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For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:02 pm
by El Rhino
... I can't tell you who's right, but I will tell you who's wrong. I hope this helps you on your spiritual quest:

Bahá'í Faith
Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association
Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church
Philippine Independent Church
Polish National Catholic Church
Union of Utrecht (In communion with the Anglican Church)
Liberal Catholic Church
Roman Catholicism (Latin Rite)
Sui iuris (Including Byzantine Rite churches)
Coptic Orthodox Church
Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Charismatic movement
Christian Israelite Church
Christian New Religious Movements
Unification Church (Moonies)
Christian Science
Children of God
Peoples Temple
Esoteric Christianity
Messianic Judaism
Religious Society of Friends
Christian Spiritualism
United and uniting churches
Seventh-day Adventists
Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism)
o Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
o Community of Christ
o Rigdonites
o The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite)
oThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. LDS)
+ Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. FLDS)
oThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite)
Iglesia ni Cristo
Jehovah's Witnesses
Restoration Movement
Christian Gnosticism
Marcionism (not entirely Gnostic)
Medieval Gnosticism
Persian Gnosticism
Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism
o Basilidians
o Thomasines
o Valentinians
+ Bardesanites

Kalam Schools
* Ash'ari
* Kalam
* Maturidi
* Murji'ah
* Mu'tazili
Ibadi (Only surviving sect)
* Azraqi
* Harūriyya
* Sufri
Shi'a Islam
o Mustaali / Bohra
* Jafari
o Twelvers
o Alawites
o Alevi / Bektashi
* Zaiddiyah
* Chishti
* Mevlevi
* Naqshbandi
* Tariqah
* Quadiriyyah
* Suhrawardiyya
* Tijani
* Universal Sufism
Sunni Islam
o Berailvi
o Deobandi
* Hanbali
o Wahhabi
* Maliki
* Shafi'i
Ahl-e Haqq (Yarsan)
* Ahmadiyya
* Druze
* Nation of Islam
* Moorish Science Temple of America
* United Submitters International
* Zikri
Rabbinic JudaismRabbinic Judaism
Conservative Judaism
o Masorti
o Conservadox Judaism
+ Union for Traditional Judaism
Orthodox Judaism
o Haredi Judaism
o Hasidic Judaism
o Modern Orthodox Judaism
* Reform Judaism
* Progressive Judaism
o Liberal Judaism
Non-Rabbinic Judaism
Alternative Judaism
* Humanistic Judaism (not always identified as a religion)
* Jewish Renewal
* Karaite Judaism
* Reconstructionist Judaism
* Essenes
* Pharisees (ancestor of Rabbinic Judaism)
* Sadducees
* Zealots
o Sicarii
* Ebionites
* Elkasites
* Nazarenes
* Sabbateans
o Frankists

Rastafari movement
Mandaeans and Sabians

Mandaeism and Sabians
* Sabians
o Sabians of Harran
o Mandaean Nasaraean Sabeans


* Nikaya schools (which have historically been called Hinayana in the West)
o Theravada
+ Sri Lankan Amarapura Nikaya
+ Sri Lankan Siam Nikaya
+ Sri Lankan Ramañña Nikaya
+ Bangladeshi Sangharaj Nikaya
+ Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Nikaya
+ Thai Maha Nikaya
# Dhammakaya Movement
+ Thai Thammayut Nikaya
+ Thai Forest Tradition
* Mahayana
o Humanistic Buddhism
o Madhyamika
o Nichiren Buddhism
+ Soka Gakkai
o Pure Land
o Tathagatagarbha
o Tiantai
+ Tendai
o Yogacara
o Zen
+ Caodong
+ Fuke Zen
+ Kwan Um School of Zen
+ Sanbo Kyodan
+ Sōtō
+ Ōbaku (school of Buddhism)
+ Rinzai
* Vajrayana
o Shingon Buddhism
o Tibetan Buddhism
+ Bön
+ Gelukpa
+ Kagyupa
# Dagpo Kagyu
* Karma Kagyu
* Barom Kagyu
* Tsalpa Kagyu
* Phagdru Kagyu
* Drikung Kagyu
* Drukpa Kagyu
# Shangpa Kagyu
+ Nyingmapa
+ Sakyapa
# Jonangpa
* New Buddhist movements
o Aum Shinrikyo (now known as Aleph)
o Diamond Way
o Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
o New Kadampa Tradition
o Share International
o True Buddha School
o Vipassana movement
* Agama Hindu Dharma
* Hindu revivalism
* Lingayatism
* Reform movements
o Arya Samaj
o Brahmo Samaj
* Shaivism
* Shaktism
* Tantrism
* Smartism
* Vaishnavism
o Gaudiya Vaishnavism
+ ISKCON (Hare Krishna)
* Nyaya
* Purva mimamsa
* Samkhya
* Vaisheshika
* Vedanta (Uttara Mimamsa)
o Advaita Vedanta
o Integral Yoga
o Vishishtadvaita
o Dvaita Vedanta

* Digambara
* Shvetambara

* Khalsa
o Nihang
* Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs
* Sahajdhari Sikh

* Manichaeism
* Mazdakism
* Yazdânism
o Alevi
o Yarsani
o Yazidi
o Zurvanism
* Neo-Confucianism
* New Confucianism


* Caodaism
* Chondogyo
* Chinese folk religion
* Falun Gong
* I-Kuan Tao
* Jeung San Do
* Legalism
* Mohism

African diasporic religions

* Batuque
* Candomblé
* Dahomey mythology
* Haitian mythology
* Kumina
* Macumba
* Mami Wata
* Obeah
* Oyotunji
* Quimbanda
* Santería (Lukumi)
* Umbanda
* Vodou

* Akan mythology
* Ashanti mythology (Ghana)
* Dahomey (Fon) mythology
* Efik mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
* Igbo mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
* Isoko mythology (Nigeria)
* Yoruba mythology (Nigeria, Benin)

* Bushongo mythology (Congo)
* Bambuti (Pygmy) mythology (Congo)
* Lugbara mythology (Congo)

* Akamba mythology (East Kenya)
* Dinka mythology (Sudan)
* Lotuko mythology (Sudan)
* Masai mythology (Kenya, Tanzania)

* Khoikhoi mythology
* Lozi mythology (Zambia)
* Tumbuka mythology (Malawi)
* Zulu mythology (South Africa)

* Abenaki mythology
* Aztec mythology
* Blackfoot mythology
* Cherokee mythology
* Chickasaw mythology
* Choctaw mythology
* Creek mythology
* Crow mythology
* Ghost Dance
* Guarani mythology
* Haida mythology
* Ho-Chunk mythology
* Hopi mythology
* Huron mythology
* Inca mythology
* Inuit mythology
* Iroquois mythology
* Kwakiutl mythology
* Lakota mythology
* Leni Lenape mythology
* Longhouse religion
* Maya mythology
* Midewiwin
* Native American Church
* Navajo mythology
* Nootka mythology
* Olmec mythology
* Pawnee mythology
* Salish mythology
* Seneca mythology
* Selk'nam religion
* Tsimshian mythology
* Urarina
* Ute mythology
* Zuni mythology

* Bön
* Chinese mythology
* Japanese mythology
* Koshinto
* Siberian Shamanism
* Tengriism

* Estonian mythology
* Eskimo religion
* Hungarian folk religion
* Sami religion (including the Noaidi)
* Tadibya

* Australian Aboriginal mythology
* Austronesian beliefs
o Balinese mythology
o Javanese beliefs
o Melanesian mythology
o Micronesian mythology
+ Modekngei
+ Nauruan indigenous religion
o Philippine mythology
+ Anito
+ Gabâ
+ Kulam
o Polynesian mythology
+ Hawaiian mythology
+ Maori mythology
# Maori religion
+ Rapa Nui mythology
# Moai
# Tangata manu

* John Frum
* Johnson cult
* Prince Philip Movement
* Vailala Madness

* Ancient Egyptian religion
* Ancient Semitic religions
* Mesopotamian mythology
o Arabian mythology (pre-Islamic)
o Babylonian and Assyrian religion
+ Babylonian mythology
+ Chaldean mythology
o Canaanite mythology
+ Canaanite religion
o Hittite mythology
o Persian mythology
o Sumerian mythology

o Historical Vedic religion

o Brythonic mythology

* Hungarian polytheism
* Finnish polytheism

o Eleusinian Mysteries
o Mithraism
o Orphism
* Pythagoreanism

* Anthroposophy
* Christian mysticism
* Esoteric Christianity
* Hindu mysticism
* Martinism
* Meher Baba
* Nazi mysticism
* Occultism
* Rosicrucian
o Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
o Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians
o Rosicrucian Fellowship
* Surat Shabd Yoga
o Tantra
+ Ananda Marga Tantra-Yoga
* Sufism
* Thelema

* Luciferianism
* Satanism
* Setianism

* Hoodoo (Rootwork)
o New Orleans Voodoo
* Kulam - Filipino witchcraft
* Magick
o Chaos magic
o Enochian magic
o Demonolatry
+ Goetia
* Pow-wow
* Seid (shamanic magic)
* Vaastu Shastra
* Witchcraft


* Church of World Messianity
* PL Kyodan
* Seicho-No-Ie
[edit] Parody or mock religions

* Campus Crusade for Cthulhu
* Church of Euthanasia
* Church of the SubGenius
* Flying Spaghetti Monster
* Invisible Pink Unicorn
* Kibology
* Landover Baptist Church

* Discordianism
* Ethical Culture
* Fellowship of Reason
* Humanism
* Secular Humanism
* Juche
* Objectivism
* Subud
* Omniquantism - the belief that if one or more omnipotent beings exist and all things are possible, then it is possible that all religions are correct simultaneously.[1]

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:11 pm
by weirdtaylor
way too much time on your hands dude

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:04 pm
by Hank Fist
* Satanism
* Setianism

Always thought these were hilarious. If you believed in Satan, wouldn't you also have to believe in God, and then in turn realize you were worshipping the most evil thing and then realize you would be doomed to eternal suffering? I guess if they could make these connections, it wouldn't be an option in the first place.

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:08 pm
by elliot
Hank Fist wrote:Luciferianism
* Satanism
* Setianism

Always thought these were hilarious. If you believed in Satan, wouldn't you also have to believe in God, and then in turn realize you were worshipping the most evil thing and then realize you would be doomed to eternal suffering? I guess if they could make these connections, it wouldn't be an option in the first place.
I agree with your point, but the appeal to Satanism is that a lot of it is founded on the simple principle of doing what makes you feel good. It's very pleasure-oriented, and The Satanic Bible is less about Satan and more about personal satisfaction.

Of course, that's selfish and pretty short-sighted too.

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:59 pm
by Hank Fist
So it's pretty much just hippies in black with daggers.

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:16 pm
by moltar
Yeah, the ideology is just to look out for yourself. The LaVey book is filled with terrible unnecessary shout outs. It's almost as bad of a read as that necronomicon we had.

I'm pretty sure Rino just cut/pasted wiki religion, Taylor.

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:12 pm
by KY Jelly Belly
Where's Scientology on here?

Re: For Those Of You With Deep Theological Questions

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:47 pm
by kylervk
yo, check this out... there might not be a God