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Re: shit lawler review

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:35 am
by tylerjames515
Yeah this guy sucks, he thinks his cynicism is funny but it just comes off as dull and rather stupid. He writes for Juice right? I always end up reading his articles thinking the same thing. He knows NOTHING about music.

Re: shit lawler review

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:57 pm
by joseph
everyone that knows him has told me how nice he is. i dont doubt that at all but he doesnt care about what he reviews. i wonder if he gets paid?

Re: shit lawler review

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:06 am
by Chronus Ov Agrinex
5:41 p.m.: The first band, Agrinex, starts. I’m told they’re the only pure black metal band in Des Moines. The singer is wearing wrist cuffs with long nails poking through them. He looks like a very intense tetanus warning.

Worthless mortal scribe. Oh that toddler crying, was my friends daughter she is now a fan of metal. She cried when the show was over.

Re: shit lawler review

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:26 pm
by kylervk
joseph wrote:they repeatedly make fun of/talk down to/procrastinate all the real diy grass roots bottom rung shows and people that actually do stuff. it comes off as pompous and arrogant and reaffirms why this town is bullshit when it comes to music and shows and venues.