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Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Joe » Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:03 am

There's a lot of new people on here, and we can always get re-acquainted with eachother since shit has changed over the years, so...

I'm Joe.
I'm 23 years old.
I am from Des Moines but I now bum around in Iowa City. I used to live at the Haunted Basement, and that was one of the best times of my life.
I like to play the drums, ride bikes around, and listen to records. I am vegan. You can call me straightedge if you want.
Some of my favorite bands are Metallica, Less Than Jake, Orchid, Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers, and Burzum. I LIKE PUNK ROCK AND METAL. I ALSO PLAY DRUMS A LOT:

Bands I have been in:

Colonizer - Drums - 2007 to 2008
Vegan Apocalypse - Drums - 2008
American Ghost Band - Drums, vocals - 2006 to 2007
Dispussy - Drums - 2007
Patrick Swayze's Ghost - Drums - 2004 to 2006
The Scumbags - Drums - 2004

Bands that wrote music but never did anything:

Woolly Mammoth - Drums - 2008

Bands I have filled in for:

Party Time! - Drums - 2008
Varsity Street Walkerz - Raps - 2006
NAture - Drums - 2003
Chuck Phuck - Drums - 2003
Death Mission - Drums - 2003



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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by joseph » Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:16 am

Joe wrote:I'm Joe.


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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Thom » Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:20 pm

I'll bite. I'm Thom.

I'm the biggest internet whiner there is. I play guitar and bass and book some of the shows at the haunted basement. I'm a vegan also. I'd like to think I'm not nearly as big of an douchebag in real life, but that remains to be seen. I'm not proud to say I live with Brandon Wiggins.

some bands I've been in:

Ned Kelly: Bass forever ago
Colonizer: bass 2007-2008
Circlepit Assholes: Guitar for however long we existed.
Boy Meets World: Guitar
Pioneer Days: Guitar..............

I was also one third of the critically aclaimed dsm pop punk revival group Woolly Mammoth

and if you didnt know, joe broke his edge to pieces. He loves smoking weed now. XW33DBULBX
Last edited by Thom on Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by TooManyHumyns » Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:39 pm

im james, im 21 and live in des moines in the drake area.... im on here quiet....i like to play devils advocate...i book shows every once in a while...i quite smoking, i don't really drink much anymore...i liked riding my bike before that shit got stolen, and i enjoy gardening, and making music. im in school full time in the building trades program, i hope to get into the union when i graduate, i hope to build my own damn house eventually........ i listen to doom metal of all sorts, some stoner shit, some death and thrash metal, some punk, some rap, and some older blues stuff... some of my favorite bands/preformers are: Dystopia, Asunder, Kylesa, Ghoul, Carcinogen, Medication Time, Godspeed, Dark Angel, Nirvana, Metallica, Wu-Tang, Mississippi John Hurt, Will E. Whitmore, Charlie Parr, Blackbird Raum and Noothgrush ....i'm vegi., i like to overuse elipces(sp?) and i understand my spelling, punctuation and grammar are all horrible....

i play guitar and banjo...
i play guitar in SEA)))HAG
I used to play guitar in:
Colonizer 07-early 08
Bestial Lust 07 (we played 3 shows in which all of the times our name was spelled wrong on the supposed to be BEASTial LUST....)dumb
Dispussy 07
Defenestration 07(never played a show)
extinction 06(never played a show but recorded i think the song is at though the page might not load right)
T.O.D. 04-06? (formerly known as vanzetti)
and one other band, i forgot the name...some stupid bullshit

there you have it...

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by 515lurker » Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:53 pm

im lurking...

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by creepykid » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:25 pm




Oceanside, CA

Current location
Des Moines, IA


Eye color

Hair color

Right or left hand

Zodiac sign

fuck that

Single/in love/crush on
swangin mah dick


Tyler Wurzer

Best physical feature
My dick

Overused phrase on IM

8 pm

Most missed memory
i forgot

Favorite color
weed green

Favorite food

Favorite sports

Favorite animal

Have you ever been in love?
i've always been in love with huge tits

I've been in/am in
Beati Paoli
Knuckled Down
Creepy Kids
Driving While Stupid
Death Dealaz

I'm also vegan, read comics, play Magic, play D&D, and Warhammer.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Shane » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:41 pm

I'm Shane. I'm 16 and I live in Altoona. I like to play drums and guitar, ride bikes, and go to shows. I'm vegan. I'm also straight edge but I'm not an idiot about it. I want to be a doctor someday. I really love dried apricots.

I listen to these bands most of the time: Have Heart, Minor Threat, Hot Cross, Terror, Explosions In The Sky, Comeback Kid, Lightning Bolt, This Will Destroy You, Just Do It!, Shai Hulud, Saves The Day, Say Anything, In The Face of War, and Andrew W.K.

I currently play drums in Blue and Ska Band Go!, but I'm playing my last show with the ska band in December. I'm starting a new project called While The Ship Sinks in which I will do vocals.

I have played drums in a variety of shitty pop punk and rock bands:
Caught Stealing - 2008, no shows
All Is On - 2007-2008, 5 shows
KNHPPAFH - this was actually a pretty sweet jam band, we never practiced but we played 2 shows between 2006 and 2007.
A Red Banner - 2006, 2 shows
Poison Dart Frog - 2005-2006, a handful of shows that I choose not to remember.
Balgord - 2004-2005, this barely counts. We never played shows and we covered the Kings of Leon.
Joey Chaos wrote:Shane's gonna find out the hard way.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Crispin » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:46 pm

My name is Eric Michael Allen Crispin Wiebenga(E-Dawg, EMA) I am 22 almost 23 and I am also ashamed to say I live with Brandon Wiggins.

I have played in Circlepit Assholes-Guitar
Boy Meets World-Drums

I was the super secret 3rd member of the elusive Wolly Mammoth.

I am not vegan or straight edge. I enjoy long walks on the beach and soft jazz playing while reading poetry in the bath tub. Candles are prefered but not required.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Walking Thunder » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:57 pm

John, 21.

I go to the University of Iowa, studying English. I have no clue what I'm doing with it. Since I study in IC I'm not in DSM that much anymore. I go to shows when I can. I'm trying vegetarianism yet again . . . (yeah dudes, I'm a vegbreaker) it's working out much better than before.

I skateboard and bike (commuting and cardio). I want to do RAGBRAI this year.

I did vocals for When We Fall ('06) back in the day and haven't done anything since -- though I liked to get something together (hit me up). I play the drums so-so. EDIT: I tried to play drums for Helen Keller's Ghost but failed horribly.

Some of my favorite bands are: Modest Mouse, A Silver Mt. Zion, Slayer, Articles of Faith, Black Flag, Limp Wrist, Elliot Smith, Municipal Waste, and Suicidal Tendencies.

If I think of more stuff I'll post.
Last edited by Walking Thunder on Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Walking Thunder » Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:00 pm

More n00bs need to post.

I'm looking at you xholymanx.
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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by KY Jelly Belly » Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:26 pm

I am Kyle
I am originally from Stinkin' Lincoln,NE and moved here about 3 years ago. I am a comm. college dropout who went to SWCC in Creston and came up to Dsm every weekend and eventually moved here. I am NOT vegan, but respect those who are, and I am NOT SxE, but respect those who are. You probly wonder about my user name(KYjellybelly) funny story, my friends and I a long time ago were at this girls house and she had a bunch of lube(don't know why) so we thought it would be fun to have belly races on the wood floors with lube, I was kyjellybelly.

In lincoln I played guitar in Nuclear Goat Head(Stoner/grind shit) who only played 3 basement shows and called it quits. And also played bass in The Broke 4(punk/ska). We put out a shitty CD and went our ways.

I am currently playing guitar for Die Mutts and would love to start something new and original.
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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by tylerjames515 » Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:30 pm

I am Tyler Larson.
I am 20.
I talk a lot of shit, (where hilarity ensues...ask party kyle.) apparently online.
I'm in Just Do It! I play the mic.
I book shows but not too often, but I help with fliers and shit when I can.
these are the most played artists on my
Trash Talk, New Found Glory, Terror, 100 Demons, Another Breath, Have Heart, Ringworm, Death Before Dishonor.

& just because this made me laugh..
Rooster wrote:cant worship the devil unless you are 21 now

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by kylervk » Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:38 pm

my name is kyler vande kieft... im a chubby 21 year old who lives in pella, iowa. ive booked some pretty cool shows in pella, oskaloosa, and des moines. sometimes i do this little label thing in my spare time, i call it ruleogy records. i used to stay at the haunted basement and bullshit with joe for days at a time. some of the best times ive had. im currently a junior at central college here in pella. i will be studying abroad in the netherlands next semester, leiden to be more specific (about a 15-20 minute train ride from amsterdam). ive been vegetarian for about 6 years, and straight edge for about 5... who really cares though?

for the last 6 months my 15 favorite bands (according to have been, in this order: in the face of war, comadre, rosa, in loving memory, meandhimcallitus, limp wrist, saves the day, in defence, muddy waters, das oath, black market fetus, hercules, old scratch revival singers, hewhocorrupts, the bronx.

im mainly posting on here because it will be fun for me to see if i can think of all the bands ive been in. i played bass for all of these, unless otherwise noted.

"real bands":
pedro and the foot clan (essentially a ramones cover band), 2002
vincent vega (played synth), 2003
...and the hero falls, 2004
approaching nain, 2004-current
lung cancer, winter 2007-summer 2008
party time! on holy shit mountain, summer 2008
tony rocky horror (part 2), summer-spring 2008
boy meets world, spring 2008

filled in for:
sender receiver, filled in as a vocalist for 3-4 shows in 2006
optimist, filled in for 4-5 shows in 2007
prevail in the hail of gunfire, filled in for their winter tour 2007

recording projects/jam bands/one show bands
some dance pop shit with a friend who had a synth, 2004
the black oak conspiracy, 2006
mediumPENIS, 2007-FOREVER
hold out! 2007-???? (we should get this back together!)
old guys, 2008
tony rocky horror (part 1), winter 2007
krooks and dunn, spring 2008
some pop punk shit, summer 2008
we are the 1998 utah jazz (OH SHIT! THE DYNASTY!), fall 2008

future projects:
buSKAke, the first ever all gay ska band
dog breath, powerviolence shit
the black oak conspiracy, folk stuff that i want to get back together
plus i hope to start some sort of a punk band in the netherlands

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Big Fat Retard » Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:03 pm

Hi. My names is James Theodore. I'm 44 so y'all better show some respect. I first posted a listing for a show on this board a couple years ago after googling "music forums des moines" not knowing that y'all were a buncha smartass young punks who would tell me I suck dick and my band sucks. I was all like "These fuckers are talking shit now, but it won't be long before I have them coming to my shows".

I play in a sloppy drunk rock n roll band by the name of Johnny Reeferseed and The High Rollers. We've been around for almost three years now. We are currently in the midst of recording a CD.

I've promoted a few shows with national acts some with success and lost my ass on a couple.

My favorite place to play is The Briar Patch and hippy festivals. My favorite bars to play is currently The Hull and Byron's in Pomeroy

I've also played with The Creekdwellers, Mr Green Jeans, Melody Makers, Jethro's Junkyard, and many sit in gigs. My goal musically is too make enough money so I can quit my job.

My favorite bands and influences are The Rolling Stones, KISS, Prince, The Faces, George Clinton & P Funk,Afroman, Public Enemy, Ice T, NWA, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Hank III, Peter Tosh, Red Sovine, Spade Cooley, Jimmy Castor Bunch, James Brown, Willie Nelson, Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf etc. I like most kinds of music except that "new cuntry" crap. My first real rock n roll concert was Foreigner with The Ramones opening in 1978. I'd never heard of The Ramones, but I dug the hell out of them.

I have three cats and an Aussie Shepherd/Pitbull mix

I work a day job for a group of medical clinics.

I love burritos from the Taco Jerez wagon on SE 14th & Pioneer, hot wings, Miller High Life, young fat girls and WEED!!
I poop on Petland!

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by tom2electricboogaloo » Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:47 pm

name: tom

sign: libra

schools: roosevelt
university of iowa
upper iowa university

age: oldish

job: yes

drums: 1963 ludwig silver sparkle

soap: lever 2000

bands: total passover
the delstars
the chezwicks

(as well as tours with squidboy and five year plan)

wheels: kawasaki zx12r
ford windstar (the death star)

pets: 30+ fish
an army of african clawed frogs
a rabbit named 'nina'.

cigarettes: camel menthols

music: anything estrus or sftri

movies: fletch

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by inx515xhell » Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:17 pm


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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by kylervk » Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:46 am

inx515xhell wrote:YOUR MOUTH

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by TooManyHumyns » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:48 am

515lurker wrote:FUNENDER!!!!
SORRY...for real...I TOTALLY Forgot...though i don't know how i could forget about a 26 minute song...sorry dawg
i also played guitar in FunEnder 07

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by LossofSanity » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:03 am

My name is Pat.

I am nineteen years old and I am an English major at Iowa State. I love to write. I enjoy partying and just hanging out with my friends and my girlfriend. I love horror movies and a variety of music. I love doom, but I also enjoy hippie jam bands. I love Pentagram, Phish, Dead Meadow, Boris, Dungen, The Beatles, The Brian Jonestown Massacre (and countless BJM offshoots), Pink Floyd, The Grateful Dead, Electric Wizard, Black Sabbath, Godspeed You Black Emperor, and so much more. Live music is my favorite thing and I do my best to see as much as I can. I like to think I have an open mind and I'll like anything as long as it's good.

I did vocals for a metal band with two of my best friends in junior high/early high school. We never played shows, but I had a great time. I would love to do vocals/play harmonica for a psychedelic doom rock band.

I also intend on purchasing a synthesizer in the near future and would love to meet people who are interested in ambient/drone experimental electronic music.

If anyone is interested in starting a doom/stoner rock band or just want to jam out and chill, let me know.
Good times are so hard to find.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Bullet Tooth » Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:00 am

im zach. 32. sing for Knuckled Down. first band. i used to "run" Da Bassment. short lived, basically one summer. used to bounce for hairy marys.

i have 4 kids and 3 jobs. im too busy to have any hobbies. i do nothing but family stuff or work or random shows or band stuff. i rarely have time to hang with friends which is a bummer.

i hate drunks and drugs. i like to smoke cigars. i eat hella meat and bad stuff. im fat. i never went to college but did go to trade school and it paid off. im a license gun owner and im a good shot. i dont hunt, that shits boring.

i dont have or anything like that but ive been playing most lately: Strife, Biohazard, Life Of Agony, Icepick, Until The End, 100 Demons, Terror, Misfits, Cheech, OLC, Run DMC

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by lukerauch » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:26 am

i'm luke, i'm 22 and live in pella. i've lived in 4 different houses in pella and am now living in a loft (the wolf hangar) above a meat market (where i've worked for 3 years). mildly interested in little things here and there i was mainly interested in music so i taught myself how to play guitar, drums, and bass. favorite bands: metallica, modern life is war, at the drive-in, the locust, isis.
this is going to look ridiculous but these are all the bands i've been in that played shows.

from the get-go-guitar
carson radio-guitar
jessica wyoming-drums
better in autumn-drums/guitar
enkido- bass*
the reverend-drums
red hot cobras-vocals
an airbag saved my life-guitar/bass & vocals
approaching nain-drums
tyborn jig-guitar*
party time-drums
sender receiver-drums
prevail in the hail of gunfire-guitar
druids-bass & vocals
swarms-guitar & vocals/drums and vocals
color cast-drums

*i filled in on an enkido tour/played guitar on a tyborn jig track
i like to drink and try not to smoke. FOOD RULES!

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by ilikehorses » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:48 am

i'm ed. i'm an LPN and will hopefully be an RN in may.

i'm in tyborn jig. (and shrill when we're all in iowa) i've been in a lot of other bands, most of which never played shows or enough shows.

i have a tattoo that says Fun Or Death.

i like to ride bikes when it's not fucking cold.
Even today, I can't see a car run a red light without instantly having an image flash into my head of a man's erect penis, penetrating a watermelon.


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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by El Rhino » Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:57 am

I'm Ryan. I'm 27 years old. Lifelong Southsider. I'm kind of a big deal around here.

I work at Firestone building tires. I'm in the union, it's not too bad and it pays decent. Hard and dirty work though sometimes.

Born into a fairly normal, decent blue collar family. My parents are still married and I have one sister and a nephew born over the summer.

I was in the Marine Corps Reserve for about 7 years, did one combat tour in Iraq. My job was infantry. I kind of miss it sometimes and realize this has been a big part of who I am.

Currently trying to trudge my way through school as more of a hobby than anything. I ended up with about 90 credits from DMACC with a business admin AS and liberal arts AA and I'm now working towards a bachelor's in liberal arts from the University of Indiana's distance program. This has been keeping me very busy lately. My job pays for it, so I might as well take advantage of it. Currently taking classes in human variation, geography, the late plays of Shakespeare and I'll be starting a French and European history class shortly.

I like lifting weights (and shooting Iraqis), try to eat healthy and sometimes get into running. I have five different containers of protein powder open in my house, so I suppose that makes me something of a meat head (3 different flavors and two different types). I haven't had alcohol in over a year. Never officially added "straight edge" to my subcultural repertoire but I live it. There's some talk of some interesting things happening with that, but that's all I'll say for now. Always a skinhead though.

I'm a total Anglophile. I'm all about British style, music, history, literature, culture and so-on. That's what I'm into and also my heritage. I guess I take interest in most other European countries' cultures (and the cultures of European-influenced countries like the US, Argentina, New Zealand, etc). It's safe to say I have a very unapologetic Eurocentric view of the world, to say the least. I enjoy traveling to these places when I can and in the mean time reading about them, eating their foods, etc.

Musically I'm into punk, reggae, Oi!!!, mod and various other stuff. Favorites: The Jam, Madness, English Beat, Skrewdriver, The Specials, No Remorse, Cocksparrer, Minor Threat, Generation X, Rezillos, The Lambrettas, Secret Affair, Stone Roses, Templars, The Pogues, Elvis Costello, Oasis, Blur, Above The Ruins, Prince Buster, Derrick Morgan, Violent Femmes, Blue Eyed Devils, Last Resort, Combat 84 and many more. I collect vinyl and probably have the second largest reggae collection in Iowa. Looking to greatly add to it next month in London.

Politically right-leaning, although I swing to the left on SOME economic issues and most environmental ones. Pat Buchanan would make the greatest president ever.

Contrary to my avatar, I am not Juan Manuel de Rosas. Here's a pic of me at Cafe Tortoni in Buenos Aires:

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by elliot » Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:03 pm

My name is Elliot Imes. 25 years old. That's a quarter century. I was born in St. Louis. My dad died when I was 3, and the rest of us moved to Des Moines when I was 6. Aside from a brief stay at Kirkwood in Cedar Rapids, I've been here ever since.

I stay because I have great friends here and love the vibes. Occasionally, Des Moines sucks. But even when I go visit California, I come back here and realize I'm in the right place.

I have a girlfriend, so ladies, hands off. Oh wait, exactly zero girls post here anymore.

I love lots of good television shows. I also watch a lot of football, basketball and professional wrestling. I will fiercely debate the merits of each one.

I'll be going back to school this January, to complete my English degree at Drake. The ultimate goal is to become a rock journalist.

Obviously, music is my main obsession. Brief list of favorite bands would be At the Drive-in, Sleater-Kinney, The Ramones, Bad Religion, The Jesus Lizard, Dillinger Four, AC/DC and Tom Waits.

Since everybody else is doing it, I'll make the full list of bands I've been in:

The Whoremoans/Lost Cause (January 1998-August 2002)
In Loving Memory (October 2000-November 2000, this is why I barely count it)
The Mezzanine (November 2001-July 2004)
Walking In Memphis (January 2003-May 2003)
Dispensing of False Halos (filled in several times, did one tour with them)
Eye's Last Glance (filled in a lot, yes this band was terrible)
Shred Eagle (never played a show, this was me, John Carter, Will and Bill from Dispensing, and Sxotty Robotty on vocals)
The Ghost Dance (October 2004-January 2005)
Tyborn Jig (April 2005-present)
Monstro (September 2006-present)
Elliot Imes (started doing solo stuff in '02)

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by noel_nothing » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:01 pm

i'm noel
age: 29
location: waterloo
occupation: working in a shitty pet store
bands i've been in: the clark kents & the police cops
instruments i play, but not very well: drums, guitar, bass
shit i listen to: social d, the ramones, slayer, motorhead, replacements, misfits, ministry, riverdales, thin lizzy, etc.
books: anything by bukowski is worth the time. johnathan a is good too.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by keithdruids » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:26 pm

well....happy thanksgiving to you too, sir!

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by keithdruids » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:54 pm

I'm Keith, I'm 23 (soon to be 24). I love my girlfriend, books, traveling, movies, music, Nintendo Wii, and playing dominoes and card games (Phase 10). I've toured all over the USA as well as played 15 countries in Europe.

Some of my favorite bands include: Superdrag, The Cardigans, Flowers Forever, Saves the Day, Refused, Explosions In The Sky, The Faceless, Modern Life Is War, Underoath, and Bjork. I've been rocking the new Copeland, Portishead, Soledad Brothers...I'm a big fan of Francoise Hardy and Quicksilver Messenger Service as well. I like every type of music imaginable (minus radio country). The amount of music in my library is disgusting but I'm happy with it. I am currently reading "Eldest" by Christopher Paolini, and I'm loving it.

Bands that I am in/ Have been in:

Druids 2008-Current (Drums/ Vocals)
Radio Moscow 2006-2008 (Drums)
Cosmia 2007-Current? (Guitar)
The Hushabye Mountain 2007 (Guitar/ Vocals)
Monstro 2006-Current (Drums)
The Lifestyle 2006 (Bass/ Vocals)
(We Are) The KGB 2005-2006 (Guitar/ Vocals)
My American Heart 2005 (Bass)
Enkido 2004-2005 (Guitar/ Vocals)
Hellalujah 2004 (?) (Guitar)
The Ghost Dance 2004-2005 (Guitar/ Vocals)
Duck and Cover 2000-2003 (Vocals/ Guitar)

....i think that's it?

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by Beaver » Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:16 pm

Name: Brian also answers to: B, B-dogg, B-dogg seabiscuit, B-frog, That "guy", any racial slur

Also a lifelong Southsider.

Enjoys: Shows, fucking, smoking the occasional reefer, trolling the web, bar hoping, pro wrestling, Heroes, zombie flicks, comics, booze zombie

Some bands I like: Open Hand, Failure, ETID, Far, Glassjaw, Mars Volta, Sparta, Mike Patton, Zao, Aphex Twin, The Cars

Bands I in/been in:
Sniper - cardboard box drums (stupid kid band 1994)
Fallout Shelter - bucket drum, snare, high hat (another stupid kid band 94'-96')
GIMP - guitar and vocals(1996-1998)
Unidentified Suspects - master of ceremonies (1999-2007)
NicoteeN and Lust - vokills (2007-preseant)

Favorite Restaraunts: El Rodeo, Barratta's, Tumea's, Henry J's

Misses: Hairy Mary's, Lucky's, Bluegills

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Location: Des Moines, IA

Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by elliot » Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:30 pm

Shit! I forgot about Hellalujah! How could I have done that?

Joe likes Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers. This proves that he knows his shit.

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Re: Who are you and what have you done?

Post by servo » Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:04 pm

were you in the opera band, elliot?

also, what would it take for hellalujah to play a show?
Tu vir nunc es, canis

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