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corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:02 pm
by TooManyHumyns
corey taylor and slipknot were recording their new video today down at nolan plaza...corey walked up to us(food not bombs) and asked if we wanted to be in a 'music video thats for slipknot'........part of me really wanted to say yes, just because it would be hilarious...but i had to say was funny...he walked around struttin' his shit...anyways...look for food not bombs in the backround of the new slipknot video whenever it comes out you maggots...corey had this shovel and was dragging it through the water to make it shimmer or whatever, then they were recording was comical...

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:27 pm
by jnice
They didn't ask you to contort your body or fake a seizure (so people know it's a metal video)?

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:05 pm
by TooManyHumyns
idk, the peeps that did decide to do it looked metal as fuck with their sick ass tribal sleeves...i bet there was some convulsing going on...inside my shell i wait and bleed

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:52 pm
by Big Fat Retard
You gotta admit, Corey Taylor's one cool mutherfucker. So what time do you guys serve dinner on Saturday? I've never been one to turn down a free meal.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:05 pm
by Varg
TooManyHumyns wrote:corey taylor and slipknot were recording their new video today down at nolan plaza...corey walked up to us(food not bombs) and asked if we wanted to be in a 'music video thats for slipknot'........part of me really wanted to say yes, just because it would be hilarious...but i had to say was funny...he walked around struttin' his shit...anyways...look for food not bombs in the backround of the new slipknot video whenever it comes out you maggots...corey had this shovel and was dragging it through the water to make it shimmer or whatever, then they were recording was comical...

LOL- massive fraudin' going on in this post. Here's the video: ... =444222517

Unless you're an HB8.5 or above OR a member of Slipknot- there's NO WAY IN HELL you would've been in that video.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:49 pm
by Hank Fist
Is it the same song?

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:53 pm
by Varg
Hank Fist wrote:Is it the same song?

Well, he's dragging a shovel around the there more than ONE recent video of this happening?

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:02 am
by Hank Fist
no idea, haven't watched the video, heard the song(s), don't know what hb8.5 is, don't know why toomanyhumyns would care enough to post something about the nearing middle-aged men running around in masks with shovels trying to be taken seriously that isn't true. I guess when i'm trying to look cool though, i make shit up about corey taylor wanting to hang out with me and make a video and just chill with some masks on or something. Maybe play some M.A.S.K., then watch the movie Mask. It could be a way sweeter lie.

and you like Slipknot.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:02 am
by Hank Fist
no idea, haven't watched the video, heard the song(s), don't know what hb8.5 is, don't know why toomanyhumyns would care enough to post something about the nearing middle-aged men running around in masks with shovels trying to be taken seriously that isn't true. I guess when i'm trying to look cool though, i make shit up about corey taylor wanting to hang out with me and make a video and just chill with some masks on or something. Maybe play some M.A.S.K., then watch the movie Mask. It could be a way sweeter lie.

and you like Slipknot.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:07 am
by TooManyHumyns
Varg wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:corey taylor and slipknot were recording their new video today down at nolan plaza...corey walked up to us(food not bombs) and asked if we wanted to be in a 'music video thats for slipknot'........part of me really wanted to say yes, just because it would be hilarious...but i had to say was funny...he walked around struttin' his shit...anyways...look for food not bombs in the backround of the new slipknot video whenever it comes out you maggots...corey had this shovel and was dragging it through the water to make it shimmer or whatever, then they were recording was comical...

LOL- massive fraudin' going on in this post. Here's the video: ... =444222517

Unless you're an HB8.5 or above OR a member of Slipknot- there's NO WAY IN HELL you would've been in that video.
first of all rite.....ummmmmmm, no! there was no way in hell i was gna be in that video...fuck no!...tho...corey taylor in his stupid fucking fedora, suit and rockstar attitude DID directly asked me, lacy, molly and ronnie, to be in the 'new video for slipknot, that is going to be on mtv..." while we were doing FNB at NOLAN PLAZA....
why would i make this up
you need to fuck right off
perhaps they didnt use the footage...wait, i just watched it, and that scene...(right at 13 seconds)
what they did record was a bunch of fuck tard tribal tatoo doods sitting on the east end steps of NOLAN PLAZA, while corey was putting ripples in the water with a shovel and talking into a walky talky...but like i said, that doesnt mean they used it all, and apparently they didn't....dont say shit when you have no clue...

lol @ your life :lol:

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:58 am
by Varg
TooManyHumyns wrote:

first of all rite.....ummmmmmm, no! there was no way in hell i was gna be in that video...fuck no!...tho...corey taylor in his stupid fucking fedora, suit and rockstar attitude DID directly asked me, lacy, molly and ronnie, to be in the 'new video for slipknot, that is going to be on mtv..." while we were doing FNB at NOLAN PLAZA....
why would i make this up
you need to fuck right off
perhaps they didnt use the footage...wait, i just watched it, and that scene...(right at 13 seconds)
what they did record was a bunch of fuck tard tribal tatoo doods sitting on the east end steps of NOLAN PLAZA, while corey was putting ripples in the water with a shovel and talking into a walky talky...but like i said, that doesnt mean they used it all, and apparently they didn't....dont say shit when you have no clue...

lol @ your life :lol:

U mad you got caught fraudin'?

lol @ your grammar, or rather, lack thereof.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:41 am
by Big Fat Retard
Who fucking cares?

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:57 am
by El Rhino
It's Nollen Plaza. This is the last time I should have to see it spelled "Nolan" here, people.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:59 am
by Hank Fist
Varg wrote: U mad you got caught fraudin'?

lol @ your grammar, or rather, lack thereof.
lol @ your use of "fraudin'".
it sounds stupid.
and you're huge into Slipknot.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:03 am
by Beaver
Hank - Jim Carrey or Eric Stolts "Mask"?

lawl at "fraudin'". Im stealin it.

Nolan Ryan Plaza?

That dude is fucking joke and everyone who doesnt hang out at HOB knows it.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:25 am
by Hank Fist
Beaver wrote:Hank - Jim Carrey or Eric Stolts "Mask"?

lawl at "fraudin'". Im stealin it.

Nolan Ryan Plaza?

That dude is fucking joke and everyone who doesnt hang out at HOB knows it.
Eric Stolts, Cher, and Sam Elliot.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:53 pm
by dr. dre
corey taylor doesnt even have spinnin' rims

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:32 pm
by inx515xhell
that motherfucker owes me a carpet cleaning.......

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:25 pm
by TooManyHumyns
Varg wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:

first of all rite.....ummmmmmm, no! there was no way in hell i was gna be in that video...fuck no!...tho...corey taylor in his stupid fucking fedora, suit and rockstar attitude DID directly asked me, lacy, molly and ronnie, to be in the 'new video for slipknot, that is going to be on mtv..." while we were doing FNB at NOLAN PLAZA....
why would i make this up
you need to fuck right off
perhaps they didnt use the footage...wait, i just watched it, and that scene...(right at 13 seconds)
what they did record was a bunch of fuck tard tribal tatoo doods sitting on the east end steps of NOLAN PLAZA, while corey was putting ripples in the water with a shovel and talking into a walky talky...but like i said, that doesnt mean they used it all, and apparently they didn't....dont say shit when you have no clue...

lol @ your life :lol:

U mad you got caught fraudin'?

lol @ your grammar, or rather, lack thereof.
kuold kare les abowt grammur brah....i think i won this was
Corey Taylor, In NOLAN Plaza, with the Shovel

go suck an almond

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:36 pm
by Shane
Excellent Clue reference.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:37 am
by annie_fannie
are you guys talking about this douche: ... re=related (he's about a minute & a half into the clip)

i love how we'd all rather 'kill ourselves than use our imagination' & how sick & twisted we all are, blah, blah, bbblllllaaaaaaahhh...

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:48 am
by Varg
annie_fannie wrote:are you guys talking about this douche:

lol, that was fucking sweet. I bet that felt like a big 'ol sandbag shoved up your minge.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:56 am
by annie_fannie
Varg wrote:
annie_fannie wrote:are you guys talking about this douche:

lol, that was fucking sweet. I bet that felt like a big 'ol sandbag shoved up your minge.
minge? ....minge? for real? when did you turn british? have you been living overseas without telling us? are you pulling a madonna-fake-accent too? oh man, i wish i were still there to hear it. (not really)

it's not the subject matter that makes him a total douche (note the scene opens with a woman talking about it), it's how fucking ignorant he sounds...did you listen to the other clip? churches & graveyards? mmmmhmmmm.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:21 am
by Varg
annie_fannie wrote:
Varg wrote:
annie_fannie wrote:are you guys talking about this douche:

lol, that was fucking sweet. I bet that felt like a big 'ol sandbag shoved up your minge.
minge? ....minge? for real? when did you turn british? have you been living overseas without telling us? are you pulling a madonna-fake-accent too? oh man, i wish i were still there to hear it. (not really)

it's not the subject matter that makes him a total douche (note the scene opens with a woman talking about it), it's how fucking ignorant he sounds...did you listen to the other clip? churches & graveyards? mmmmhmmmm.
Yeah, did you notice how I didn't include the other video in my response? WOW, have you gotten SLOW.
How ignorant can he be when all he says "I'm a guy and I like hanging out with guys and doing dumb shit. It's just that simple."
Did you really want him to use a lot of big words and never get to the point- just so he sounds educated?

He's not as dumb as you probably wish he was.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:29 am
by tom2electricboogaloo
chuckles at you two for arguing over that video clip.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:49 pm
by inx515xhell
Varg wrote:He's not as dumb as you probably wish he was.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:09 pm
by 515lurker
this reminds of this one time, i was in homers with lindsey nevins and dan pepples. and lindsey found a cd with a sticker that said.. "iowas second most brutal band".. cant remember the band..but she showed dan.. and he says "haha. then who is first, slipknot?" in a sarcastic way.. not realizing corey taylor was an aisle away from us.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:14 pm
by annie_fannie
inx515xhell wrote:
Varg wrote:He's not as dumb as you probably wish he was.

also, why would i wish he's dumb? i don't want people who are supposedly representing my home state sounding like dipshits...especially someone with that much access to press.

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:18 pm
by Thom
515lurker wrote:"iowas second most brutal band"
Too Pure To Die

Re: corey taylor is rockstar as fuck

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:32 pm
by tom2electricboogaloo
what is the criteria used when ranking iowa bands' 'brutalness'?

when i was mixing, i sat through some serious crap, and that was brutal.

i seriously considered writing a book, or at least a long-winded rant on my web based log on this.