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The lastest on the Underground Archives

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:02 am
by DaVo
Well, tonight I hopefully did the last new Drupal install in the main public directory and migrated the test site in. As of right now, everything is working. I've tested everything but there are some features that will not be tested fully until the site is live. One of the things I had to drop was the multisites and the sub-domains. It made user management a nightmare, especially when I got into the user relationships. Not only was it not working correctly but the log in was all messed up.

I still maybe adding to the member profile features but everything else is done. Instead of boring you with the details here's a list of what is done and what needs to be done:


1. All the add content/listings to the Archives forms and content type. I'm still tweaking a few things but it's ready for information
2. Outlines and time lines that are done:
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. The Caribbean
4. Central America
5. Illinois
6. Indiana
7. Iowa
8. Kansas
9. Michigan
10. Minnesota
11. Nebraska
3. Member Profile form and content type
4. Most of the navigation
5. User Relationships
6. Forum(I really haven't added a lot of topic.)
7. Private messages
8. Users can add content - blogs, polls, pages, stories, etc....
9. Theme is set

Needs to be done:

1. Finish the outlines
2. Transfer the old archives
3. Transfer the members to the new site
4. Report to the search engines
5. Set up cron job
6. Write new tutorials
7. Figure out the active list.

That's about it at this point. The site will be off line off and on for the next few days.

DaVo -

Re: The lastest on the Underground Archives

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:40 pm
by Joe
Just make a website about Total Passover. That's all I ever read about whenever I go to a website that you've made.


Re: The lastest on the Underground Archives

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:50 pm
by DaVo
Joe wrote:Just make a website about Total Passover. That's all I ever read about whenever I go to a website that you've made.

There isn't much on the site. I had to get the modules to work correctly. The old archives site that is sitting at has over a thousand listings last time I really looked and they will all have to be transferred into the new site. I've transferred a few listing maybe 5 or so into the eastern Iowa section to test out the artists profiles and freelinking. You have to click on the archives link in the menu on the top.

The Total Passover was the test, if you join, you can fill out a form that will create the same result for a different listing.

This post was more about the forms being done and the test site being moved to the main directory for the last time. Basically it is open for membership at this point. I really need to finishing the outline before more can be added, which is what I'm working on right now. Almost done with the Midwest and then I try and finish the US tonight.

Re: The lastest on the Underground Archives

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:11 pm
by DaVo
Well, I've gotten to about 1990 in Eastern Iowa listings from the old site. I haven't add central Iowa listings or Western Iowa but if a listing wasn't in the old archives anyone is welcome to join and add content at this point.

I wanted some input on the film section that I got requests on in the past. The whole archives is in book form and I'm wondering which would be the easiest structure to navigate: Time line or Alphabetical?