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How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:19 pm
by Varg

"Global temperatures will drop slightly this year as a result of the cooling effect of the La Nina current in the Pacific, UN meteorologists have said.

The World Meteorological Organization's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, told the BBC it was likely that La Nina would continue into the summer.

This would mean global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory. "


Just sayin'....

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:23 pm
by Beaver
The fact you buy in to the right wing proporganda of a "non-human" effect on the worlds climate is humorous to me. The south doesnt believe in evolution either, maybe you guys can fuck?

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:36 pm
by Varg
Beaver wrote:The fact you buy in to the right wing proporganda of a "non-human" effect on the worlds climate is humorous to me. The south doesnt believe in evolution either, maybe you guys can fuck?

The BBC is right wing propaganda?!? Good job, you didn't even have someone read the story for you, did you?

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:40 pm
by joseph
no care ever.

let alone once a week. go away or move to another topic.

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:54 pm
by Beaver
Varg wrote:
Beaver wrote:The fact you buy in to the right wing proporganda of a "non-human" effect on the worlds climate is humorous to me. The south doesnt believe in evolution either, maybe you guys can fuck?

The BBC is right wing propaganda?!? Good job, you didn't even have someone read the story for you, did you?
Ohhhhh....yeah actually I didnt. Prolly cause everything you say is bullfuck. Besides, never trust an englishmen.

Now go back to taking pics of your flexing butt.

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:38 pm
by Tom
Beaver wrote:propaganda

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:45 pm
by noel_nothing
sweet! this summer wont be so hot. now if it gets muggy, that another subject :x

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:28 pm
by Smoking Guns
Varg wrote:
Beaver wrote:The fact you buy in to the right wing proporganda of a "non-human" effect on the worlds climate is humorous to me. The south doesnt believe in evolution either, maybe you guys can fuck?

The BBC is right wing propaganda?!? Good job, you didn't even have someone read the story for you, did you?
did you even read the story?

check these quotes:

The WMO points out that the decade from 1998 to 2007 was the warmest on record. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74C.

What matters, they say, is the long-term upward trend.

Mr Jarraud insisted this was not the case and noted that 2008 temperatures would still be well above average for the century.

"When you look at climate change you should not look at any particular year," he said. "You should look at trends over a pretty long period and the trend of temperature globally is still very much indicative of warming.

"La Nina is part of what we call 'variability'. There has always been and there will always be cooler and warmer years, but what is important for climate change is that the trend is up; the climate on average is warming even if there is a temporary cooling because of La Nina."

Mr Scaife told the BBC: "What's happened now is that La Nina has come along and depressed temperatures slightly but these changes are very small compared to the long-term climate change signal, and in a few years time we are confident that the current record temperature of 1998 will be beaten when the La Nina has ended."

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:13 pm
by Varg
Smoking Guns wrote:
Varg wrote:
Beaver wrote:The fact you buy in to the right wing proporganda of a "non-human" effect on the worlds climate is humorous to me. The south doesnt believe in evolution either, maybe you guys can fuck?

The BBC is right wing propaganda?!? Good job, you didn't even have someone read the story for you, did you?
did you even read the story?

check these quotes:

The WMO points out that the decade from 1998 to 2007 was the warmest on record. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74C.

What matters, they say, is the long-term upward trend.

Mr Jarraud insisted this was not the case and noted that 2008 temperatures would still be well above average for the century.

"When you look at climate change you should not look at any particular year," he said. "You should look at trends over a pretty long period and the trend of temperature globally is still very much indicative of warming.

"La Nina is part of what we call 'variability'. There has always been and there will always be cooler and warmer years, but what is important for climate change is that the trend is up; the climate on average is warming even if there is a temporary cooling because of La Nina."

Mr Scaife told the BBC: "What's happened now is that La Nina has come along and depressed temperatures slightly but these changes are very small compared to the long-term climate change signal, and in a few years time we are confident that the current record temperature of 1998 will be beaten when the La Nina has ended."

Did you miss my "RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA?!?" post?


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:27 am
by Varg
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... se-article

Global Warming Activist Pressures BBC to Significantly Alter Article

By Noel Sheppard | April 7, 2008 - 09:59 ET

NewsBusters has just learned that a British "climate activist" was responsible for getting the BBC to radically alter its "Global Temperatures 'To Decrease'" article last Friday.

As reported Sunday, the third paragraph of what previously had been a very balanced piece about how global temperatures have been declining since 1998 was totally reworded in order to make the report just another hysterical climate change pronouncement.

On Monday, Jennifer Marohasy, the director of the Environment Unit at Australia's Institute of Public Affairs, received and published an e-mail exchange between the article's author, Roger Harrabin, and a climate activist affiliated with the British Campaign Against Climate Change:

from Jo Abbess
to Roger Harrabin
date Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:12 AM
subject Correction Demanded : "Global temperatures 'to decrease'"

Dear Roger,

Please can you correct your piece published today entitled "Global
temperatures 'to decrease'" :-

1. "A minority of scientists question whether this means global
warming has peaked"
This is incorrect. Several networks exist that question whether global
warming has peaked, but they contain very few actual scientists, and
the scientists that they do contain are not climate scientists so have
no expertise in this area.

2. "Global temperatures this year will be lower than in 2007"
You should not mislead people into thinking that the sum total of the
Earth system is going to be cooler in 2008 than 2007. For example, the
ocean systems of temperature do not change in yearly timescales, and
are massive heat sinks that have shown gradual and continual warming.
It is only near-surface air temperatures that will be affected by La
Nina, plus a bit of the lower atmosphere.

Thank you for applying your attention to all the facts and figures available,


from Jo Abbess
to Roger Harrabin ,
date Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:37 AM
subject Re: Correction Demanded : "Global temperatures 'to decrease'"

Hi Roger,

I will forward your comments (unless you object) to some people who
may wish to add to your knowledge.

Would you be willing to publish information that expands on your
original position, and which would give a better, clearer picture of
what is going on ?

Personally, I think it is highly irresponsible to play into the hands
of the sceptics/skeptics who continually promote the idea that "global
warming finished in 1998", when that is so patently not true.

I have to spend a lot of my time countering their various myths and
non-arguments, saying, no, go look at the Hadley Centre data. Global
Warming is not over. There have been what look like troughs and
plateaus/x before. It didn't stop then. It's not stopping now.

It is true that people are debating Climate Sensitivity, how much
exactly the Earth will respond to radiative forcing, but nobody is
seriously refuting that increasing Greenhouse Gases cause increased
global temperatures.

I think it's counterproductive to even hint that the Earth is cooling
down again, when the sum total of the data tells you the opposite.

As time goes by, the infant science of climatology improves. The Earth
has never experienced the kind of chemical adjustment in the
atmosphere we see now, so it is hard to tell exactly what will happen
based on historical science.

However, the broad sweep is : added GHG means added warming.

Please do not do a disservice to your readership by leaving the door
open to doubt about that.



etc. etc. you can read the rest at the link provided. Nice work.

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:55 pm
by @nonymous

Re: How do you feel about...

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:16 pm
by Hank Fist
this just in!