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thrash metal @ the mews TONIGHT! Sunday the 9th

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:33 pm


Dark Mirror

9th Gate

Sun, August 09, 9:30 pm - Showtime: 10:00 pm - 21+ - $5

power metal/thrash/heavy metal show

Rattlehead, the brainchild of front man Nick Baranov, was started in the summer of 2003, when he got together with some local musicians, by the names of Philip Litvin, Stan Vasilyev, and Simon Tijiboy. As the band progressed and pushed forth, none of the other members showcased a hunger, a drive, big enough to make it in today's competitive music business. Thus, several lineup changes took effect, with each member change strengthening the band even more. 2008 shows a prominent future for the band, featuring Nick Baranov on vocals and rhythm guitars, Francis Ausley on lead guitars, Shadow on bass guitar and backing vocals, and AJ Stixxx on drums and percussion.
Dark Mirror
9th Gate

Re: thrash metal @ the mews TONIGHT! Sunday the 9th

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:36 pm
by servo
Rattlehead 、フロントマンのニックバラノフの考案、 2003年の夏、彼が地元のミュージシャンと一緒になったのは、フィリップリトビン、スタンVasilyev 、サイモンTijiboyの名前で開始されました。としては、バンドが進んでたり来たり、他のメンバーは、いずれもプッシュ飢餓、ドライブは、今日の競争力を十分にすること音楽業界の大きな展示。このように、いくつかのラインアップを変更すると、各メンバーを変更するとさらに効果は、バンドを強化した。 2008年、ドラム、パーカッションのリズムにボーカルとギター、ベースギター、バックボーカルAusleyフランシスにリードギター、シャドウ、ニックとAJバラノフStixxxに目立つ特徴は、バンドの将来を示しています。

Re: thrash metal @ the mews TONIGHT! Sunday the 9th

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:46 pm
by Rooster
fucking 21+ shows

Re: thrash metal @ the mews TONIGHT! Sunday the 9th

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:38 am
by joseph
Rooster wrote:fucking 21+ shows
youll grow up

Re: thrash metal @ the mews TONIGHT! Sunday the 9th

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:07 am
by buck rotten
i went to this. there war nobody there.