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What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:46 pm
by DaVo

Public Enemy
Performing: July 3
Before Flavor Flav became a reality dating star, he and Chuck D were the frontmen for Public Enemy, a rap group that combined political savvy with hip-hop beats. PE albums “It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back” and “Fear of a Black Planet” are classics in the genre, and songs like “Fight the Power” and “Don’t Believe the Hype” became crossover anthems.

Ben Harper & Relentless 7
Performing: July 4
Ben Harper is a multi-genre artist whose work includes forays into reggae and gospel. He broke through to college radio with the song “Fight for Your Mind,” and built a fan base touring with the Dave Matthews Band. Harper played Ames in 2001 and 2004, the latter as part of a Vote for Change concert with Matthews, Jurassic 5 and My Morning Jacket. Harper’s latest album, “White Lies for Dark Times,” will be released May 5.

G. Love & Special Sauce
Performing: July 4
A Philadelphia hip-hop/folk trio that first broke through with the hit “Cold Beverage.” The group has been a popular act with Des Moines audiences, nearly selling out Simon Estes Amphitheater in 2007.

Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
Performing: July 3
Malkmus is the former frontman of '90s lo-fi indie pioneers Pavement.

Performing: July 3
Matthew Paul Miller is known for mixing his Hasidic Jewish faith with hip hop, rock and reggae. He landed a surprise Top 40 hit in 2006 with the song “King Without a Crown.”

Girl in a Coma
Performing: July 4
All-female San Antonio rock band on Joan Jett’s record label.

Iowa Bands
Cleo's Apartment, Beati Paoli, House of Large Sizes, Josh Davis Band, Floodplane.

Hmmmmmm, wouldn't mind seeing PE but the rest of this automatically cancels out any desire to go.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:34 pm
by weirdtaylor
here fucking here i dident pay the fucking outrageous prices last year and i am certinally not going to with this shitty line up!

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:25 am
by tylerjames515
So, are we supposed to care or something?

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:33 am
by robdigi
DaVo wrote:80/35

Public Enemy
Performing: July 3
Before Flavor Flav became a reality dating star, he and Chuck D were the frontmen for Public Enemy, a rap group that combined political savvy with hip-hop beats. PE albums “It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back” and “Fear of a Black Planet” are classics in the genre, and songs like “Fight the Power” and “Don’t Believe the Hype” became crossover anthems.

Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
Performing: July 3
Malkmus is the former frontman of '90s lo-fi indie pioneers Pavement.

I would pay just about any amount to see these two, as long as they booted the other bands. Couldn't pay me to sit through the rest...

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:36 am
by servo
one of the jicks owns a barsteraunt in portland and all the employees hate him and his wife. my friends girlfriend works there and hooked me and cam up with like an $80 tab. this could only happen because people pay the jicks to play shitty shows like 80 35. but people only do that cuz a lot of people liked pavement. so stephen malkmus' songwriting landed me free drinks and fries

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:36 am
by rob
Buchmeyer told me once that it was the general consensus of the Internet that Stephen Malkmus is a dick. Just sayin'.

I have also heard rumors that Public Enemy is just Professor Griff anymore -- that Chuck D just kind of stands there and makes money, and Flava Flav is too busy with his Hollywood bullshit. That is a completely unsubstantiated rumor from listening to college radio rap shows, but is it true? That's the thing that keeps me up at night.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:41 am
by robdigi
Chuck D is more of a talk radio dude these days, but I doubt he can't rock a stage just like the old days. He's definitely not the kind of guy to do something solely for a paycheck- he's more politically involved now more than ever.

I've also heard that Stephen M is a dick, but he could be Hitler for all I care as long as he keeps writing good songs.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:02 am
by El Rhino
I'd rather see Public Enemy without flava flav, I think. That dude bugs the fuck out of me.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:06 am
by robdigi
Seconded. He only has a few memorable verses, and I think it would be more depressing to see him fuck up those precious few than missing out on them altogether.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:08 am
by DaVo
See Pavement couldn't even lick my balls after standing in the hot ass July Iowa Sun all day. Never got why people thought they were like the great white hope or something. Found them dull the first time around and found them kind of tasking the second time around. Sounds like it's kind of like Marky Ramone, it really isn't that great but as a fan you will go to it cause it's the closest you are going to get to see the Ramones after Joey died.

PE is one of the very few Hip-hop/rap bands that get my respect. They were the first to reach a national level and have something to say. They are a bench mark band and everything after them in hip hop has to be judged by it. With that kept in mind, I hate festivals. Bands sound like shit outside. It is always too hot or raining. The crowd sucks and is filled with hippies and people wearing too little clothes for their size. So it better be the full line up and I would need to know the set time to avoid the mountain of shit that is playing before them before I'll even consider it.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:08 am
by El Rhino
I always dug the Batman sunglasses though.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:58 am
by Nick
Wonder how those suckers who paid for the VIP passes before they even announced bands feel now? I'd feel shafted.

Even the locals suck. Floodplane? Really? At least get Baber's Neighbors if your gonna get a hippie band.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:01 am
by joseph
with the title of this thread i was really expecting some kind of prison joke

and david do you even read this board?

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:09 am
by crow
yo, bumrush the show.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:32 am
by DaVo
joseph wrote:with the title of this thread i was really expecting some kind of prison joke

and david do you even read this board?
Not that often.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:50 am
by joseph
davo- heres something for you in july


The Anti Nowhere League set out on the road in 1980 to prove they could be the worst band on Gods earth loud,violent,obnoxious yobbos with one mission... to get banned from every TV show, radio station and newspapers as possible....they were hated by the general public as well as 'real' musicians who thought they were a disgrace to the music business(and of course the fact they were pulling more people in their live shows than they were).....with numerous encounters with the police and the authorities they have continued to play and release new material away from the public eye....In this day and age it does not seem quite as big a deal as it was back then when they stood alone now a few of the 'real' bands have taken up the 'flag' to be original with attitude...long may independent bands continue keeping the music live and real.....long live the League. All Ages | 5:00 PM | TBA


The Anti Nowhere League set out on the road in 1980 to prove they could be the worst band on Gods earth loud,violent,obnoxious yobbos with one mission... to get banned from every TV show, radio station and newspapers as possible....they were hated by the general public as well as 'real' musicians who thought they were a disgrace to the music business(and of course the fact they were pulling more people in their live shows than they were).....with numerous encounters with the police and the authorities they have continued to play and release new material away from the public eye....In this day and age it does not seem quite as big a deal as it was back then when they stood alone now a few of the 'real' bands have taken up the 'flag' to be original with attitude...long may independent bands continue keeping the music live and real.....long live the League.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:54 am
by Nick
I wouldn't mind seeing Anti-Nowhere League, even though I'd keep my expectations low. Also, I've seen the U.S. Bombs a few times and they were also fun, so I'd suspect Duane Peters Gunfight might be as well? I've never seen Cobra Skulls live, but they play some good music. Never heard of Ashers. I'd go to this. Also...the Triple Rock may be the best club in the Midwest.

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:01 pm
by baron.von.wasteland
"joseph", didn't we play with Girl in a Coma at the Mews last summer? And nobody came? And Girl in a Coma was actually pretty good? And had disco beats?

But not worth not worth sitting through the rest of this crap?

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:04 pm
by Beaver
baron.von.wasteland wrote:"joseph", didn't we play with Girl in a Coma at the Mews last summer? And nobody came? And Girl in a Coma was actually pretty good? And had disco beats?

But not worth not worth sitting through the rest of this crap?
Correction - I was there. The singer was hawt. I coulda fucked her.....

Re: What I will more than likely not be doing in July

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:06 pm
by joseph
baron.von.wasteland wrote:"joseph", didn't we play with Girl in a Coma at the Mews last summer? And nobody came? And Girl in a Coma was actually pretty good? And had disco beats?

But not worth not worth sitting through the rest of this crap?
yes. Beaver came. more than once.