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Street Fighter fans

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:57 am
by Joe
I guess this message is directed at robdigi and potter. I dunno if anyone else cares.

As of yesterday, a new character has been unlocked in Street Fighter IV. And that new character is...


Gouken. Ken and Ryu's master, Akuma's brother.
I have turned into the biggest geek ever from this.

That's him in action. Some things I'd like to point out:
*One armed hadoukens.
It seems he's kinda got the same Tatsumaki Senpuu that Akuma has in Alpha, where it hits vertical instead of horizontal... except it goes up. More anti-aerial is sweet.
*His focus attack is Ryu's kick from 3 that was strangely left out of 4... which means he learns it from Gouken and not Oro or anyone else.
*He doesn't seem to have a normal shoryuken that every other shoto character has, but watch in that video at 2:04... HOLY SHIT.

Uhm... so pumped up. Akuma is a bitch.


Re: Street Fighter fans

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:31 am
by Joe

Re: Street Fighter fans

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:16 am
by Potter
akuma ain't no thing compared to this monster. I'm so fucking excited.

and joe, you've always been the biggest geek.

Re: Street Fighter fans

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:29 pm
by ABOMB515
I didnt know Street Fighter would get so far along!
When is SSF IV out or is it already?
RAd-I'm still playing the SNES version--but this looks