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Rx Bandits...

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:34 pm
by carbon
I recently traveled to Minneapolis to see the Rx Bandit and English Beat at the Cabooze...

The Cabooze was a cool venue. Brian Setzer was in attendance. It was also sweet since there were no opening bands.

the Rx Bandits opened the show. They are a great band and i love watching them live but i hate bands that take themselves too serious. I love Progress and Halfway Between Here and There but i got one song combined from these two cd's. My final tally was 9 songs from ...And the battle Begun, 5 from the Resignation, 1 from Progress and 0 from Halfway Between Here and There and Those Damn Bandits. I have seen the Bandits 5 or so times live and the past 3 times i have seen them they wont play anything before Progress. I understand you want to write songs with meaning now, Matt Embree, but dont ignore the songs that were apart of you and your band for so long. I know Those Damn Bandits is just your typical ridiculous ska/punk album and Halfway Between is very sublime-ish but dont completely ignore me chanting for Metal Man or With You. I've been a fan of this band for 8-9 years now. At least let me hear Analog Boy or Infected or Status. Stop taking yourself so damn serious and give one of your true fans 2:00 of awesomeness and play What If.

The English Beat played next. I have never listened to much traditional ska but they put on a good show. Very fun with many oldies in the crowd. It was hilarious to watch the crowd go from 250 teenagers and mid 20's to 250 35+. Some fuckin skankin dude next to me couldn't control himself at all, kept fuckin bouncing into me.

All in all it was a good show but i think im done traveling to see the Rx Bandits.

Re: Rx Bandits...

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:59 pm
by jjjsXe
i would love to have seen the english beat. i've honestly (to my knowledge) never heard an rx bandits song. i never got too into that ska/punk thing. for me it was either ska, or punk, not a lot of crossover.

Re: Rx Bandits...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:09 am
by El Rhino
carbon wrote: The English Beat played next. I have never listened to much traditional ska but they put on a good show. Very fun with many oldies in the crowd. It was hilarious to watch the crowd go from 250 teenagers and mid 20's to 250 35+. Some fuckin skankin dude next to me couldn't control himself at all, kept fuckin bouncing into me.
The English Beat would not be classified as traditional ska, file under "second wave" or "2-Tone".

Robdigi and I went to go see the English Beat the summer before last in Chicago, with Neville Staples of The Specials filling in on guitar. It was easily one of the best shows I've ever seen and very cool to see one of my all-time favorite bands. The old people were cool, I'd rather be around them than a bunch of nerds in checkered vans and LTJ shirts.

There's a thread about it somewhere. Long story short, we had a pretty good time and there was a guy who did a funny dance and it's on Youtube.

Re: Rx Bandits...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:04 pm
by robdigi
I'm still pissed about that girl never mailing me back the sunglasses that I left in her car.

I think what I liked most about seeing The English Beat was that they didn't have the whole HEY HAVE WE MENTIONED THAT WE ARE A SKA BAND! feel that most modern groups seem to have. They're just a hell of tight band that plays in a ska style without rubbing your nose in it.

Re: Rx Bandits...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:42 pm
by Joe
did u skank


Re: Rx Bandits...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:37 pm
by El Rhino
robdigi wrote:I'm still pissed about that girl never mailing me back the sunglasses that I left in her car.

I think what I liked most about seeing The English Beat was that they didn't have the whole HEY HAVE WE MENTIONED THAT WE ARE A SKA BAND! feel that most modern groups seem to have.
Yeah, and consequently the idiot factor (at least of people under 30) was very low. I thought it was cool how much the audience was into it, you could tell that half of these guys were probably big fans back in high school. That creepy old dude that looked like the band teacher from the Simpsons, I could've done without him though. He was getting a little too close for comfort, I think he wanted to have sex with me. It didn't seem like the type of place where you could get away with shoving the guy away either.

That girl was pretty cool. It was nice of her to take us to that Chinese restaurant. That place was weird though, I don't see how people could find "pig intestine sauce", "pig ear sauce" "Snouts & Testicles medley", etc appetizing.

Re: Rx Bandits...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:25 pm
by carbon
Joe wrote:did u skank

what do you think? No.