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Good ol tasty des moines pond scum!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:01 pm
by buck rotten
DES MOINES, Iowa -- A potentially toxic algae has forced the city of Des Moines to change the source they use for the metro's drinking water.

The city has switched from the Raccoon River, which has record levels of the algae, to the Des Moines River to keep drinking water free of poor tastes, bad smells and health risks.

In some cases, the algae, known as cyanobacteria, can release a toxin that can sicken or even kill animals and humans.

Randy Beavers, of the Des Moines Water Works, said switching rivers is a safety precaution. However, algae blooms are also more prevalent in the Des Moines River than in the past.

Lisa Fascher with the Department of Natural Resources said the high amount of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous from farms, human and animal waste, or detergents are causing the highest levels of cyanobacteria in decades.

"I think there's reason for concern. We want to decrease the nutrients in our rivers and lakes," said Fascher.

Waterworks testing on Monday showed 60,000 cyanobacteria cells per milliliter in the Raccoon River and 20,000 in the Des Moines River. 100,000 is considered a health threat from toxins that cause skin rashes, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or death.

Experts said conditions are ideal at this time for cyanobacteria to grow because of the high nutrient levels and low water flow in the rivers. They are hopeful that cooler temperatures and heavy rain will help correct the problem.

Water experts wondered if last year's floods helped trigger the increase. But another year of high numbers has raised more question about the causes and solutions.

Re: Good ol tasty des moines pond scum!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:35 pm
by joseph
buck rotten wrote: Randy Beavers
surely, you jest

Re: Good ol tasty des moines pond scum!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:23 pm
by Hank Fist