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Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by @nonymous » Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:51 pm

here we can list pros and cons about each candidate or interesting quips that may play into the upcoming elections.

i'll start by providing a good article a friend wrote for the new issue of the Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement newspaper about Mccain, and end with a good analysis of the precedent of race regarding Obama's candidacy.
posts don't need to reflect a particular view of course--i just like discussions about this.

source: ... aam-mccain

By the Way, McCain is a Bonehead Too

by Adrienne
Augist 23, 2008
Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement newsletter

Here at the BAAM newsletter, after roasting Obama’s stances in two consecutive issues, we felt it would be prudent to explain the obvious; we oppose his “opposition” as well. This incredibly easy task of explaining why McCain is pure evil fell to me.

McCain supports gender-based pay discrimination, tells rape jokes, called his wife a cunt in front of reporters, repeatedly votes against fund-ing for measures that would prevent unintended pregnancy and publicly announces his support for overturning the Supreme Court decision guaranteeing the right to an abortion. He has vocally opposed first amendment rights and has expressed more than once his ignorance on economic issues. Other goodies from his voting record: he loves oil, AIDS, corporate fraud, and government corruption. He hates Katrina victims, affirmative action, education, the environment and children with disabilities.

He is on record, and on camera, saying to 60 Minutes, “I disagree with what the majority of the American people want.“ He loves Bush, often expresses admiration for Bush policies and is on record, and on camera, saying the War On Iraq should continue for another 10,000 years. He is similarly on the record and on camera singing, “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran,“ to the tune of “Barbara Ann.“ McCain once demanded that Representative LeBoutillier drop his pants to prove that he wasn’t wearing a wire.

Maverick McCain, that pragmatic centrist, is ideologically opposed to contraception (yes, that includes condoms) and medically accurate sex education, despite his life-long open enthusiasm for sleaze and smut.

But doesn’t that reinforce our need to support Obama, the structural optimist will ask. Obama’s views on abortion are extremely patronizing, he joked around with Bernie Mac about how women are hoes, he routinely addresses and dismisses reporters and random women as “sweetie.“ Despite Obama’s lip service to gender pay equity, the men in his staff outrank and outnumber their female counterparts, who also receive less pay. In 2001 he expressed willingness to compromise racial and reproductive justice to confirm Supreme Court nominees who were anti-affirmative action and pro-coerced pregnancy. His voting record is alarming by how many important, contentious issues he declined to vote on. As has already been covered in previous editions of the BAAM newsletter, Obama hates immigrants while hearting NAFTA and Zionist occupations. Like every other politician on the planet, Obama is bought and paid for by powerful lobbies, but unlike other candidates, Obama accepts their donations through third parties like the Democratic National Committee and law offices so it doesn’t actually look like he’s accepting lobby money. The presumptive Democratic nominee is generally a right wing tool masquerading as a means whereby meaningful change can occur.

Which all brings us back to why we are anarchists to begin with. These bloodthirsty imperialists are the two viable candidates for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world. These politicians are both terrifying and we should be running and fighting for our lives rather than trying to decide which of the two is less evil and more fit for the office. While these dangerous lunatics are off drinking the blood of workers out of champagne glasses, I’m thinking we should be organizing decentralized models of anti-oppressive sustainability and autonomous, horizontal decision-making structures and cooperative uses of resources. You know, anarchy.


source: "False Hope vs. Real Change" paper( ... preads.pdf)


While this summary suggests that this election is just another page in the long book of tyrannical government and a cutthroat economy, at the same time it undeniably touches on important issues, in particular the racial implications of Obama's campaign. For the first time, our next president might not be another white man. But how can a Black man emerge as a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination & the presidency, at the same time that the majority of all Black men in the US, at some point, serve time in prisons & jails? With a nation-wide spread of nooses at high schools, colleges, and workplaces--the symbol of mass white complicity in racist terror though lynching--how is it possible that a Black candidate for president can garner compelling majorities in predominantly white states?

These paradoxes reveal how Obama's candidacy actually reinforces the foundation of white supremacy on which our country is based. His success reinforces the myth that poverty, particularly Black poverty, is the fault of the poor. It is an alluring possibility that our country's legacy of racism might not prevent its targets from attaining political power, supposedly
demonstrating the fulfillment of the democratic promise of America. But racism and white supremacy are deeply ingrained institutions, not offices to be held, & thus cannot be voted out. Obama's chance at the presidency says less about how far we have come in overcoming the racist foundations of our society, and more about the flexibility of the system to allow a person
of color to lead its imperialist, ecocidal agenda. So long as Black people are being incarcerated at alarming rates, communities of color are held hostage by the threat of state violence, and the US military continues to occupy nations & kill people of color across the world (continuing the 500-year-
old system of European colonization) the color of its President does not matter.

extra interesting quip: ... 3160256899
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Tampa Josh » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:07 pm

So long as Black people are being incarcerated at alarming rates, communities of color are held hostage by the threat of state violence, and the US military continues to occupy nations & kill people of color across the world (continuing the 500-year-
old system of European colonization) the color of its President does not matter.
That is a pretty unbiased, and accurate description of things. :roll:

Seriously though this election is shitty, and they all will be until the parties stop being so bitterly divided on everything due to petty issues and find some real compromise instead of blindly opposing anything the opposite party comes up with.

This shit is getting out of hand, on BOTH sides. As long as this goes on it doesn't matter who gets elected, nothing they say they will do will get done, and way too much money will be spent on hearings and investigations of EVERY appointee. Some will not get confirmed because of very petty insignificant reasons and more money, time, and effort will have to be spent on another candidate for the position.

They need to start putting loyalty to their country over loyalty to their party.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by robdigi » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:35 am

I like how the part about Obama is all about race... when race has nothing to do with the election (other than being a distraction and a hot topic for the MSM) or what the president will actually do in office. That quip read like it was ripped straight from CNN.

Then we have the little article about ethanol. Here is how our government works: at the local level, you cater to the needs of your local constituency because they are the ones who elect you, and you are elected to represent them and their interests. Illinois is a corn producer, and thus the support of ethanol is beneficial to the local economy. As an elected official it is your role to be an instrument of your supporters' will. This board is based in IOWA.. where everyone reaps the benefit of cheaper gas due to ethanol. The public strongly supports it, and thus our politicians have to or else they wouldn't be doing their jobs.

As president, one has to take into consideration the needs of the entire country, and thus ethanol is not something to tout as a solution to our energy problems. It isn't just a politically advantageous move, it's common sense. Once you have moved on from local politics, you have to adapt your policy to cater to the country as a whole. I like the mention of at least TWO flights on private jets owned by an ethanol producer, like that would have incredible sway upon anyone involved in national politics. The cost of a flight is pretty insignificant to someone who travels constantly as part of their job. It is not uncommon for a company to do favors for a politician that they are lobbying- and those favors are not an obligation for that politician to serve them hand and foot. ""Look, I've been a strong ethanol supporter because a major corn producer." ...that says it all. He has other concerns in regard to our country than the needs of his home state. That is a good quality.

In summary, my reaction: duh?
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Hank Fist » Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:15 am

I have to say I kind of like that Biden fellow.

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Re: Obama/Mccain/Barr/Nader/Baldwin

Post by jnice » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:48 pm

@: What I can't seem to understand is why an anarchist wouldn't celebrate when a candidate opposes government funding for special projects or remedying societal ills. It's disappointing that some of the more obvious negatives about McCain's political actions weren't mentioned (two that come to mind are his limiting political free speech with the "McCain-Feingold" campaign finance laws, and the fact that he supports government expansion at the expense of both the taxpayers and states' rights).

Again, why would an anarchist be lamenting over McCain's (undocumented...I know it's meant to be a short article piece for like-minded anarchists, so I wasn't expecting a "works cited" list or anything) actions of opposing family planning education funding (because these are SO effective), increased spending on general education (although I would dispute this claim, as GOP leaders in Congress have basically been pro-spending on nearly everything ever since George W. Bush's Presidency and his "Compassionate Conservative" aka "spend like a Democrat, enslave our kids with debt!" movement), and disagreeing with what the majority of Americans want (Aren't anarchists often in the minority with their beliefs on several issues? Should polls dictate the direction of our country at the expense of our rights?).

In other Presidential candidate news, Bob Barr is polling 6% support nationally, with 10% in Nevada and 11% in New Hampshire.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by @nonymous » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:03 pm

robdigi wrote:I like how the part about Obama is all about race... when race has nothing to do with the election (other than being a distraction and a hot topic for the MSM) or what the president will actually do in office. That quip read like it was ripped straight from CNN.
really? somehow i missed the cnn article about communities of color being held hostage by communities of color and the 500-year-old system of European colonization. either way, this article wasn't just about obama's race. it was about the subtext of what that means; going further to say that it reinforces the myth that poor people's poverty is their own fault.
robdigi wrote:Then we have the little article about ethanol. Here is how our government works: at the local level, you cater to the needs of your local constituency because they are the ones who elect you, and you are elected to represent them and their interests. Illinois is a corn producer, and thus the support of ethanol is beneficial to the local economy. As an elected official it is your role to be an instrument of your supporters' will. This board is based in IOWA.. where everyone reaps the benefit of cheaper gas due to ethanol. The public strongly supports it, and thus our politicians have to or else they wouldn't be doing their jobs.
this is what confuses me. whenever a serious question is raised over anything that regards politicians, your response generally assumes that of "let me tell you how government works. . ."

i know how government works, that's why i'm against it. the ethanol article is no different. your argument explains why obama must support it, because it's good for the local economy and the majority of people support it. whats new about that? the point is, ethanol production isn't "green"--in fact it's fucking terrible for our environment and cost more in the energy it uses to produce than it does in effectiveness...not to mention the damage to the land it causes. . .and this is where you always end up when you debate these issues: whats healthy for our planet vs. what the logical extension of politicians' responses, and ultimately capitalism are. they rarely go hand in hand, and that's sort of a problem for those of us who enjoy breathing air and drinking clean water.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by @nonymous » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:34 pm

jnice wrote:@: What I can't seem to understand is why an anarchist wouldn't celebrate when a candidate opposes government funding for special projects or remedying societal ills. It's disappointing that some of the more obvious negatives about McCain's political actions weren't mentioned (two that come to mind are his limiting political free speech with the "McCain-Feingold" campaign finance laws, and the fact that he supports government expansion at the expense of both the taxpayers and states' rights).
where in the either of the articles i posted did it mention a project that either candidate was pursuing to remedy a societal ill?

there is a grey area there as to what some consider remedies and what others might call business as usual.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by @nonymous » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:52 pm

if we're talking about the role and structure of government, i could sum up my view with this handy chart(also from the unconventional action newspaper):

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Joey Chaos » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:41 pm

Mcains white. That's good enough for me......

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Varg » Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:08 pm

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by jnice » Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:05 pm

@nonymous wrote:where in the either of the articles i posted did it mention a project that either candidate was pursuing to remedy a societal ill?
(McCain) repeatedly votes against funding for measures that would prevent unintended pregnancy...
(McCain) is ideologically opposed to...medically accurate sex education...
When did anarchists suddenly want a federal government to provide sex education to its citizens? Does this also mean anarchists have accepted the need for the IRS to collect tax revenue for this important task?
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:29 pm

"called his wife a cunt in front of reporters"

McCain's wife is a cunt.

Both candidates suck ass. Anybody who votes for either one of these idiots is part of the problem.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by ilikehorses » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:10 am

Joey Chaos wrote:Mcains white. That's good enough for me......
we get it. youre racist.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by robdigi » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:20 am

Obama ate dinner across the street from me tonight.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by El Rhino » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:23 am

robdigi wrote:Obama ate dinner across the street from me tonight.

Must be nice to have a Popeye's across the street from you.

O dang!!!!!!

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Tampa Josh » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:33 am

El Rhino wrote:
robdigi wrote:Obama ate dinner across the street from me tonight.

Must be nice to have a Popeye's across the street from you.

O dang!!!!!!

I love Ryan, I can't wait until he is 35 and I can vote for him
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by robdigi » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:33 am

He ate here:


ps: I was here:

go there if you are ever in Denver.
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by El Rhino » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:00 am

Thanks, Josh. Glad to see the campaign is already picking up a little steam. I got four votes in 2004. Lewellin For The New Dawn in '16... or maybe '20

I want to get out to Denver and if I do I'll check that place out. Denver has been on my North America must visit list (along with Montreal/Quebec City, NYC, Pittsburgh, Alaska, Milwaukee and San Francisco) for a while now. Since it's not looking good for me to get enough time off for any real international travel this year, maybe this will be the year I knock off some of these places.

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Hank Fist » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:47 pm

man, that Obama and that McCain.

this sure is going to be one heck of a race!

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Hank Fist » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:09 pm

Most would say that the terms "hip-hop" and "Republican" don't go together, and that a "Hip-Hop Republican" is an oxymoron. However, Richard Ivory and Tiffany Shorter, the founder of and a blogger for, respectively, know better.

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by JoePreppy » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:27 pm

Did anyone see this btw... Daddy Yankee endorses the ol man.

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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:29 pm

Hank Fist wrote:Most would say that the terms "hip-hop" and "Republican" don't go together, and that a "Hip-Hop Republican" is an oxymoron. However, Richard Ivory and Tiffany Shorter, the founder of and a blogger for, respectively, know better.
How about a Conservative Republican Gangsta Rapper?
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Re: Obama/Mccain. Discuss.

Post by inx515xhell » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:37 pm

asshole vs asshole.
no care ever.
can't wait till the dnc ends and i can drink on the streets of denver again.
fuck these cops from aurora.

oh and i got offered a ticket to rage yesterday but i couldn't go.

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