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Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:42 am
by elliot
I've now heard two people claim that all Brian said was, "Shut up, play another song," which certainly is not as bad as what the girl from Witch Hunt claimed he said.

But let's just forget that part of it entirely. The fact is Brian yelled something stupid at the band. Witch Hunt calling him out on it is fine. Where they crossed the line was to suddenly demand he leave the show and refuse to play until he did, even after his own friends are trying to explain and Brian himself is trying to apologize. We were all attempting to reason with them, and they basically just told us to fuck off.

Those girls were refusing to have any type of a meaningful dialogue with anyone. All they wanted to do was take this defiant, self-righteous stance because they are sooo punk and they don't give a fuck what we think of them! Oooooh, I'm impressed! They've been a touring band for ten years, and I'm positive they've dealt with much dumber punk kids than in Des Moines, and if they can't handle a situation like that without getting angrily irrational, then that's pathetic.

The sexism claim is laughable at best, Dustin, and you know that. If it had been two guys up there acting like idiots we would have been just as mad, in fact, it would have made more sense. Usually women are less quick to be judgmental and freak out over a minor infraction like that.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:08 am
by JillJillJill
I agree with calling people out for the bullshit they say, but it was over the top and ridiculous. The drama made the show extremely awkward and uncomfortable. As for sexism? Definitely didn't see that. Also didn't like the des moines social club. waaaaay too big of a room.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:28 am
by kristy
this band looks like a great smelling bunch of friendly humble folks.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:44 am
by El Rhino
Seriously, you guys should've just beat them up.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:40 pm
by Beaver
Witch cunts?


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:46 pm
by @nonymous
wasn't at this show, or any show--but it's interesting to me that some of you still don't get that in other communities, attitudes like many that exist in our, well your "scene"--language that is used, etc--isn't tolerated. you never hear the word "fag" or "pussy" or any other disrespectful and fucking moronic, lazy language.

witch hunt comes from one of those communities and i bet when they showed up and saw a bunch of kids in patches, a vegan potluck and people dressing like they're fucking train hopping hobos they (wrongfully) assumed they were among peers; friends. see, other places--where people dress like ya'll, listen to similar music and participate in this subculture you have co-opted--people actually care about others in their community.

it's also no surprise that these (other) communities have much more diverse scenes that go out of their way not to alienate or make fun of people--again, with the caring. say, for example, if there is someone they don't like.

don't get me wrong. i could give a shit about this show, what happened there or the scene in des moines for that matter. it's just funny to hop on this site every now and then and see people complaining about this topic--when the solution should be staring you right in the face:

Don't pretend to be something you're not. Stop hosting vegan potlucks and bringing in anarchist punk bands when the majority of you could give a shit about either of those things.

Or, if not. Don't be surprised when people from other communities roll through town and call bullshit on your sexist, homophobic scene that is masquerading as some counter-culture "punk" scene.

DIY isn't synonymous with punk. Figure it out folks!


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:49 pm
by KY Jelly Belly
JillJillJill wrote:I agree with calling people out for the bullshit they say, but it was over the top and ridiculous. The drama made the show extremely awkward and uncomfortable. As for sexism? Definitely didn't see that. Also didn't like the des moines social club. waaaaay too big of a room.
Agreed, very awkward, I felt like they were pissed at all of us for not kicking Brian out, which is fucking stupid, and they definitely blew what he said WAAAAYYY outta proportion, I have the whole thing recorded and will post it as soon as I can. The funniest thing was that when Brian said that Brothers did exactly what anyone in any band would've done, THEY FUCKING SHRUGGED IT OFF AND PLAYED ANOTHER SONG!!! SEXISM!?!?! What are you talking about? I didn't hear a single sexist comment the whole night, did Bitch Cunt, whoops I mean Witch Hunt hear anything or feel uncomfortable about something? I honestly hope that they don't go to other towns and talk shit about Des Moines because of one persons comment, that would be extremely shitty of them to do but hey it happens. As far as the Social club, I thought it was a very cool place, the room is fuckin huge and as a musician, the sound could've been better. I agree with Shane, the natural reverb made the drums sound awesome but it ate up the guitars and kind of blended it into a mess of guitar, all in all I hope we have more shows there even though this was a bit of a mess.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:54 pm
by @nonymous
KY Jelly Belly wrote:SEXISM!?!?! What are you talking about?
KY Jelly Belly wrote:did Bitch Cunt, whoops I mean Witch Hunt
good one!!!!!!!!! you're so not sexist!

i'm sure that your positivity came across very warm and invitingly for these people who showed up to entertain you.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:37 pm
by joseph
@- if youre gonna start calling people out for stuff you should probably go to more shows. even elliot got in a good SEXISM blast.(i still dont think bitch or cunt is sexist but thats just me)

elliot wrote:The sexism claim is laughable at best,

Usually women are less quick to be judgmental and freak out over a minor infraction like that.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:00 pm
by ginx86
@nonymous wrote:
people actually care about others in their community.
Yeah none of us here obviously care about each other in the community, it wasn't that we were standing up for Brian when we refused to throw him out, it's that we're a bunch of sexist homophobes.

Standing from the outside and throwing stones isn't going to change any of the complaints you have about this scene. Rational arguments change people not baseless insults and condescending attitudes.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:40 pm
by Joe
baseless insults and condescending attitudes.
Adam to a t.

Pffff, @nonymous calling people out on being fake is the biggest joke I've ever heard/read/seen. You still mad that no one was paying your rent to live at the infoshop?



Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:12 pm
by Joe
Also, Adam jumping at words like 'sexism" is such a fucking "no duh" situation, I'm surprised he wasn't here sooner spewing off his nonsense.



Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:39 pm
by elliot
Adam, none of what you said applies to this situation in the slightest.

First of all, no one said "fag" or "pussy" or anything even remotely sexist. I still have no idea where these sexist accusations are coming from or who they're directed to. Just because you can toss a word like "sexist" around doesn't mean you should use it whenever you feel like it.

As I mentioned before, Witch Hunt has been a band for almost ten years. I'm assuming they've done a good amount of touring. Your argument that they must have assumed that everyone at the show was on their side because they dressed similar and were hosting a potluck is in complete disregard to the fact that they have played shows in dozens of places outside of their own community, meaning they should be aware that not every scene is exactly the same. It's not like they think everywhere is Philadelphia.

And if that kind of shit goes down in their scene, where someone just gets kicked out for yelling something at a band that isn't even offensive, just dumb, and then tries to apologize but isn't given a second to explain themselves...that's not the kind of scene I want anything to do with. I still cannot believe how they just put this wall up after they declared that he had to be kicked out or they wouldn't play. They wouldn't listen to anyone!

Also, it's the pure childishness of the whole thing that blows my mind. If I was playing a show and someone yelled from the back, "Shut up, play another song," or even if they also yelled, "You suck," I wouldn't start crying and take my toys and go home. As a band, you're putting yourself out there in front of people, and if someone doesn't like it, it's not the end of the world. If you can't handle a comment like that, then you have the mindset of a child and you deserve to be offended.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:50 pm
by El Rhino
@dam, I'm real interested in knowing about how you apparently have all this knowledge about how shit goes down in other scenes. Is there some dark corner of the internet where other people with minimal participation in their scenes sit around and stroke off to this sort of thing? I think someone is just struggling trying to find some relevancy here.

"pussy". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:51 pm
by El Rhino
elliot wrote: Also, it's the pure childishness of the whole thing that blows my mind. If I was playing a show and someone yelled from the back, "Shut up, play another song," or even if they also yelled, "You suck," I wouldn't start crying and take my toys and go home. As a band, you're putting yourself out there in front of people, and if someone doesn't like it, it's not the end of the world. If you can't handle a comment like that, then you have the mindset of a child and you deserve to be offended.

Exactly. The Blues Brothers had threats and bottles hurled at them and what did they do? They played "Rawhide".


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:00 pm
by ilikehorses
this shit just got really funny.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:09 pm
by Shane
@nonymous wrote: Or, if not. Don't be surprised when people from other communities roll through town and call bullshit on your sexist, homophobic scene that is masquerading as some counter-culture "punk" scene.
Shut the fuck up. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. No one that I associate with in this scene is sexist or homophobic, nor did this situation arise due to any sexism or homophobia. You have absolutely no clue what actually went on at this show, you just felt like this would be an opportune time to flex your awesome, super alternative anarcho-punk muscles, when all that you did was make yourself look like a self-righteous, holier-than-thou fuck.

I agree with everything Elliot has said regarding this topic.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:24 pm
by dustingrime
how can you act so high and mighty when an insult is taken to heart and not shrugged off. just cause you would do it doesnt mean everyone should react the same way. funny thing is, brian was wasted, red eyed and could barely stand up and told me outside he came there looking for a fight. the next day in the parking lot outside my apartment, he did yell sexist remarks at the band and started a physical confrontation over it. when i talked to them later, they said if he would have sincerely apologized, they would have buried the hatchet with him because they dont hold grudges. they arent going to talk shit on des moines for what happened, but im willing to bet they wont suggest it to anyone. the scene(s) in philly are far more segregated and unwelcoming than des moines. all im saying is you cant crucify someone for standing up for what they believe in. i have talked to both sides of the party and then made my stance. all you have to go off is what you saw/heard, and the fact that you can drag the name of some of the best people i have met through the mud with one sided arguements and you cant even open your mind and put yourselves in their shoes for a minute iis pathetic.

time to grow up.

i dont see how being so quick to write someone off without hearing both perspectives is productive to the community and scene.

the fact that you are trying to inflict your own personal beliefs on them makes you no better, wiat, worse, than what youve made them out to be in your own minds.

i have heard both sides of the story from both parties involved, so i think that makes me a little more knowledged on the situation than all of you.
plus i just want to clear this up, they didnt ask you to throw him out, they asked me, and i did. if you want to get mad at someone, get mad at me. ill take the wrap.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:26 pm
by Hank Fist
they were probably just on the rag.
that makes women volatile sometimes.



Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:35 pm
by joseph
Hank Fist wrote:they were probably just on the rag.
that makes women volatile sometimes.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:48 pm
by El Rhino
dustingrime wrote: all im saying is you cant crucify someone for standing up for what they believe in.

Apparently he believed that they should shut up and play a song...and he stood up for it.

...and I'm standing up for my belief that this shit is gay!!!!


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:17 pm
by TooManyHumyns
they asked me to throw him out as well...i said that i did not want to because i didnt witness it and i had no way to take a stance on something that i had little knowledge of...i wasn't in the room when that stuff went i said, i think both sides are right and wrong...thats all there is too it...and everybody associated with this situation can learn and grow from it in one way or another...
@nonymous wrote:don't get me wrong. i could give a shit about this show, what happened there or the scene in des moines for that matter. it's just funny to hop on this site every now and then and see people complaining about this topic--when the solution should be staring you right in the face:

Don't pretend to be something you're not. Stop hosting vegan potlucks and bringing in anarchist punk bands when the majority of you could give a shit about either of those things.
what does this even mean?
@nonymous wrote: witch hunt comes from one of those communities and i bet when they showed up and saw a bunch of kids in patches, a vegan potluck and people dressing like they're fucking train hopping hobos they (wrongfully) assumed they were among peers; friends. see, other places--where people dress like ya'll, listen to similar music and participate in this subculture you have co-opted--people actually care about others in their community.
also, this one baffles me as well...who are these people? i can count maybe 3 that apply....


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:21 pm
by Big Fat Retard
I should have went to this. Unfortunately we had to play in Bonaparte, IA. which was cool.

So was Witch Hunt flapping their jaws instead of playing music when this Brian dude told them to shut the fuck up and play some music? If so, then he was right. They should have shut the fuck up and played. there's nothing worse than bands that talk too long between songs about stupid bullshit like politics and world hunger and crap. People pay to hear music. And if a band can't handle being told to shut the fuck up, then they shouldn't be playing outside of their own basement.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:28 pm
by servo
oh reeferseed, if ever there was a posterboy for our vegan potlock-havin, backpatch-wearin, false-trainhoppin, woman-hatin, fag-bashing scene i would want it to be you.

i wish i would have seen this all go down, but instead i was in the middle of the woods in wisconsin watching zach krook repeatedly throw up all over himself.

who's the real winner here?

probably that lady's dog who ate zach's puke that was full of magic mushrooms


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:32 pm
by El Rhino
TooManyHumyns wrote: what does this even mean?

That's kind of what we're all left wondering whenever he posts.

I guess the idea of a potluck is so revolutionary it must be reserved for only the most dedicated to the cause, smashing Western civilization one tray of vegan cupcakes at a time.



Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:30 pm
by elliot
dustingrime wrote:all you have to go off is what you saw/heard, and the fact that you can drag the name of some of the best people i have met through the mud with one sided arguements and you cant even open your mind and put yourselves in their shoes for a minute iis pathetic.
Not sure who you're talking to here, but yes, I am going off of what I saw and heard, because that's how they presented themselves to the people at the show. I don't quite see how I have inferior knowledge of the situation.

For anyone curious, here is exactly how it went down:

During Brothers's set, the band who played before Witch Hunt, there was a small amount of downtime between two songs. Brian yelled, "Shut up and play a song!" Witch Hunt claimed he also yelled, "You fucking suck," or something like that. I personally didn't notice this at all, and Brothers didn't make a comment on it when it happened. The "You fucking suck" part has been disputed now by two different sources, so take from that what you will.

Witch Hunt got up and played two songs. The two girls in the band suddenly started pointing to Brian, told us that he yelled this stuff at Brothers, and proclaimed that he needed to be kicked out of the show, or they would not keep playing. There was some confusion, because I think like me, a lot of people hadn't heard the comment. It took him a minute, but Brian eventually came up to the front and tried to apologize, as Joe and Dan and others were trying to reason with the band and tell them he didn't really mean it. The girls act like no one is even talking to them, and continue going on about how you don't yell at bands, how you need to support bands, how it's not punk to be obnoxious, etc. I'm pretty sure Brian just left after a couple minutes of this crap, and Witch Hunt finished their set to a distinctly bummed crowd.

Feel free to add any revisions, but that's how I saw it. Forgive me if I'm sounding judgmental, but I've run into too many crust/political bands who take themselves too goddamn seriously and think they're going to change the world by taking a stand on certain issues. At one point, one of the girls said, "If you think we're up here preaching, if you don't agree with us, then you can leave too. I'm happy playing to three people." Wow! You have the ability to have an insane reaction to something and then not allow any reason to enter into the debate! What a progressive, forward-thinking way to be!
dustingrime wrote:you all suck for supporting sexism, rudeness and a total lack of respect in the scene.
dustingrime wrote:the next day in the parking lot outside my apartment, he did yell sexist remarks at the band and started a physical confrontation over it. you're saying Brian made a sexist remark at them the next day, which is a dubious claim at best, but you're saying that we all suck for supporting sexism and rudeness at this show? Please tell me how that makes any sense.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:47 pm
by Beaver
Someone should have surprise sexed them.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:01 pm
by inx515xhell
El Rhino wrote:Exactly. The Blues Brothers had threats and bottles hurled at them and what did they do? They played "Rawhide".
"Chicken wire?"


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:05 pm
by Rooster
y is everyone still bitching about this? who the fuck cares


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:11 pm
by inx515xhell
also @, did you srsly claim that people in other scenes don't use the word "fag" as a pejorative?
you are mind blowing.