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Hank Fist
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Lincoln Hawk-the movie

Post by Hank Fist » Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:56 am

Lincoln Hawk

Stallone finally closes up all the questions left at the end of "Over the Top"

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Hank Fist
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Re: Lincoln Hawk-the movie

Post by Hank Fist » Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:02 am

Lincoln Hawk: Tell you the truth, the truck is, uh, you know, the most important thing for me. I... I don't really... it doesn't matter if I, uh, become the champion or anything. That's, that's not the most important... I... I need this truck.

Lincoln Hawk: The world meets nobody halfway. When you want something, you gotta take it.

Michael Cutler: I don't believe this. All that talk about never giving up is all lies. You never believed it yourself. And what you said to me, remember? "Now is the time to do it for yourself". "The world meets nobody halfway". "If you want it, you gotta take it".
Lincoln Hawk: Mike, please. I...
Michael Cutler: Now is your chance Dad, don't you see? I don't care about what happened before, so you can stop trying to prove yourself to me. It doesn't matter if you win or loose, dad. I don't care about that. All I care about is being with you, Dad... and I love you!

Michael Cutler: Grandfather always said you were a looser. Now you're trying to make me one and I hater you for it.
Lincoln Hawk: Mike, I don't care what your grandfather thinks about me, okay? All I care about is you!

Lincoln Hawk: What are you trying to do? I gave you custody of the boy, I signed papres, what more do you want?
Jason Cutler: I'm trying to make things easy forf you, Hawk. You don't need Michael for a meal ticket anymore. You've got a free ride. So take the truck, take the money. Start a new life, START YOUR OWN FAMILY!
Lincoln Hawk: I've got a family! And when this is over, I'm comin' to get him.

Jason Cutler: We don't have to be enemies.
Lincoln Hawk: I never wanted to be your enemy.

Michael Cutler: I'd like to say something, sir.
Lincoln Hawk: Sure.
Michael Cutler: This truck is disgusting!

Michael Cutler: If I went with you, where would we go? Where would we end up?
Lincoln Hawk: Together is all I can guarantee.

Michael Cutler: How long will it take?
Lincoln Hawk: Well, I've got one more pick up. And say, two to three days, we'll be in California. And your mother doesn't go into surgery, say, until Wednesday morning.
Michael Cutler: Do you really think you can make up 10 years in two to three days?
Lincoln Hawk: No.

Bob 'Bull' Hurley: You ain't got a PRAYER in Vegas!
Lincoln Hawk: We'll see.

Lincoln Hawk: I got a family. And when this is over, I'm coming to get him.

Lincoln Hawk: He's staying with me! You tell him that! You tell him!

Lincoln Hawk: I always wanted to be a milk shake.

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