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Re: I'm boring and predictable.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:02 pm
by TooManyHumyns
you should starve...

Re: I'm boring and predictable.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:11 am
by Hank Fist
TooManyHumyns wrote:better NOT be on MY dollar!!!fuckin' commie/marxist/socialist bastard...
someone really is upset about it though:

Earlier this week the White House indicated each man would drink the beer of their choice — Bud Light for President Obama, Blue Moon for the police officer, and perhaps Red Stripe or Beck's for Gates.

But one Massachusetts congressman thinks another beer entirely should be served: Boston's own Sam Adams.

In a letter to Obama dated Wednesday, Massachusetts Rep. Richard Neal strongly urges the president not to drink Budweiser, now owned by a Belgian company. Nor should the White House consider serving Miller or Coors, Neal writes, both owned by a United Kingdom conglomerate.

Instead, the White House should serve the three men — all with ties to Massachusetts — the local favorite, not only because of its popularity in the region but also because it remains the largest American-owned and brewed beer, Neal says.

Re: I'm boring and predictable.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:19 am
by Nam
TooManyHumyns wrote:OH!ED!!!oh fuck....ok, first of all, the president most likely got involved because he is/was 'good friends' with the victim. second, i don't know what i would consider myself these days, i know what i'm not, and thats about it... it is a non-issue in all reality, but at the same time i don't really see it justified to use tax dollars to fund money for bud light, and most likely transportation...also is the presidents salary paid for by citizens of the U.S.? i would assume so, i am curious....3 of all, the second half of my initial statement was inspired by conservative talk radio...which i do enjoy listeninig to...i hate to say it, but i find myself agreeing with a good handful of Michael Savage's(Weiner) views, only for different, not everything comes down to gawd in the end for me...I guess im a free

welcome to the forward thinking (not to mention realistic) side.

i remember, as a kid, hearing somthing about how a burger at the white house ends up costing tax payers about $5K+ after everything is considerd. so im guessing beers wouldnt be any less

Re: I'm boring and predictable.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:21 am
by Nick
TooManyHumyns wrote:you should starve...
Seriously though, it's a beer. Who gives a fuck? We "pay" for everything else the Presdient eats/drinks/wears/rides in, etc. Why are people getting worked up over a fucking beer? Am I missing something here? People that get worked up about stuff like this are just looking for things to nitpick over.

Re: I'm boring and predictable.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:32 am
by Nam
Nick wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:you should starve...
Seriously though, it's a beer. Who gives a fuck? We "pay" for everything else the Presdient eats/drinks/wears/rides in, etc. Why are people getting worked up over a fucking beer? Am I missing something here? People that get worked up about stuff like this are just looking for things to nitpick over.
no kidding, why worry about our tax dollars paying for beer when we should really worry about worthless welfare fucks that are perfectly able to work but would rather sit and milk the state, and the people over at the workforce dev. center that really have no ambition to work either. i was working across the street and i swear they all have nicer cars than i do... thats fucked