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Fallout 3

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:01 pm
by Walking Thunder

I need to start saving for an X-Box 360.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:08 pm
by mattpulpfree
Agreed, this game looks sick!

Left 4 Dead
Fallout 3

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:42 pm
by Thom
I've been way stoked on this for a while. This game is one of the only reasons I haven't sold my 360.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:38 pm
by mattpulpfree
Mortal Kombat vs DC
first Mortal Kombat game I've been stoked on since like '95 when III game out!

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:03 pm
by Walking Thunder
DC? Like DC comics?

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:50 am
by Smoking Guns
yeah. the only fighting games i seem to be drawn to these days are the ones where you can have increadible battles that don't make sense.

that and street fighter IV.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:30 pm
by mattpulpfree
haha yeah
it doesn't make sense..
but the game play looks really quite fun.
The heroes of DC don't have fatalities though :[
they have something else that are supposed to be sweet but playing true to the fact that they don't kill people in battles...or some shit.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:22 am
by Walking Thunder

I heard a while ago that Spore was "postponed indefinitely". Is there a release date for this thing?

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:17 am
by Joe
Recently American audiences were given the chance to play Street Fighter IV. A big group of people were led into a huge run-down and old meat packing plant in one of the ghettos of LA at night. Inside, a shit load of SFIV machines were hooked up and ready to play. The only people that were selected for this were people that signed up to be in the Street Fighter Club, which is some secret bullshit Capcom is pulling. I was one of the people that was selected, but I didn't have any cash to get out to LA in time.

This is what some dude that went had to say:

"The revival of fighting games will come with Street Fighter 4. Not only will it garner in the new crowd with its gameplay system and graphics, but it'll also bring back the old school gamers with its cast of characters and nostalgic 2D gameplay. Needless to say, the hardcore and competitive players will be playing. Street Fighter 4 isn't the catalyst to the fighting game genre's revival. It is the revival."

So, yeah, beyond pumped for this.

Also beyond pumped for Street Fighter II HD Remix.


Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:24 pm
by Walking Thunder
The only fighting game I care about nowadays is Super Smash Bros.


Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:34 pm
by Joe
Well, Brawl was weak, so that sucks that that's the only fighting game you care about... and it's not even a real fighting game to begin with.


Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:20 pm
by Walking Thunder
There were some quarks with Brawl that I didn't like at first. I can brush most of them aside though. Game speed is tolerable but is the biggest flaw. I've grown accustom to it so I don't mind it near as much as I used to. But Jigglypuff's sleep sucks and so does Zero Suit Samus. Those two are the nit-picks that I can't let slip by.


Can anyone hook me up with Fallout 2 or Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel?

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:00 pm
by Hank Fist
mattpulpfree wrote: Mortal Kombat vs DC
Played this game, it's really sweet and really fun.

Sure it doesn't make sense.
But it's a video game. Not too many that "make sense" as they all take place in a false reality with false or modified physical characteristics.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:38 pm
by ginx86
I was wondering if anybody had any impressions on Fallout 3? I just finished Fable 2 and it got me in the mood for something else that's a little more open ended. Right now I'm on the fence between Fallout 3 and Mass Effect. I'm leaning toward Mass Effect more because it's $20 and I'm a cheap ass but the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 3 is also enticing.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:51 pm
by Thom

you will never regret owning this.

you cant even jump in mass effect?

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:11 am
by robdigi
Fallout 3 was fantastic. So much depth, such a great premise, awesome battle system, crazy replay value. You could play through 3 or 4 times and still not find everything.

Graphically it is pretty amazing, play it on a PC if possible. Such a massive detailed landscape, and you can see infinitely into the distance.

My only gripes are that it should have included vehicles of some sort, and a wider variety of enemies. Travel can take a long time.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:15 am
by ginx86
Thom wrote:FALLOUT 3 RULES.

you will never regret owning this.

you cant even jump in mass effect?
I pretty much already knew I wouldn't regret owning it basically my question was whether I'd be better off buying Mass Effect now for $20 and waiting for Fallout 3 to drop in price. I'm a cheap bastard, for me to spend $60 for a game a female character better jump out of the screen and give me a BJ.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:00 pm
by Jivi
spore is meh. the first 2 or 3 stages are fun but then its a bad realtime strategy.

fallout 3 is really good except the fact you have a level 20 cap and when you beat the game you lose your character.Bethesda usually lets you do the optional stuff after you beat it but not here unless you have it for pc and you get the addon.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:49 pm
by ginx86
Jivi wrote: fallout 3 is really good except the fact you have a level 20 cap and when you beat the game you lose your character.Bethesda usually lets you do the optional stuff after you beat it but not here unless you have it for pc and you get the addon.
I'm not sure but I think they raised the level cap on 360 to 30. Too bad about losing your character at the end and not being able to do the optional stuff once you finish the main story. That was one of the things they changed for Fable 2 that I was happy about.

I think I'm going to go ahead and splurge and pick up Fallout 3. The only other game I've paid $60 for was Oblivion and if anybody can make a game worth the full price it would be Bethesda.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:36 pm
by Thom
you can go nearly to the end, and with some expert saving strategy you can have a character that has all but beaten the main quest and still do side shit. That's exactly what I did with all my games. The level cap is going to be raised with the new download content for 360 to 30 along with some additional add ons for gameplay.

I have played this game all the way through twice now, and I still feel like I could keep playing it. it's worth the $60.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:12 pm
by Walking Thunder
Still too poor for the system/game. I watched my cousin play this for a bit--looked great and brought some nostalgia to my heart.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:55 am
by robdigi
Spore was incredibly disappointing. Too much focus on superficial customization and not enough on real play mechanics. It more or less falls apart at the civilization stage. I finished it in 3 days of casual on-and-off play. For what was hyped to be the most immersive simulation/strategy game ever, that's unacceptable.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:09 pm
by junkyard
robdigi wrote:Fallout 3 was fantastic. So much depth, such a great premise, awesome battle system, crazy replay value. You could play through 3 or 4 times and still not find everything.

Graphically it is pretty amazing, play it on a PC if possible. Such a massive detailed landscape, and you can see infinitely into the distance.

My only gripes are that it should have included vehicles of some sort, and a wider variety of enemies. Travel can take a long time.
one of the best games i have played hands down.

such a step forward from fallout 1 and 2 tho lol
i was like why is his called fallout 3 what makes it 3 and Googled it and i was looking at the game play for 1n2 and f that. not for me.

for a second i thought they where gunna let you build a motorcycle or fix it and ride it because you can find gas tanks and kick starts and all that stuff everywhere. but no.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:19 pm
by chaney
Fallout 3 is awesome. It will draw you in, no doubt. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, and need a game that will keep your attention for a loooong time, buy this one.. I've heard it takes somewhere around 140 hours to complete. The storyline is awesome. I agree though.. vehicles would've been nice!
Someone said something about Left 4 Dead.. it has absolutely no storyline, which is pretty disappointing, but as long as you've got xbox live, the game is pretty fun.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:38 pm
by Thom
I had the main story line and most of the side quests done in 55 hours, to be honest. Slightly disappointing. The replay value of this game is its saving grace.

That isn't to say I didn't skip over things, because I did, the second and third plays revealed subsequent content, but most major stuff goes by so fast you can't even believe.

Re: Fallout 3

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:28 am
by kurtis
I couldn't get this to play on my computer cause its not fast enough. also cant find a good Left 4 Dead download that doesn't crash after 10 -15 minutes of play.