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Geert Wilders

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:58 pm
by elliot
Ryan, I just read about this guy and I'm curious as to what you think of him. He sounds like a nutjob to me, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Re: Geert Wilders

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:44 pm
by inx515xhell
i only watched part of fitna, boring and predictable in my opinion. i think dude is dead on pegging islam as a violent, extremist religion. dude is just a fool for thinking christianity and judaism are his allies.
and what grown man has blond hair?

Re: Geert Wilders

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:36 am
by El Rhino
Kyler asked me this a few weeks ago in a thread that had nothing to do with that sort of thing. If you don't mind, I'll cut and paste my response:

Basically his stance against immigration and the fact he's involved in a legal battle for the right to say the things he says. The Netherlands is looking to have a Muslim majority very soon due to high immigration, low native birthrates and high immigrant birthrates. I'm sure you noticed this while you were there... Right now the Dutch government is getting ready to prosecute him for "inciting racial hatred" or something to that effect for his film Fitna and some of the comments he's made about Islam. I find this troubling, especially coming from a country that has always prided itself on it's tolerance and free exchange of ideas - if you speak out against the Muslims, you could go to jail (or killed in the case of Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh).

Some of the things he's said are a little on the knee-jerk side, but I definitely agree that the massive Muslim influx into Europe is a bad thing. Based on current immigration and birthrate predictions, the Netherlands and Belgium will have a Muslim majority within the next 10-20 years. In our lifetime we will see France, UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and possibly Russia with a Muslim majority. Europe (and the world) will not be the same once this happens.

Personally, I like Western culture and would like to see it preserved, even if we have to hurt feelings in the process. I support Wilders (and others in Europe with similar views like the British National Party, Haider in Austria, etc) and their right to have open, honest dialogues about these things. After all, if they're wrong and so unpopular what are their governments afraid of?

Wilders & his dudes in the Freedom Party ended up doing really well in the European Parliament elections, as did the British National Party and other similar parties in Bulgaria, Austria, Vlaams Block in Belgium and maybe a few others. With Nick Griffin (BNP) in there, things could get interesting. Wilders is still facing legal action for some things he said about the Muslims.

But yeah, the guy is a little knee-jerk and reactionary. He's a little too pro-Isreal for my tastes, but no one is perfect. I never saw Fitna but it does look predictable and boring. I do respect it as a bold and important project though.