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Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:37 am
by El Rhino
Tough call. Both are amongst my favorite bands.

I like Oasis's style better. These guys are all about getting drunk and kicking ass, while the guys from Blur seem more like pretenious indie-rock fagz.

"What's The Story (Morning Glory)" is one of my favorite albums ever. Oasis wins in that department, although "Modern Life Is Rubbish" is nothing to scoff at.

Both are top-notch songwriters. Oasis has a Beatles/Jam influenced sound that I dig and Blur has more of an ironically poppy sound, similar to Madness or something.

Blur has better videos, although I did think the "Wonderwall" video was pretty sweet.

Some of Oasis's material is a little dry, but "Think Tank" really sucked.

Blur covers a wider range and might be a little more creative.

You decide.

Blur "Girls and Boys"
"Nite Klub" - Specials cover feat. Terry Hall
"Parklife". Yes, that's the guy from Quadrophenia

Oasis "Wonderwall"
"Champagne Supernova" ... re=related
"Don't Look Back In Anger" ... re=related "You said the brains I had went to my head" - brilliant

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:42 am
by Wheatstache
Rhino, how do you feel about Gorillaz?

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:49 am
by robdigi
Oasis always seemed shamelessly derivative to me. They're good at what they do, but Blur has a larger and more varied catalogue. Blur are one of my favorite bands where Oasis doesn't rank at all. I'm not necessarily against being derivative as long as your source material is good, and it was, but Oasis seemed very humorless about it.. and judging from their interviews they were FAR more pretentious than Blur ever were.

There was a lot more creativity coming from Blur, and while that meant that they were more inconsistent it also made them far more interesting.

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:06 am
by joseph
Oasis. definitely. i can listen to them. blur i cant really handle. rather listen to jesus jones.

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:33 am
by El Rhino
Wheatstache wrote:Rhino, how do you feel about Gorillaz?
They're OK. I listened to that first album a few times when other people played it and I liked it.

robdigi wrote:Oasis always seemed shamelessly derivative to me. They're good at what they do, but Blur has a larger and more varied catalogue. Blur are one of my favorite bands where Oasis doesn't rank at all. I'm not necessarily against being derivative as long as your source material is good, and it was, but Oasis seemed very humorless about it.. and judging from their interviews they were FAR more pretentious than Blur ever were.
Good assessment, but I think Oasis's interviews were usually hilarious, especially when talking about Blur. To me their pretentiousness comes off as more of showmanship and in some way seems to humanize them a little more. I can't explain it. Some of their antics makes me think of them as more of a street-level band, whereas the dudes in Blur remind me of hipster assholes I don't really indentify with. I don't know. I think their humorless approach to music is kind of humorous.

But yeah, I'll agree that Blur keeps it a little more creative and interesting.

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:11 pm
by Joe
Oasis rules forever, Blur sucks.


Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:17 pm
by creepykid
I agree Ryan this is a tough one. I would have to say Blur, but so much based off the band, but more based on Damon Albarn. He is a top notch song writer and everything else he's ever done is awesome. He can go from dancey brit-pop to whatever you would call The Good, The Bad, and the Queen. He touches on a lot of musical styles and is good at all of them.

Oasis are a good band, a really good band. Their songwriting is awesome and they can write catchy pop hooks but not be really dumbed down for public consumption. They don't branch out too much and try newer sounds, which is a setback to me. I would say they generally play it safe. They also have an awesome rock n roll attitude. Noel is an asshole on camera and probably and asshole to your face if you deserve it. I like that.

So Blur wins but only slightly. Plus I think Blur has won more awards than Oasis.

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:24 am
by Joe
Cecil and I sang Don't Look Back In Anger and Champagne Supernova together really loud on the way back to Des Moines from Iowa City tonight. Shit is soooo fucking good.



Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:07 pm
by jjjsXe
Oasis. I haven't ever tried listening to any Blur songs besides the songs that were on the radio and I absolutely HATED them. So my hatred for them is based on their radio "hits." Oasis is always one of those bands who I never owned their ablums, but when their songs came on the radio, it was relieving from what was playing before. If Blur came on the radio, i would change the channel or turn it off. Of course, this only happens when I am not listening to Minor Threat.

Re: Oasis vs. Blur

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:09 pm
by creepykid
dude that shit was tite. RAVE LIGHTS.