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big foot finally found!

Post by Hank Fist » Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:28 pm

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by KY Jelly Belly » Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:05 pm

Chupacabre, Montauk monster, and now this? What the fuck is going on?

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Crumpty Williams » Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:50 pm

not surprised!

...Definitely interested to see how this pans out
i fucking rule.

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by inx515xhell » Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:45 pm

ummmm hoax.
fucking duh.

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by tylerjames515 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:14 am

its chewbacca
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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Thom » Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:07 am

watched the press conference today.

Not impressed.

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Big Fat Retard » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:59 am

I think it's Gordy's dad.
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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Hank Fist » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:56 pm


Good afternoon. I am Steve Kulls Executive Director of and Host of Squatchdetective Radio. I am here with Bob Schmalzbach, Vice President of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. I had been invited to be a witness of the thawing of the alleged Bigfoot Body by the Searching for Bigfoot team. As an independent researcher, it has been's goal to obtain proof positive in all cases when either trying to substantiate a claim or debunk it, so as there is no question to the matter's certainty. Having worked in the past, with Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., I understand that it has always been their corporate goal, “to tell it like they see it, as it happens, and when it happens”. In my organization's limited involvement with Searching For Bigfoot, Inc. it is and has been the goal of both organizations to obtain the truth in this and all matters.

On July 9th, 2008, Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer placed a video on Youtube making the claim they had recovered the body of a Bigfoot body. Their website, also echoed the sentiment. At that time I had doubts and followed the story for two weeks when on July 25th, 2008 I placed a video response to challenge them to come on to Squatchdetective Radio on July 28th , 2008.

On July 14th, 2008 an article was published where Whitton released a statement to his local newspaper, the Clayton Times Daily stating that they had recovered the body of a Bigfoot.

The afternoon of July 28th, 2008, Ricky Dyer asked if I would call him and after interviewing him using various forensic interviewing techniques, which I have been trained on, I could not get an accurate read on him as I was seeing deception on numerous things, but insisted he had a body in his possession. At one point he asked me who Tom Biscardi was. I immediately surmised however their motive was financial.

After concluding my one plus hour long phone call with Dyer I called the CEO of Searching for Bigfoot, Tom Biscardi, and we discussed the matter. We, at that time decided it best to turn the investigation over to Mr. Biscardi and his team. My involvement in the remainder of the process was as an independent observer.

The following are my observations and the facts as I understand and know them:

On August 1st, 2008 Tom Biscardi traveled to Georgia and on August 2nd was given a sample, allegedly, from the corpse, for DNA testing. The DNA was hand delivered to Dr. Curt Nelson of Michigan and a chain of custody of the said sample was maintained from the time it was received from Ricky Dyer and Matthew Whitton.

On August 4th, 2008 both Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer entered a legally binding contract with Searching For Bigfoot, Inc .recognizing the fact that Searching for Bigfoot, had absolutely nothing to do in the demise or storage of the corpse until such time as it was transferred to Searching For Bigfoot for the benefit of scientific study, marketing and promotion.

On August 10th, 2008 Tom Biscardi received an email from Dr. Nelson that after the amplifications of two of the three samples, that the size of the DNA was consistent with human/ape DNA.

On or about August 12th, 2008, Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer requested an undisclosed sum of money as an advance, expected from the marketing and promotion, and as a good faith gesture of the contract.

On August 14th, 2008, after signing a transfer receipt for the amount money requested and counting said money, Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer led the Searching for Bigfoot Team to a location and turned over a freezer with something appearing large, hairy, and frozen in ice.

On August 15th, 2008, Tom Biscardi, Ricky Dyer and Matthew Whitton held a press conference at the Cabana Hotel in Paolo Alto, California, announcing that the corpse of a creature fitting the description known as “Bigfoot” had been discovered. A police officer of seven years, on medical leave, labeled as a hero for being wounded in the line of duty, got up in front of the world and told the world of how he and Ricky Dyer uncovered this creature. This has since been proven a lie. It is notable that Rick Dyer insisted on this press conference and told Tom Biscardi he would not release the “body” unless the conference was held on this specific date.

On August 16th, 2008 the freezer containing the alleged corpse arrived with the Searching For Bigfoot Team. I arrived on location at 6PM to provide initial verification examination, biohazard control and consult for security measures at the location. At that time the ice was being thawed slowly without aid, to prevent any decomposition of the alleged corpse. We estimated that the freezer and its contents weighed over 1500 pounds and it would take several days or longer to thaw completely.

On August 17th, 2008 Searching for Bigfoot Team Director of Field Operations, TJ Biscardi and myself, were up early to discover that some hair was now exposed. I extracted some from the alleged corpse and examined it and had some concerns. Bob Schmalzbach arrived and concurred. We burned said sample and said hair sample melted into a ball uncharacteristic of hair.

At that time we contacted Mr. Biscardi who gave us permission to begin an expedited melting process. We set up a salamander heater to heat the freezer. Within one hour we were able to see the partially exposed head, as I was now able to touch it, I was able to feel that it seemed mostly firm, but unusually hollow in one small section. This was yet another ominous sign. Within the next hour of thaw, a break appeared up near the feet area. As the team and I began examining this area near the feet, I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot.

At that point we immediately contacted, Tom Biscardi and advised him of the situation and he began to take action on his end. Later that day, Tom Biscardi informed us that both Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer admitted it was a costume. They reportedly agreed to sign a promissory note and admission of what they had done, and set a meeting in their hotel room in California for 8AM on August 17th, 2008.

At that time I drew up the documents for Mr. Biscardi. On August 17th, 2008 Tom Biscardi went to the hotel where Dyer and Whitton were staying and found that they had left. At this time action is being instigated against the perpetrators of this fraud. Tom Biscardi asked us to contact you, the press, and share all that we have discovered.

The motives behind this fraud are still unknown at this time. It is still unclear why Whitton who, being a police officer for the Clayton County Police Department in Georgia got up before the world and lied and was complicit in a scheme to defraud in a felonious manner.

At this time the victim of this series of deceptions, Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., is seeking justice for themselves and for all the people who were deceived by this deception. Due to this event peoples lives have been disrupted and many people, so wanting vindication about there prior experiences were hurt. Let us all try to be mindful of such.

On behalf of myself I can say with certainty Matthew Whitton and Ricky Dyer not the best Bigfoot trackers in the world!

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by creepykid » Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:06 pm

"That would certainly rock mammalogy," joked Nelson, who specializes in the study of mammals. "I see a research grant in my future."

i think this quote really sums up this situation.

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by joseph » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:08 pm

good job hank.
so thourghouh on your research and not leaving your thread unanswered.

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Big Fat Retard » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:18 pm

Researcher: Bigfoot just a rubber gorilla suit
As the 'evidence' thawed, the claim began to unravel as a giant hoax

By Juanita Cousins
The Associated Press
updated 6:04 p.m. CT, Tues., Aug. 19, 2008
ATLANTA - Turns out Bigfoot was just a rubber suit. Two researchers on a quest to prove the existence of Bigfoot say that the carcass encased in a block of ice — handed over to them for an undisclosed sum by two men who claimed to have found it — was slowly thawed out, and discovered to be a rubber gorilla outfit.

The revelation comes just days after a much ballyhooed news conference held in California that proclaimed the remains of the creature, found in the North Georgia mountains, were the legendary man-ape.

Steve Kulls, executive director of and host of Squatchdetective Radio, says in a posting on a Web site run by Bigfoot researcher Tom Biscardi that as the "evidence" was thawed, the claim began to unravel as a giant hoax.

First, the hair sample was burned and "melted into a ball uncharacteristic of hair," Kulls said in the posting.

The thawing process was sped up and the exposed head was found to be "unusually hollow in one small section." An hour of thawing later and the feet were exposed — and they were found to be made of rubber.

Matt Whitton, an officer who has been on medical leave from the Clayton County Police Department, and Rick Dyer, a former Georgia corrections officer, announced the find in early July on YouTube videos and a Web site.

"Everyone who has talked down to us is going to eat their words," Whitton said at the time.

Phone calls to Whitton and Dyer went unreturned on Tuesday. But the voicemail recording for their Bigfoot Tip Line — which proclaims they search for leprechauns and the Loch Ness monster — has been updated and announcing they're also in search of "big cats and dinosaurs. If you see any of those, give us a call."

On Tuesday, Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner said he has not spoken to Whitton but processed paperwork to fire him.

"Once he perpetrated a fraud, that goes into his credibility and integrity," Turner said. "He has violated the duty of a police officer."
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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Hank Fist » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:58 pm


The two men who claimed to have found the carcass of Bigfoot have surfaced to say: Hey, it was just a joke.

Matt Whitton has been fired from his job as a police officer because of his role in the hoax.

In an exclusive interview with CNN affiliate WSB, the two hoaxers -- car salesman Rick Dyer and now-fired police officer Matt Whitton -- said the whole situation began as a joke and then got out of hand.

"It's just a big hoax, a big joke," Dyer told WSB.

"It's Bigfoot," Dyer explained. "Bigfoot doesn't exist."

Whitton chimed in: "All this was a big joke. It got into something way bigger than it was supposed to be." Watch the two men explain their "joke" »

At a news conference in California last week, the two men had stood by their claims that they had discovered Bigfoot's corpse and had it on ice. Scientific analysis would prove it, they said.

Not quite.

Now the two Georgia men admit the hairy, icy blob was an Internet-purchased Sasquatch costume stuffed with possum roadkill and slaughterhouse leftovers.

Whitton and Dyer say that when they came up with the hoax, they had no idea it would become a media circus.

"It got legs and ran. It's crazy now," Dyer told WSB.

Co-hoaxer Whitton agrees: "It started off as some YouTube videos and a Web site. We're all about having fun."

"Fun" isn't exactly how Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner sees it. He has kicked Whitton off the police force.

"He lied on national TV," Turner says of Whitton, "so a defense attorney now could say, 'How do we know you're not lying now?' "

Whitton and Dyer had announced that they had found the body of a 7-foot-7-inch, 500-pound half-ape, half-human creature while hiking in the north Georgia mountains in June. They also said they had spotted about three similar living creatures.

Still unclear is how much money Whitton and Dyer got out of the hoax.

Steve Kulls, who maintains the Squatchdetective Web site and hosts a similarly named Internet radio program, first interviewed Dyer on July 28 for the radio program. On August 12, Kulls said, Dyer and Whitton "requested an undisclosed sum of money as an advance, expected from the marketing and promotion."

Two days later, after signing a receipt and counting the money, Dyer and Whitton showed the Searching for Bigfoot team the freezer containing what they claimed was the carcass: "Something appearing large, hairy and frozen in ice," Kulls wrote on the Web site.

It was, as many had suspected, an ape-like costume stuffed with entrails.

After the news conference last week, Dyer and Whitton disappeared from view. The truth came out over the weekend.

In a Web posting earlier this week, Kulls wrote that "action is being instigated against the perpetrators."

The two hoaxers have hired attorney Steve Lister to represent them.

"There have been some threats made to them for both civil and criminal prosecution," said Lister.

The attorney says the Bigfoot incident "got out of hand."

Dyer, asked if ever thought that the hoopla had become more than just a joke, implied that everyone should have known it was a hoax.

"Well, we told 10 different stories," he said. "Everyone knew we were lying."

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by aeon grey » Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:08 pm

Now the two Georgia men admit the hairy, icy blob was an Internet-purchased Sasquatch costume stuffed with possum roadkill and slaughterhouse leftovers.

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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Thom » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:05 am


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Re: big foot finally found!

Post by Crumpty Williams » Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:00 pm

totally. lollers. :lol:

screw these dickbags for making me look like an idiot.

I'm still totally a bigfoot believer though!
i fucking rule.

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