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Mews closing in September?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:30 pm
by Beaver
Heard this f/ a number of people. Something to do with condos and lease being up. Thought Id be the dick and post it. I will say it will be ghey to see that place go. If it does, someone needs to man up and open a new venue/bar downtown. HOB eats old lady pussy.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:32 pm
by crow
hopefully just a rumor / doesn't happen. one of the only redeemable things in des moines.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:35 pm
by joseph
it does have a value with the alley right there. buck you beaver for making me wonder

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:37 pm
by Beaver
Play with my balls and ass.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:37 pm
by El Rhino
Beaver wrote:If it does, someone needs to man up and open a new venue/bar downtown. .

1, 2, 3.... NOT IT!!!!!

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:15 pm
by Victory is Mine
What the fuck is going on with that street?

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:09 am
by tylerjames515
the mews and the '4th street italian beef' are the best places on that street. who exactly do you need to write to?

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:19 am
by Joe
Yeah, I need to write some shit quick.


Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:05 am
by DaVo
Easy come, easy go. Never really cared for the Mews or the theme bars of 4th st.

I saw this coming a long time ago. Since the family started selling off 4th st, it was bound to happen. Also I can't remember one show down there have a big turn out. Granted I'm very sellective about the shows I've seen there but it always seemed dead. The place has been struggling for a year or so plus with the smoking ban they are losing some selling points. I really didn't see it closing but figured there would be a theme change.

On a side note the Dublin is starting to have shows. Can Des Moines live music get any lamer?

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:53 am
by Joe
Also I can't remember one show down there have a big turn out.
That's funny.
I've seen tons of shows with large crowds there.
You must've been drinking at Dubay's or some shit.
The place has been struggling for a year or so plus with the smoking ban they are losing some selling points.
It's always been smoke free.
On a side note the Dublin is starting to have shows. Can Des Moines live music get any lamer?
You are really, really out of the loop. There's tons of awesome shows going on in Des Moines... I mean, we all don't wait around twiddling our thumbs for the big show you book twice a year (hoping it doesn't fall through yet again). Time for you to retire to Florida or some other old man state.


Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 6:27 am
by DaVo
Joe wrote:
Also I can't remember one show down there have a big turn out.
That's funny.
I've seen tons of shows with large crowds there.
You must've been drinking at Dubay's or some shit.
The place has been struggling for a year or so plus with the smoking ban they are losing some selling points.
It's always been smoke free.
On a side note the Dublin is starting to have shows. Can Des Moines live music get any lamer?
You are really, really out of the loop. There's tons of awesome shows going on in Des Moines... I mean, we all don't wait around twiddling our thumbs for the big show you book twice a year (hoping it doesn't fall through yet again). Time for you to retire to Florida or some other old man state.


I don't think that I said Mews being smoke free is a new thing. The point I was making was that it isn't going to be much of a selling point when the whole state is smoke free.

When I say turn out, I mean over 100 people. When or better yet did the Mews ever have a show that sold out? When is the last time that happened? For that matter when was it that a local band had a word of mouth draw of 200 people? Live music is dying and has been for a while.

I'm not really out of the Loop, I happen to be really busy. Between spending time with my son and working 70 to 80 hours a week there isn't really enough time to spend a couple of hours in a basement listening to another shitty band that sounds like 4000 other bands while the shirtless sausage party rubs up against each other. Doesn't sound like a good time to me. That may make me old but fuck it, I am but we'll see where you are at 39. When you have hair above your dick, have been going to shows for almost 25 yeats and have done a show that doesn't involve paying a band gas money, we'll talk. I've paid my dues bitch, so leave me alone. I do what I can and when I can and by the way most of the bands you book aren't my thing. I'm at a point in my life where I can be sellective and only see bands I in fact want to see. The idea of sitting through another shitty band that sounds like a band from 20 years ago on a bad night sounds and is painful.

Hmmmm, maybe I retired from promoting shows a long time ago and these bands keep contacting me to do shows. It's more about having fun then trying to do them on a regular bases. I did that for a long time and really don't have any interest in it. I'm sorry you are too young to have gone to most of those shows but now you have a basement to do shows that a lot of people don't give a flying fuck about. Hope it lasts and enjoy it while you can cause at some point it will either have to be a business or end. Then at some point you have the pleasure of dealing with someone like you. Think about it, I'm old and you are doing the shit I was doing when I was your age. The only main difference is I was doing it when it was new. Can you say Retro? Hate to tell you but this shits been done and often done a shit load better.

Bottom line, I'll miss the three shows a year that I'm willing to drag my tired old bones to but Mews closing will have little or no effect on my life. It sucks that there will be one less venue in town. I have to admit that I'd be happier if it was House of Bingo.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:57 am
by El Rhino
storkus wrote:I. I would almost go as far as to say the Mews / Lift / Mile bars are the single most important reason for the growth downtown.

... And this guy wants to cash in on it by kicking them out and building condos. Sickening.

I'd agree. Kind of funny how they talk about building worthwhile, interesting entertainment areas "just like the big city" and brag about how many people are living downtown these days, but the places that actually give the area character are going under. Without these kinds of places, there aren't many upsides to living downtown except being able to take the skywalks to Burger King...but only before 4PM. Kind of a catch-22 with closing these places down to build more condos.

Who the fuck is actually buying these condos, anyway? It seems like there's way more out there and being built than the actual demand.

Vaudeville Mews wasn't/isn't my favorite venue (well I guess it is now by default), but I definitely wouldn't want to see it go under. People on here have said things about Hairy Mary's like they didn't feel like they belong there, didn't like the atmosphere or that it was too narrow as far as genres represented and I pretty much feel the same way about VM. I do like the place though and wish it success for the sake of the live music scene in Des Moines and yes, even my own personal enjoyment here and there.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:39 am
by aeon grey
DaVo wrote:When I say turn out, I mean over 100 people. When or better yet did the Mews ever have a show that sold out? When is the last time that happened?
We have had multiple very successful hip hop shows. And, one of the best was actually our CD release show in March which was over 200 people. I agree that this should probably happen at least once a week, or every other for a truly successful venue.

No one is really buying the condos downtown. I think that last I had heard they were only about 10% full or something like that.

It would be incredibly bad for the local music scene if places to perform attend shows, dropped to basement parties and the house of bricks. There simply needs to be more variety.

All this BS "urban" development is still just pissing me off.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:21 am
by Hank Fist
writing cityview right now...

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:40 am
by joseph
Joe wrote:
You are really, really out of the loop.
definitely. and im sure the mews misses you

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:55 am
by Hank Fist
El Rhino wrote:
Who the fuck is actually buying these condos, anyway? It seems like there's way more out there and being built than the actual demand.
Exactly my point in my letter to Cityview. If you ever go into one of those condo buildings, half of the freakin apartments are empty! they are cheaply built, hollow walled pieces of crap.

{edit: No offense to those that live in them, you just wanted to live close to 4th street, and the Surf Shack}

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:27 am
by aeon grey
There are nice condos downtown.. but the people who actually would want to live in them, would never be able to afford them. They are being built and marketed to the entirely wrong demographic.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:08 pm
by Hank Fist
i'm sure the equitable building will be nice, but will i be filled? I don't see it happening, unless there's a shitload of rich people coming straight out of college or people that want a condo downtown and a house in Waukee.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:19 pm
by aeon grey
Hank Fist wrote:i'm sure the equitable building will be nice, but will i be filled? I don't see it happening, unless there's a shitload of rich people coming straight out of college or people that want a condo downtown and a house in Waukee.
Except the project might not even be finished because of the asbestos problems. Word is the Knapp might be facing some jail time, or at least some serious fines. I know that they have actually sold a few of them already though.

There are a few condos downtown that I like.. but I won't pay 200k for 700 sqft... not in DM.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:31 pm
by joseph
id pay 12k

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:35 pm
by DaVo
OH I almost forgot, I heard the lovely people that brought you the Lair's Club are planning on opening a venue in the East Village. So that will give you a basement, the Dublin, House of Bricks and the Mob's joint.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:38 pm
by joseph
always so helpful

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:46 pm
by DaVo
I think the Comdo craze is more about turning a quick profit then anything. Most of the building that are being developed are either low income apartment buildings, low profit or unrentable office and warehouse space. It's easier to sell off as comdos and make a quick buck then make them profitable.

Who knows who they are targeting. The Plaza sat half empty for years and that building is over 25 years old. I think the main target is the upper income at the corps downtown and with the rising gas price a number of people want to live closer to work. Most are 25 to 35 with no kids and are sold on the idea that it is an investment.

Des Moines is famous for one business coming up with a good idea and the rest of the boom town coming in and trying to cash in on the idea. Don't worry it will go belly up at some point and they will all hang out their for lease signs.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:53 pm
by DaVo
aeon grey wrote:
Hank Fist wrote:i'm sure the equitable building will be nice, but will i be filled? I don't see it happening, unless there's a shitload of rich people coming straight out of college or people that want a condo downtown and a house in Waukee.
Except the project might not even be finished because of the asbestos problems. Word is the Knapp might be facing some jail time, or at least some serious fines. I know that they have actually sold a few of them already though.

There are a few condos downtown that I like.. but I won't pay 200k for 700 sqft... not in DM.
Knapp in Jail? I'd pay to see that. That asshole has had his dirty fingers in every backroom deal in this city for the past 30 years. While they have him on the stand, make him explain the whole Ankeny exit and the profit he made off the new IDOT location. What an asshole.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:04 pm
by aeon grey
DaVo wrote:OH I almost forgot, I heard the lovely people that brought you the Lair's Club are planning on opening a venue in the East Village. So that will give you a basement, the Dublin, House of Bricks and the Mob's joint.

i have heard that this is going to be a lounge... not a venue... It is supposed to open the weekend of july 4th.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 1:54 pm
by Beaver
Lots of hawt puss hang at those places, unfortunatley so does the huge bro-dude population of DSM. MOOKAGE.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:35 pm
by Smoking Guns
i finally went inside liars club a couple weeks ago. that place is SOOOO gross. it made me really hate people for a while.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:37 pm
by Hank Fist
aeon grey wrote:
Hank Fist wrote:i'm sure the equitable building will be nice, but will i be filled? I don't see it happening, unless there's a shitload of rich people coming straight out of college or people that want a condo downtown and a house in Waukee.
Except the project might not even be finished because of the asbestos problems. Word is the Knapp might be facing some jail time, or at least some serious fines. I know that they have actually sold a few of them already though.

There are a few condos downtown that I like.. but I won't pay 200k for 700 sqft... not in DM.
no shit, buy a house for half that, double the space, a yard, and not being able to hear the neighbors most of the time.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:42 pm
by Hank Fist
Beaver wrote:Lots of hawt puss hang at those places, unfortunatley so does the huge bro-dude population of DSM. MOOKAGE.
I don't know who you are, but i'd just like to point out that is a classic beaver statement.

Re: Mews closing in September?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:22 pm
by joseph
Smoking Guns wrote:i finally went inside liars club a couple weeks ago. that place is SOOOO gross. it made me really hate people for a while.
i went in the to piss once. they werent open yet and i got the same opinion as you... gross.