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Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:24 pm

You guys were BIG, WEEPY PUSSIES way back when.



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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:32 pm

so my mom is being a bitch, supossedly she's going to call the law enforcement agency on me...her tax dollars at work I guess...all because i left the house and went on a bike ride...


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:38 pm

Dungeons & Dragons sessions will be sweet. I have made background music for boss encounters and exploring dungeons. I have maps and a wicked storyline. I know you're jealous.


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:43 pm

crappy thing about liking a girl when she is lives 3 hrs away, you cant stop thinking about her. my brother is being a dick, he compaires me to him all the time. he dosent have a job he isnt going to school and he doesnt do any activities, so he complains about how i dont do much around the house and i leave for extended periods at a time.


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:48 pm

wow billy... i hope you realize what a worthless piece of shit you are when you die alone and the only people who come to your funeral come only to piss on your grave.


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by creepykid » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:51 pm

Joe wrote:Dungeons & Dragons sessions will be sweet. I have made background music for boss encounters and exploring dungeons. I have maps and a wicked storyline. I know you're jealous.


edit: I still have all that shit too. anyone want to play?
Last edited by creepykid on Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by kristy » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:55 pm

don't do that.

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:05 pm

Ok so let's do a fun review of where I am today and where I was exactly one year ago today.

One year ago today I was attending the no.1 music school in the country.
Today, I'm not even in no job. ;)

One year ago I was an aspiring musician with ambition.
Not so much now...

A year ago I use to practice guitar every day, usually for at least an hour or two.
I havn't played guitar since the show on 12/16.

A year ago, I was in pretty good shape. I could even jog 4.5 miles straight.
I havn't jogged in at least 4 months.

One year ago, when I drank, I had lotsa fun
Now I drink because everything is extremely UN-fun.

Some of my GOOD friends a year ago:
Every single one of them crossed me in the wrong way at the wrong time. I only talk to one of them now... rarely.
Even some of my actual better friends are starting to fade now.

The rest of 2005 in review:

Got involved with an alcoholic psychotic irresponsible lush etc. etc. worst mistake of my life. In fact I think the 2nd worst relationship in all of humanity in ALL of TIME, 2nd ONLY to Oedipus and his mother.
Now involved with a girl who I find to be rather immature + no sex + no drinking = ?a shitload of fun

I had an offer to be in a signed band, record with them, and tour with them.
Refer to worst mistake of my life.

Other & Misc.:
*Every band thing I'm involved in now is flakely, to say the least. But maybe that's for the best considering two fridays ago was the worst show I've ever played in my life.
*I have a dog I don't spend nearly enough time with and its obviously causing problems.
* I've had the worst headache of my life for 7 days straight- contributing to my lack of EVERYTHING. (Hopefully not a brain tumor.) We'll all have a good laugh about that one later.
*Bad music annoys me more than ever.
*I don't know what I want to go to school for
* I have to take my ex to small claims court
* I have to drive to Oklahoma to take my ex to small claims court.
* I have no money

And the kicker... that I have no one to talk to about any of it. Except you. Three or four people that still actually post on livejournal who don't know anything about my life, who may not even glance at this. Perhaps even better, is that I ran all of this through my head, almost word for word, on the way home from Des Moines tonight. Where I lost $20 and a friend in a complete bullshit texas hold 'em tourney.

I really feel like I'm rotting away from the inside out.
If I could go back to a year ago and change anything, would I? Yes.
If I had to do it all over again, would I do anything differently? Yes.
If I could get away with murder, would I? I dunno, depends.


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:10 pm should like put our band and shit like that on 515 crew or 2 lazy to...idk...its not that important though...i think joey chaos said he was going to try and get you some flyers for the suburban scum cd release show...idk...


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by inx515xhell » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:14 pm

supreme lolz.
cannot believe that shit.

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joey Chaos » Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:58 pm

I never, ever had one of those. Although someone made a fake one once..............

You guys remember that time that I was a sex symbol?

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:00 pm



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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joey Chaos » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:05 pm

I believe it was gayos, actually.

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by joseph » Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:09 am

post links
post noodz

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by jason » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:09 am

ahaha if this is about my post where i transcribed what i wrote as a 16 year old that's pretty funny.

i still write in my lj, but twitter/facebook is sort of the new shit for promotion. i am starting to book shows in des moines again, dude, hopefully at the mews with the help of my friends and some great bands, and life's what you make of it.

then you die.

have had a much better outlook lately than ever before.
the building better bombs shows and shivers shows will kick butt, but dude, i am busy with my job and gf so i want to do them at mews and have street team help for promo...


sorry. just call me threadjack. i haven't been booking shows here since 2002, and am so glad to feel like i'm part of something again, and am so constantly inspired by my friends and people's words (if you listen to the shivers, the band i hope to book in february with d. lam and hopefully twelve canons) then that's all that's important.

no guarantees. nothing i'm not interested in personally. never again. i sit in my room, draw, paint, make flyers, feel ups and downs but am still less dramatic than i was when i wrote in lj in college time. you should see my diaryland/crewcial blog. sheeeeeit.

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by joseph » Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:24 am

jason wrote:ahaha if this is about my post where i transcribed what i wrote as a 16 year old that's pretty funny.

i still write in my lj, but twitter/facebook is sort of the new shit for promotion. i am starting to book shows in des moines again, dude, hopefully at the mews with the help of my friends and some great bands, and life's what you make of it.

then you die.

have had a much better outlook lately than ever before.
the building better bombs shows and shivers shows will kick butt, but dude, i am busy with my job and gf so i want to do them at mews and have street team help for promo...


sorry. just call me threadjack. i haven't been booking shows here since 2002, and am so glad to feel like i'm part of something again, and am so constantly inspired by my friends and people's words (if you listen to the shivers, the band i hope to book in february with d. lam and hopefully twelve canons) then that's all that's important.

no guarantees. nothing i'm not interested in personally. never again. i sit in my room, draw, paint, make flyers, feel ups and downs but am still less dramatic than i was when i wrote in lj in college time. you should see my diaryland/crewcial blog. sheeeeeit.

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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by jason » Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:03 pm

sorry, was late and couldn't sleep. let me provide some context. i have booked shows since i was sixteen (did a bunch at botan/marys and mostly at the picador), but since i've returned from austin, tx, i have only done shows in ames, and since my ex moved into the practice space and she's a bit of a homebody, it's not available as a space. i guess i am saying i am really proud to announce that i am fucking booking shows in des moines again and am committed to making shit work and be fucking fun again and i think twitter and facebook is the new way to do that.

fuck livejournal.


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by Joe » Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:27 pm



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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by jason » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:52 pm

sorry joe, didn't mean to harsh your mellow. :P

love you and miss you, duder. i will help iowa city too, i think i'm getting the owner of the lift/vaudeville more in touch with jacki who owns picador which is good cuz i can't imagine the house show scene in iowa city is much of your bag. :P

i slept in the car last night in grinnell during the vetiver show, actually. just been worn out. but i'll stay out of your threadblog.

your friend,


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Re: Reading through all yousguyses old Livejournals is HILARIOUS

Post by kylervk » Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:36 pm

jason wrote:i slept in the car last night in grinnell during the vetiver show
...i have a similar story


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