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Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 8:29 pm
by El Rhino
Just got done watching this. Holy shit.

Basically back in the late 30's when the Japanese invaded China, they were particularly brutal with Nanking, which was at then the capital of China. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, tons were brutally raped, fathers were forced to rape their daughters, sons forced to rape their mothers, celibate monks were forced to rape women, regular Chinese dudes were forced to have sex with dead women, people were beheaded, burned alive, tortured, etc, etc.

A small group of Westerners (mainly Americans and Germans, I believe) banded together and made a "safe zone" for Chinese refugees to get away from the Japanese to varying degrees of success. The documentary is some actors reading letters, journal entries and so-on from the Westerners set to Nanking footage. There's also interviews with Chinese survivors. Some of the shit they talk about is unreal. They've got some Japanese veterans from Nanking as well. Some come off remorseful, others matter of factly and one smiles real big and chuckles while talking about raping and bayonetting Chinese folks.

I think most well-read people have at least heard a little bit about Nanking, but for something that I would consider the worst single attrocity of an attrocity-laden century, it doesn't get discussed much and those responsible didn't suffer nearly the consequences as their counterparts in Germany.

Anyways, good documentary. Highly recommended.

Re: Nanking

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 10:05 pm
by teedotjaydot
watched this last weekend.

extremely brutal, informative to the Nth.

the format with the actors/diaries was pulled off very well.

watching this felt like being beat up for an hour and a half.

Re: Nanking

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:34 pm
by El Rhino
teedotjaydot wrote:watched this last weekend.

extremely brutal, informative to the Nth.

the format with the actors/diaries was pulled off very well.

watching this felt like being beat up for an hour and a half.

Agreed, at one point when the younger Asian girl said something about being there I was like "Funny, she doesn't look old enough. Gotta be Pearl Cream! Oh wait....". The actors did a very good job.

Being beat up for an hour and a half is a good description. It's hard to even imagine some of the more tame (in comparison) things like being used for bayonet practice or a 12 year old girl getting raped in front of her grandfather, let alone some of the other shit they described.