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Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:42 pm
by Varg

As you can see, global warming is getting out of control at a rate we had never anticipated. We need everyone to step up their efforts IMMEDIATELY!

in b4 "Global warming causes global FREEZING, idiot!"


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:48 pm
by Joe
You wouldn't exist as a person without Rush Limbaugh.



Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:50 pm
by Varg
Here's Henry Waxman to comment on the subject: ... _article=1

If you aren't aware of how much of a FUCKING RETARD this man is- it only takes about a 90 second clip from "Bigger Stronger Faster*"

Looks to me like another example of just wanting a popular voting record.....This chooch doesn't give two fucks about whether or not "GW" exists. He's not informed on issues...and he doesn't even know what the legal drinking age is....and yet somehow- still in office. GJDM.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:57 pm
by Hank Fist
Varg still hasn't figured out that rising global temperatures is going to fuck up the "average" in weather patterns that has been calculated over the past 150 years, a millisecond in the existence of the universe. Varg is uncomfortable with change.

It's called "Climate Change" now, jackfuck.


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:10 pm
by ilikehorses

i was going to make a "it's so cold, global warming isn't real" thread, obviously parodying varg. but he did it himself!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:14 pm
by TooManyHumyns
the worst arguement against global warming/climate change is saying its cold out(the one you just said) tempature change is measured over decades, and also includes rediculous highs as well as lows...
get over it hannity...
regardless if global warming is reality or not, why does it bother you that some people believe in it, and want to change the way they live...nobodys forcing you to do anything...i dont want to start a global climate change debate, none of us are educated enough to do so, and all our info would be based off of propaganda when it all comes down to it...just saying, if your going to argue something, don't use trivial information to do so


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:24 am
by noel_nothing
a legitimate question:

since its so hot on the planet with the heat being trapped by gases, the ice caps melt faster, correct? so as they melt into the sea & the sea levels rise, this impacts the tempature changes?

i'm still kinda foggy on the whole process.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:33 am
by Bullet Tooth


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:26 pm
by Hank Fist
I hope it stays really cold, all the time.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:06 pm
by inx515xhell
you fags suck. its like 60 here. i'm wearing a t-shirt.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:57 pm
by Furious D
Doesn't Varg make one of these threads every year?

By the way, I love trying to make a point, but instead accidentally providing evidence for your opposition.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:12 pm
by TooManyHumyns
TooManyHumyns wrote:the worst arguement against global warming/climate change is saying its cold out(the one you just said) tempature change is measured over decades, and also includes rediculous highs as well as lows...
get over it hannity...
regardless if global warming is reality or not, why does it bother you that some people believe in it, and want to change the way they live...nobodys forcing you to do anything...i dont want to start a global climate change debate, none of us are educated enough to do so, and all our info would be based off of propaganda when it all comes down to it...just saying, if your going to argue something, don't use trivial information to do so
this was directed towards varg...


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:50 pm
by ilikehorses
Furious D wrote:Doesn't Varg make one of these threads every year?

By the way, I love trying to make a point, but instead accidentally providing evidence for your opposition.
i'm pretty sure this is his third year in a row. he makes the thread and then surprisingly doesn't come around to see everyone destroy his well-read, educated points of "hey, it's cold outside."


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:05 pm
by Hank Fist
it's like 5 times a year. most of them get ignored. Varg's too busy violating hand gun laws to respond.


Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:59 am
by Varg
TooManyHumyns tempature change is measured over decades, and also includes rediculous highs as well as lows...

regardless if global warming is reality or not, why does it bother you that some people believe in it, and want to change the way they live...nobodys forcing you to do anything...
Holy fuck, are you serious? Yes we are being forced to "do anything". Incandescent lightbulbs are being phased out- to be replaced with 'more efficient' bulbs- which also happen to contain sizeable amounts of mercury (go figure). Businesses are forced to ''go green'' or risk being ostracized and lose business.
And even incidents like those are nothing compared to what would/could/will happen if congress wants to take action (tax the fuck out of) on "being green". Remember carbon credits? Yes they still exist. Moronic ideas like the kyoto on and so forth. California is just the beginning.
I have no problem with people "doing their part"- it just becomes a BIG PROBLEM when it's my tax dollars FORCED out of my pocket, and instead going into the pockets of renewable energy companies that al gore has huge stock in.

And yes, I've heard all your stupid shit about how cold weather just further proves global warming....more heat in the summer melts away more ice caps making more snow in the winter blah blah blah so on and so forth.
Your first sentence says it all really:
TooManyHumyns tempature change is measured over decades, and also includes rediculous highs as well as lows...
On any given day of the year, in any part of the country, there is a record high and a record low.

Iowa Record High Temperature (F) 118 July 20, 1934
Record Low Temperature (F) –47 (February 03, 1996)

General Summary. July temperatures averaged 73.4º or 0.4º below normal while
precipitation totaled 5.92 inches or 1.67 inches above normal. This ranks as the 54th
coolest and 16th wettest July among 136 years of record.
Temperatures. As was the case in June, temperatures fluctuated very little during the
month with only five days averaging more than five degrees from normal. Temperature
extremes ranged from a low of 48º at Elkader on the morning of the 1st to afternoon highs
of 95º at Ankeny and Keosauqua on the 7th, Little Sioux and Ankeny on the 15th and
Bedford on the 20th. Only in 1993 has a smaller range in temperatures been recorded in
Iowa during
If anything- I see a COOLING trend, but that's beyond the point. Look, it's pretty simple, the statistics/trends of temperatures often quoted go back 150 years. And how accurate do you think weather related technology was 150 years ago? Well I pulled this up while looking for something else:
"However, State Climatologist Harry Hillaker has done some extensive research into the records and doesn’t believe the validity of the report from Keokuk. Most other nearby sites were 110 degrees that day (including a weather bureau site about 1 mile away from the observers home). There are exposure issues near the thermometers as well."---regarding the state record high temp. posted above.

So let's see, we've got records that were recorded before radio was invented which seem to not be very reliable- and a record high that has stood for 70+ years (all the while, the whole earth has been getting warmer?)
Now let's say last year on july 20th it was 73 degrees (the avg. for the state- since I can't find the low on july 20th)- that alone is a 35 degree difference on the same day! On any given day you're going to have a situation like why does a one degree difference make everyone cry 'the sky is falling'?

Global Warming is just our era's 12th century Christianity.
"The Earth is doomed and you'll all burn.....unless you give us money to combat the greatest of all evils."
Fuck the fuck off already.


Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:48 am
by joseph
no care ever.