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Critical Mass

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:10 pm
by Hank Fist

Re: Critical Mass

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:14 pm
by ginx86
Maybe I came in late but the replies I'm seeing are pretty reasonable, mostly people that respect bikers in general but feel that they should follow the same laws that motorists face.

For the record I don't own a car and usually walk/bike wherever I go and yeah some motorists seem antagonistic toward people on bikes but resorting to their levels of jack assery(yeah I made that up) won't help the situation.

Time is on the side of the people who walk/bike/skateboard/public transport/etc. as $4 a gallon gas is pretty much going to force people to rethink how they get around, especially in a place as small as Des Moines.

Re: Critical Mass

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:05 pm
by @nonymous
ginx86 wrote:Maybe I came in late but the replies I'm seeing are pretty reasonable, mostly people that respect bikers in general but feel that they should follow the same laws that motorists face.

For the record I don't own a car and usually walk/bike wherever I go and yeah some motorists seem antagonistic toward people on bikes but resorting to their levels of jack assery(yeah I made that up) won't help the situation.

Time is on the side of the people who walk/bike/skateboard/public transport/etc. as $4 a gallon gas is pretty much going to force people to rethink how they get around, especially in a place as small as Des Moines.
critical mass' inevitably break traffic laws--that was intrinsic from the beginning. besides it being difficult to obey the same laws as motor vehicles when you have a swell of hundreds(sometimes thousands) of people on the street, the idea of CM is to take over the street and effectively become the traffic; reminding folks that cyclists' rights are an important part of a community and at the same time drawing attention to the destruction of the environment that car culture plays a major role in.

effective actions often aren't legal--the more people get used to that idea, the sooner things will change.