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Stuff White People Like

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:40 pm
by El Rhino

Kind of funny. They've got us nailed down pretty well.

Re: Stuff White People Like

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:44 pm
by robdigi
I can't believe mayonnaise isn't on that list.

I get called out on my whiteness due to that shit all the time.

Re: Stuff White People Like

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:34 pm
by ilikehorses
shit, it's so eerily right-on.


Re: Stuff White People Like

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:17 am
by El Rhino
robdigi wrote:I can't believe mayonnaise isn't on that list.

I get called out on my whiteness due to that shit all the time.

Definitely. Mayonnaise is to white people what hot sauce is for black people. We love that shit. We do some cool things with it too, such as remoulade and various ketchup/mayo combinations (Whopper sauce, Icelandic Koktailsosa, "Fry sauce", etc).

My grandma used to buy mayo from the dollar store that came from Saudi Arabia. I guess someone other than us eats it.

Re: Stuff White People Like

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:31 am
by Walking Thunder
I despise mayonnaise. It's a disgusting condiment. But then again so is ketchup and mustard.

Re: Stuff White People Like

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:25 am
by moltar
Ranch is in the same boat.

Anything with tomatoes is tight as is the entire family of plants mustard is included in. I'd really like to try real wasabi sometime in my life.

Arrested Developement and microbrews!
#55 Apologies wrote:Sometimes if you are out late at night and a white person irritates someone at a night club or a bar, the first thing they will do is apologize in rapid fire mode in hopes it will stop them from getting their ass kicked. This technique has a surprisingly high success rate, as the aggressor immediately knows that fighting this person will be very easy, with little satisfaction.

Re: Stuff White People Like

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:17 pm
by joseph
sweet, i dont like half that list.. im not white. does that mean im more credible?