punch you in the face. weird how one day your friends with someone, then the next day you have to punch them for what they did/said. haha, really what do you expect? see ya around

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:22 am
by servo
he knows im kidding, right?

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:29 am
don't ask people if I'm kidding, you know who I am. and we've hung out enough for you to know the way I am

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:36 am
by servo
i didnt ask if you were kidding i said i was kidding. i'm sure i would get more than punched had i actually shot and poisoned these dogs.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:45 am
look if you think it's funny so what. everyones entitled to think and say what they want.

if we were in a room hanging out and I said what I posted here to a room full of people and you turned to me and said "I did It!" you better fucking beleave I would hit you in the face without hesitation or any form of remorse.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:59 am
by Varg
MATT MUTT wrote:look if you think it's funny so what. everyones entitled to think and say what they want.

if we were in a room hanging out and I said what I posted here to a room full of people and you turned to me and said "I did It!" you better fucking beleave I would hit you in the face without hesitation or any form of remorse.
lol, what a dumb fuck. How could you not realize servo was joking? Although in poor taste, it was very obvious. That on top of the fact that you think anybody here would know anything also leads me to believe you are retarded.

Pretty easy to narrow down the suspects- whoever it was, had beef with your neighbor/your neighbors dog. Which leaves two possibilities: It was another neighbor who was annoyed by the dog (probably due to barking) OR it was somebody who really fucking hated your neighbor for some reason- and your neighbor would probably know who it is.
People typically don't go around poisoning random dogs.
Now that I've broken the case wide open, find out who it was, and cut their balls off.

...and brush up on your satire.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:08 am
by tylerjames515
Varg...shut up. Servo, that wasn't funny...making fun of someone's animals being killed is hilarious...not. Sometimes I wonder why you even say some of the stupid shit you do.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:07 pm
I just made the post to relay a message to a wider range of people. you wanna crack jokes and call me retarded go ahead.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:18 pm
by El Rhino
Smart money says it was Mexicans.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:30 pm
by noel_nothing
i'm thinking varg has a point. whoever did this was agnry about the dogs barking, behavior, etc. or had it out for their owners. i dont think any schmuck off the street would do this to dogs they just happened to see in someones yard, but then again there are some fucking nutcases out there.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:47 pm
by Big Fat Retard
If someone did some shit like that to my dog, there's a good chance I'd go ballistic, hunt the fucker down who did it and then stab them in both eyeballs and shatter their kneecaps with a baseball bat.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:11 am
by TooManyHumyns
i like your style...

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:17 pm
by noel_nothing
me too :mrgreen:

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:41 pm
by maxxwell
Man i don't want to think about that, that is messed up. Hope whoever did this gets "delt with"

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:36 am
by Dr. Rude
MATT MUTT wrote:Awesome! next time I see you I'll punch you in the face. weird how one day your friends with someone, then the next day you have to punch them for what they did/said. haha, really what do you expect? see ya around
Wow...Funny you said that.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:07 am
by moltar
maxxwell wrote:Man i don't want to think about that, that is messed up. Hope whoever did this gets "delt with"
Yeah, these dudes need to get rolled.. Reeferseed style.

Re: who did this!?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:26 am
by Beaver
eh, I'm more of a cat person. Though, I never have owned a pet my entire life so it's all road kill to me.