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ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:17 pm
by Nick
Sorry if this is long winded and wordy as shit, but this seems to be the best place to post this so the right people see it (instead of having to send numerous e-mails, etc.)

Lemme say "what's up" first...

....I'm Nick. 29 years old. I recently (within the last year or so) moved back to the Des Moines area by way of Chicago (where I had lived the previous 4+ years). I currently live in Ankeny. This messagboard seems pretty rad. It is good to see that there is an uderground/DIY scene alive and well in Central Iowa. That isn't quite how it used to be when I was growing up here.

Anyway....I caught wind of this board through Cam of Records Of The Damned/Cedar Falls. He said he is friends with Joe from The Haunted Basement. The Haunted the the epitome of what I wish DSM had back when I younger. As you guys obviously know, DIY/Punkhouses are a great way to support the scene and allow smaller local/touring bands a place to play. A lot of times (especially in a mid-sizde city like DSM) it is hard to get a show if you are a smaller band unless you know a larger local act that will play the show with you (ie....places like The Mews, Hairy Marys *RIP*, H.O.B...whatever).

I just recently found out about The Haunted Basement, by way of the Psyched To Die/Deep Sleep show, and was happy to see DSM had a place like this. So many other mid-sized Midwestern cities (Cincy, Indy, Twin Cities, Madison, KC, Lawrence, Lincoln, Omaha, Columbus, Milwaukee, Carbondale, etc.) have really good underground music scenes, simply for the fact that there are a lot of places for smaller bands to play, like house shows. So needless to say, I was stoked to find out about The Haunted Basement and also see they were booking some killer touring bands (Psyched To Die/Deep Sleep).

Now I know the scene in Iowa has traditionally been more Metal/Hardcore/Thrash....than Punk Rock, but I hope you guys can keep an open mind and give this some thought.

Let me preface this by saying that I have some friends in punk bands that are planning on touring in the coming months. They want to play Des Moines, but didn't know where or how to book a show there and asked if I could hlep. Me...having just recently moved back and not having many connections anymore, said I'd try my best, but couldn't garuntee anything.

The bands in question were Banner Pilot (from Minneapolis) and Rational Anthem (from Sarasota, FL). I know this was probably a dick thing of me to suggest, having never met any of the guys who run or set up shows at the Haunted Basement, but I suggested that those bands just send you guys e-mails and try to set up a show. So if you got some random show requests by those bands...that was probably by my direction...and I'm sorry that probably wasn't the best course of action.

Anyhow...both of the bands are really fucking good and full of really good dudes. They aren't just some crappy, no-name bands in the punk community either. Banner Pilot is on Go-Kart & Kiss of Death Records and consist of members of Off With Their Heads, Dear Landlord, Ex-Rivethead and have a Dillinger Four-influence midwest punk sound crossed with The Lawrence Arms and Jawbreaker. They are good friends with Dillinger Four as well.

Rational Anthem are an up and coming punk band...that ring more true to their Florida roots and have that sort of Gainsville/No Idea Records punk sound to them. They have current and upcoming releases on Traffic Street Records...which is run by Sam North (a cool mofo who may have been the one who e-mailed you guys about a show).

Like I said...I know the scene in DSM is small, and though I've never been to a show there, the Haunted Basement seems to be more geared for the metal/hardcore fans, it would be really great if you guys would consider having a few touring punk bands play if the dates are open and work with your guy's schedule.

I know you guys do have some history with Quick Fix...who happen to be friends with Banner Pilot...and if these shows can happen, I would like to get them on the bill for both as well.

I have a huge appreciation for any type of underground/DIY scene and I would understand if you guys are trying to keep the shows at the Haunted Basement geared a certain way..but it would be really awesome if you guys would consider booking these bands to play.

Talk it over and let me know your thoughts.

I will upload some Banner Pilot and Rational Anthem tunes to YouSendIt and post them in this thread in a bit so you guys can hear what they sound like, other than their MySpace songs.

Thanks for the consideration....and really fucking sorry for being so wordy.


Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:21 pm
by Joe
Punk rock bands play the Haunted Basement a lot.

You should book these shows, dude.


Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:24 pm
by moltar
Those haunted basement dudes sketch me the fuck out. Especially Joe. Fuck Joe.

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:26 pm
by jonnyROCKET
alls I have to say is that I will come see Banner Pilot whatever it takes

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:32 pm
by Nick
Joe wrote:Punk rock bands play the Haunted Basement a lot.

You should book these shows, dude.

Is this Joe who is friends with Cam?

Just from looking at the show history on the Haunted Basement myspace seemed to be more hardcore/thrash bands than punk bands. Then again, I don't really know a lot of the current local punk bands in central Iowa, so it is good to hear that they book punk bands.

Who should I contact about booking these shows?

I know Banner Pilot wants to play Des Moines on Thursday, May 21st on their way to Chicago for the Windy City Sound Clash Fest.

Rational Anthem wants to play on Wednesday, July 22nd as part of their summer tour.

Like I would be great to get Quick Fix on both of these show if they were up to it and able to play.

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:32 pm
by Nick
Sorry for the double post....I suck at this messagboard shit.

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:32 pm
by kylervk
the haunted basement punks is punk

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:34 pm
by kylervk
killer strange brew avatar, btw

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:38 pm
by Nick
kylervk wrote:killer strange brew avatar, btw
Best. Movie.

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:46 pm
by Joe
I suppose I am Joe from the Haunted Basement, although I no longer live or book shows there. Nate (Moltar) is pretty much in charge of all the happenings at the HB now, so you can talk to him about setting up these shows.

Not to spark another discussion or anything, but punk is hardcore is punk is hardcore. Anyway, I'm sure the Banner Pilot show would do good because of the big pop punk fad going around lately.


Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:55 pm
by Nick
Thanks for the info, man. I'll talk to Nate. Look for a PM shortly...Moltar.

Also...I guess you could sorta call Banner Pilot pop-punk, but not in the Ramones/Screeching Weasel/Queers type way. More in a Dillinger Four, Off With Their Heads, Lawrence Arms, Jawbreaker type of way. Regardless of labels...they are a great band, good dudes and pretty talented.

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:56 pm
by moltar
I have some of Quick Fix's W-2's.

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:04 pm
by Nick
moltar wrote:I have some of Quick Fix's W-2's.
File that shit and collect their monies, dawg!

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:22 pm
by jonnyROCKET
labels: incredibly important

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:24 pm
by Nick
jonnyROCKET wrote:labels: incredibly important
sacrasm: even more important than labels.

But to be serious for a second, I think you knew what I was trying to get at by posting what lables the bands are on, etc. I was just trying to say that I am not just some dude posting on here to say: "Hai Guise. I Luvz p0nx r0x and wuld luv if u could let my friendz play yer housz." In other words...they are touring bands and that are looking for places to play...not some kid playing with his friends who call themselves a band (although maybe they really are...I'm not trying to make them sound bigtime or anything). They are just regular 'ol dudes like you and me, but they are in established bands as well...ya know. I didn't mean to come off as some sort of knob who thinks shit like labels are needed to validate a band. :wink:

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:45 pm
by moltar
Don't get Atombent out of shape.

Ska: click click click

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:48 pm
by Joe
More ska bands need to play the HB, SERIOUSLY.


Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:56 pm
by joseph

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:00 pm
by kylervk

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:03 pm
by kylervk
oh shit! lemmy and ozzy... ARMWRESTLING ON FRENCH TV

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:04 pm
by servo
god damn joseph beat me to it, i was totally gonna say cop

if that banner pilot show isnt confirmed yet, lets confirm it. i guess i'd do that show but you are perfectly welcome to.

my name is servo. have cam introduce you to me at deep sleep/ptd

i booked that show so you probably think im cool

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:11 pm
by Nick
joseph wrote:COP
lolz. You should see the fucking nightstick they give me!

@Servo: Nice to meet you. And are cool for booking that Deep Sleep/Psyched To Die show. About that show...I am gonna try and make it, but I am going to Denver for work on the 9th and am not supposed to be back until the evening of the I might be fucked. I'm still wanna punch my boss in the fucking neck for it too, because already told Brian and Mike I was gonna be there and pick up the Psyched To Die 7" they'll have with them.

As far as confirmation of the Banner Pilot show....I PM'd Moltar about it, but still no word back. I am assuming you book shows for the HB too?

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:13 pm
by Nick I said I is the link to Banner Pilot's newest full length album (for those who haven't heard what they sound like). I ripped this myself. I'll post the link to their 2006 e.p. later, as well as some Rational Anthem stuff:

Banner Pilot - "Resignation Day"

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:15 pm
by kylervk
servo wrote:you probably think im cool
no one thinks youre cool, neal

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:18 pm
by joseph
Nick I said I is the link to Banner Pilot's newest full length album (for those who haven't heard what they sound like). I ripped this myself. I'll post the link to their 2006 e.p. later, as well as some Rational Anthem stuff:

Banner Pilot - "Resignation Day"

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:19 pm
by jonnyROCKET
Nick wrote:
jonnyROCKET wrote:labels: incredibly important
sacrasm: even more important than labels.

But to be serious for a second, I think you knew what I was trying to get at by posting what lables the bands are on, etc. I was just trying to say that I am not just some dude posting on here to say: "Hai Guise. I Luvz p0nx r0x and wuld luv if u could let my friendz play yer housz." In other words...they are touring bands and that are looking for places to play...not some kid playing with his friends who call themselves a band (although maybe they really are...I'm not trying to make them sound bigtime or anything). They are just regular 'ol dudes like you and me, but they are in established bands as well...ya know. I didn't mean to come off as some sort of knob who thinks shit like labels are needed to validate a band. :wink:
I was actually referring to labeling Banner Pilot a punk band vs. a pop-punk band. no worries

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:21 pm
by Nick
joseph wrote: ITS A TRAP
Exactly, dude. I was planning on capturing all the IP addresses of those who clicked on the link to that album and then also turn them over to the RIAA because, ya know, they really care about small punk bands. You're fucked!

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:21 pm
by Nick
jonnyROCKET wrote:I was actually referring to labeling Banner Pilot a punk band vs. a pop-punk band. no worries
Shit. Don't I look like quite the douche now. My bad, dude!

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:28 pm
by Nick
Here is the link to the 2006 Banner Pilot e.p. I'll post links to Rational Anthem stuff when I get home from work later.

Banner Pilot - "Pass The Poison"

Re: ATTN: Haunted Basement

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:17 pm
by Nick
Here are the links to some of Rational Anthem's stuff. They have 2 split 7" records coming out in the next two months that should be pretty rad as well. I think a full length is also scheduled for later this year.

Rational Anthem - "S/T" e.p. from 2008
Rational Anthem - "Live on Radio Free Lexington" from 2008 - this is 5 songs and an 5 part interview between each song. Quality is sorta crappy, but it is good stuff. Sorry, these are M4A files, not MP3s.

Get Stoked!