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Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:54 am
by EveSucher
Can't find the right place to buy Viagra?
Aware of fraud or poor medications?
Visit Canadian Health

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:56 am
by robdigi

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:57 pm
by Smoking Guns

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:24 am
by El Rhino
I don't know, lads, I wouldn't do it.

One day in Iraq we were patrolling through the market. A man called me over to his stand and showed me a ton of pills, with a large smile on his face. I told him in Arabic that I didn't understand what he was trying to show me. He said something, I didn't catch it. Then he made a clicking noise and flicked out his index finger straight out.

Ohhhhhhhh..... "Hey guys, come here, this dude has viagra!"

So we bought some viagra. Actually, "Jenagra" from Syria.

A few days later it was our turn to guard the base. I had enough rank where I could usually pull a decent spot, so that time I had a small concrete bunker on the middle of the base guarding a stockpile of various ordinance all by myself. I took one of the pills about half an hour before taking post on the night shift. At first I didn't feel anything, but then I felt myself feeling a little a good way. Someone chucked me a porno mag and I remember thinking a little too hard about a phone sex ad that had a girl with her arm raised with "LICK MY PITS!" as the headline. On a four hour shift I think I whacked chowder four or five times, under some difficult circumstances. That thing would not go down. I ended up rubbing it raw and it wasn't healing quite right. Of course it didn't help that I didn't stop masturbating for a few days to let it clear.

A couple weeks later we were in Baghdad waiting to come home. I ended up talking to a buddy of mine who was a Navy Corpsman (Marines use Navy medics) and he gave me some cream to put on it to help it heal. I offered to show him the damage, but he declined. A couple times a day I would draw him a picture (size greatly exagerated, of course) of my pork sword and sketched in the injured areas to let him know how the healing was progressing.

Everything healed up just fine, but I decided that Viagra is nothing I need to be playing around with at this juncture in my life. Hell, if anything I need some bull tranquilizers.

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:46 am
by Big Fat Retard
Not trying to imply anything, but why in the hell would you take hard on pills if you don't have a chick to bang on?

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:09 am
by El Rhino
Boredom, because they're there, boredom, enhanced masturbation, boredom.

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:11 am
by Hank Fist
wankin' it to El Rhino's story...

Re: Online drugstore for your convenience!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:27 pm
by Big Fat Retard
El Rhino wrote:Boredom, because they're there, boredom, enhanced masturbation, boredom.
Understandable. Continue whackin', soldier.