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Will. E. Whitmore @ the picador on saturday..and sunday

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:09 am
by TooManyHumyns
i think its the album release show...

William Elliott Whitmore
with (FT) Shadow Government, T Wehrle
Saturday, February 21
ages: 19 and up
doors at 9:00pm

William Elliott Whitmorewith Hagan Myer presents: "The Coyote Club Vaudeville Extravaganza!"
Sunday, February 22
ages: all ages
doors at 6:00pm

and check out this interview with will. e. on npr's the exchange from last friday: ... astId=4043

Re: Will. E. Whitmore @ the picador on saturday..and sunday

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:24 am
by jason
looks like saturday's about to sell out, so don't fuck up and buy online at iowatix if you want to go...

this is what jacki (owner) is saying as of tonight...that they're almost gone...and she and chris have run a much tighter ship when it comes to firecodes than in the days where i did the lightning bolt show there....they don't exactly let everybody in. animal collective there were people turned away and it can be a bummer.

also shadow government and tim wherle will be awesome! i might try and trade a shift at apple so i can come on saturday but i don't know if i can afford the trip all by myself...

Re: Will. E. Whitmore @ the picador on saturday..and sunday

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:54 pm
by TooManyHumyns
his shows here always get wayyyy outta hand...good time though...don't really dig the full band thing...
the sound dood had a sick SEAHAG shirt....he knows whats up