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This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:00 pm
by Furious D
Just found out that shit has not one, but TWO all-beef patties. Also, rumor has it that there is some traces of milk in the special sauce. I'm crushed to hear this news.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:07 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Two whole beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:32 pm
by vegan ss
Ah fuck it! I give up.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:53 pm
by servo

its okeday yousa can eat dis delicious vegan dish instead ta that terribulbig mac

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:41 pm
by Big Fat Retard

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:01 pm
by tylerjames515

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:32 am
by kristy
uh... oh...... :shock: i should have checked before i got that vegan tattoo... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:47 am
by vegan ss

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:11 am
by servo
how old is that guy ya think?

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:28 am
by vegan ss
Actually I talk to him online. Hes from monterrey,mx. Hes pretty cool I bought some nice vegan shoes from him cheap.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:58 pm
by servo
right on. thats a really really well done and sweet tattoo.
if i see something like that on someone whos like 18-21 or so im like ehhhhh but if you see something like that on someone whos in their mid to late twenties and older it seems a lot more legit

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:11 pm
by inx515xhell
yeah i really like it too. vegan sxe rain or shine.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:55 pm
by Furious D
More like rain or swine.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:51 pm
by vegan ss
I was talking to him about the swine flu, he says our media is blowing it way out proportion. He says he doesn't wear a mask and no he knows does either. He sees maybe one or two people a day who do.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:12 pm
by Furious D
Not surprised. Good ol' scare tactic to keep everyone in line.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:28 pm
by Bullet Tooth
Furious D wrote:Not surprised. Good ol' scare tactic to keep everyone in line.
the press is trying to keep everyone in line?

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:38 pm
by vegan ss
What he said:
xWendelx wrote:I received this on the mail today, explaining a little bit of what happened here, I would have translated it all myself, but i'm on a hurry as usual, so this is what Google put:

On April 2 during the meeting of the G7 comprises the U.S., R. Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Italy and Japan were 2 main findings.
1 - The world economy needed a change
2 - IMF. Recipient 500,000 million dollars to help the emerging economies, (poor countries are willing to work) as well the dice in the air.
3 - Then came the private meeting of President Felipe Calderón and Obama 16 and April 17.
Surprisingly on Thursday April 23 the president of Mexico convened an emergency meeting with his cabinet, and at night the Secretary of Health Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos on national chain announced the emergence of influenza virus, and immediate measures such as suspension of classes at all levels in the City and the state of Mexico.
On April 24 the G7 says the global economy should be in place this year and to launch the necessary actions.
Finally Monday April 27, pharmaceutical company Sanofi Aventis announced that inject 100 million euros on a new vaccine and 236,000 doses donated to Mexico to support disease control.
From the above we see that:
1. For over 2 years the pharmaceutical industry worldwide had financial problems for the decline in sales.
2. If you do not believe war creates diseases (the global economy should be in place)
3. Mexico a perfect launch pad for the disease, tourists come here from different parts of the world, surprisingly the countries who were reported sick in Mexico, and are strengthening their health fence are the countries that comprise the G7 rare.
What happened this week. Very likely the suspension of activities at all companies in the City and State of Mexico, and classes were suspended until May 6, where the government will make an analysis and see the farce that should follow, or statement as studied "Thanks to measures taken in time and the support of the public were able to control the disease"
4. Ponte think that you are speaking at the international level Now the virus or the financial crisis?. This advance is a relief for the world bank and commodity exchanges worldwide.
Distribute this email to all your contacts is not true we want to see the face as they have in the past (chupacabras, UFOs, etc. contaminated milk.)
And if you can draw back for people who do not have internet, people like this is always the hardest hit, watch the newscasts and sales of pharmacies has increased and the cost of cubrebocas and get to 7 pesos imagine the laughter of those who this band after seeing people with cubrebocas.
If anyone debate that unemployment Mexico because they do not lose much, for that is the background for the IMF, and imagine the profits of the pharmaceutical world, and as recently announced by the Secretary of Economy of Mexico for the money do not stop to fight the disease, and ultimately employers consider this an unemployment relief, and as always many vivales pay half of their employees.
The president announced that the disease is curable, and we always manage to figures mean where are the deaths are concentrated and where the sick?

I annex the following points:

1. If it really is so contagious, how and where the families of the dead?
2. If the swine influenza virus is a mutation of the original pigs, then the outbreak of the infection should have started in the field and not in the cities.
3. Why have not shown an interview with a patient? (I have seen interviews with family members, saying that his family is sick and is now stable thanks to medication, but if the family has been in direct contact with the virus that it is not logical that you are sick or quarantined?)
4. Why have not the name of retroviral this "curing" people sick?

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:09 am
by El Rhino
vegan ss wrote: 2. If the swine influenza virus is a mutation of the original pigs, then the outbreak of the infection should have started in the field and not in the cities.

Yeah, right. Mexicans are notorious for keeping farm animals within city limits. Matter of fact there's a fucking rooster cock-a-doodle-do'ing across the street from me as we speak.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:14 am
by Walking Thunder
El Rhino wrote:
vegan ss wrote: 2. If the swine influenza virus is a mutation of the original pigs, then the outbreak of the infection should have started in the field and not in the cities.

Yeah, right. Mexicans are notorious for keeping farm animals within city limits. Matter of fact there's a fucking rooster cock-a-doodle-do'ing across the street from me as we speak.
My sister lives in Irvine, CA and her Hispanic neighbors have a rooster too. It used to wake her up when she first moved there.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:41 pm
by jjjsXe
Yeah, haven't you ever watched Friends, the duck and the chick in a NYC apartment. Those Mexicans!!

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:52 pm
by Walking Thunder
jjjsXe wrote:Yeah, haven't you ever watched Friends

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:12 pm
by El Rhino
Walking Thunder wrote: My sister lives in Irvine, CA and her Hispanic neighbors have a rooster too. It used to wake her up when she first moved there.
I've lived by a couple Mexican families that keep roosters. At a place I lived several years ago you would be able to hear several different roosters throughout a couple block radius every morning. Not cool.

The people who have the rooster across from me now also have Dutch rabbits that they let roam the neighborhood. Pretty much at any given time I can look out my window and see a domesticated rabbit or two just hanging out in the yards across the street from me. I used to have one that hung out underneath one of my trees all day.

Re: This Just In: McDonalds Big Mac NOT Vegan!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:40 pm
by Walking Thunder
El Rhino wrote:
Walking Thunder wrote: My sister lives in Irvine, CA and her Hispanic neighbors have a rooster too. It used to wake her up when she first moved there.
I've lived by a couple Mexican families that keep roosters. At a place I lived several years ago you would be able to hear several different roosters throughout a couple block radius every morning. Not cool.

The people who have the rooster across from me now also have Dutch rabbits that they let roam the neighborhood. Pretty much at any given time I can look out my window and see a domesticated rabbit or two just hanging out in the yards across the street from me. I used to have one that hung out underneath one of my trees all day.
The rabbits don't run away?! My family used to let a couple of them wonder, but they were eaten by a dog. We give the two remaining old SOBs yard time by plopping them in pins. They sure do love tearing up the yard.