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Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:20 pm
by TooManyHumyns
also, i've used a 100watt marshall jcm800 or whatever, once before, and that is where my main concern for loudness comes in...damn thing was barely loud enough to keep up with the other guitar and bass...i definately do not want that...

Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:36 pm
by TooManyHumyns

Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:09 pm
by Shane
As far as cabs go, you can't really go wrong with Marshall 1960 cabs. They sell on eBay and forums for around $400 all the time.

I don't know your budget for a cab, but Avatar, Emperor, Orange, and vintage Sunn cabs are also really nice. Those cabs are going to run $500-$1000 usually though.

Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:01 pm
by Varg
joseph wrote:hey varg-
you and i do not agree on amps, tones, working out, bands etc. if "someone" was actually out playing shows and touring with a tube amp they get banged around. maintenance to me means tubes not transformers, caps blah blah

and i think you and i might actually be complete opposites on amp opinions. i am curious of your speakers and cabinet preferences tho?

shane- V4 good idea.

That's exactly what I meant- nobody would replace tubes twice a year. That's insane, as well as insanely expensive, especially if you (like most people) don't know how to re-bias an amp and have to pay someone to do the whole thing for you.

Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:09 pm
by TooManyHumyns
i want to shake ribcages...

Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:12 pm
by Varg
TooManyHumyns wrote:well, just for kicks...
my budget is anywhere from 500-1500(used prices)...i could go higher, but looking to stay around there so i can afford the guitar im looking for....(guild s100)
as far as bands...idk, its not reallly about wanting to copy a bands looking for something with good sustain, and a good clean channel that doesnt get to dirty when turned up past clean, LOUD and warm....i dont need effects...simple is fine, i have some analog pedals and plan on buying a couple more....
but bands...bison, kylesa, sabbath,pentagram,trouble, theres probably a million others i could list...,but wont bother...older sludge/doomy/rock metal shit....i've never really put though into my gear until now, and want to buy stuff that i will be happy to have in the long i dont feel the need to replace it every 2 years...
The best way to figure out what you need is by looking at the gear that the bands who's tone you're aiming for use. I don't listen to shit like that and I certainly wouldn't spend large amounts of money to sound like I'm playing through a shitty amp that's 40 years old. At least for a more modern sound, I would look at Kylesa (and maybe some bands that sound like them- Gaza, Mastodon) and the amps they use. I don't remember what they use. You definitely don't want a Mesa and the only Engl that comes close is out of your price range. I'd normally say one of those Fender deluxe combo amps, but that's not a HEAD. Those things can be loud as fuck though. I used them at Berklee with drums & bass and had no volume or mix issues, you shouldn't either as long as you know how to dial in an amp.

The 2 x 12 version of this was what was in most of the rooms: ... sku=480510

And there were a few of these: ... sku=580898
But I didn't like those at all. VERY touchy and finicky.

Re: amp help

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:15 pm
by Varg
Shane wrote:As far as cabs go, you can't really go wrong with Marshall 1960 cabs. They sell on eBay and forums for around $400 all the time.

I don't know your budget for a cab, but Avatar, Emperor, Orange, and vintage Sunn cabs are also really nice. Those cabs are going to run $500-$1000 usually though.
If you're looking for a cab, I'm actually going to be selling my Marshall 1960. I can get it to you for $400 easy- and you don't have to worry about shipping or fees on ePay.

Re: amp help

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:15 pm
by noel_nothing
just saw this on the dm craigslist.

Re: amp help

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:20 pm
by joseph ... 3360d83780

this would give you some volume and daisy chain options.

Re: amp help

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:33 pm
by joseph

Re: amp help

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:58 pm
by Hank Fist

The 2 x 12 version of this was what was in most of the rooms: ... sku=480510

I've had the 4x10 for 8 years. No maintenance yet. It has been banged around quite a bit.

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:01 am
by jnice
Earlier this year I bought an Ampeg VT-22 (basically a self-contained version of the Ampeg V-4). 100 watts and you'll definitely hear yourself over everything! The good part about these is they're much cheaper than the Fender Twin Reverbs. The bad part is they weigh a lot (88 lbs.)! I suppose the V-4 would be easier to haul around since the head is separate from the cab. ... 70848.html

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:59 am
by joseph
jnice wrote:Earlier this year I bought an Ampeg VT-22 (basically a self-contained version of the Ampeg V-4). 100 watts and you'll definitely hear yourself over everything! The good part about these is they're much cheaper than the Fender Twin Reverbs. The bad part is they weigh a lot (88 lbs.)! I suppose the V-4 would be easier to haul around since the head is separate from the cab. ... 70848.html

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:01 am
by TooManyHumyns
so im kinda stuck again...between a fender twin reverb or super reverb...(how different are they really? other than the 4x10's in the super) and the ampeg v4...opinions on new fender amps? i know somebody metioned twin reverbs earlier...and all the v4 prices i've been finding(outside off ebay) have been right around 8/900...sometimes the head is htat much, and sometimes its the head and cab for htat really its not much less than the twin which goes new for 1,200...i played one of those hot rod devilles the other day, it sounded pretty rad...
also bout to order me this guy:

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:01 am
by joseph
do what you want. i wouldnt pay that much for a V4 or a feeeender but im a cheap ass. my max would be around 800 but thatd be for a white or other original matamp or a SMF sound city but thats more because of my personal want than reality. my normal max for an amp is around 200 bucks...

i also wouldnt buy a pedal before buying an amp. theyre gonna sound different thru different amps/guitars/speakers....

good luck.

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:02 am
by joseph
and for your sound description want it doesnt sound like youd be happy with 10s

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:53 pm
by TooManyHumyns
about the pedal..i've heard it demo'd both through and ampeg v4 and a twin reverb...and it sounds rad through each...and im fairly set on one or the other....if i could find the ampeg for cheaper, i'd go for it...but it hasnt been happening...alls i know is i dont want to buy another disposable amp...i've piddled 200 dollars into heads several times through the past 10 years so i guess i'm not convinced by that methhead...although, maybe my thought is irrational... i think 2 of them actually came from you...a hughes and ketner warp 7....i blew after a few uses....i forget the other one...
hyenas are horny and females apparently have something that resembles a penis and they use it as such...they were originally thought to be hempaphrodetic...(sp)...

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:17 pm
by joseph
ive never sold an amp.
wait i sold a kustom k250 and a 2x15 and a music man hd130 and a sunn4x12L because i got evicted and had to move out of state within a week. that was really dumb. i still miss all that.
did you buy that hughes and kettner from jim dog? if so im sorry that was a piece of shit.

i would sell you my marshall superlead for 1400.00 cash. but thats pricey and i wouldnt sell it but im kinda broke

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:05 pm
by TooManyHumyns
shit...that was jim dog...whooops....willl look into that super lead....I've only owned 1 marshalll....and it sucked..I've also played through another and wasn't super impressed.

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:21 pm
by joseph
its a 1991 reissue. the one before teh stupid effects loops were added. my brother bought it new. then jim bought it. buck rotten borrowed it for a few years then i bought it from jim. its been retubed and has less than 4 hours on the new tubes. its actual the only amp ive owned thats had maintenince. the standby toggle switch has been replaced and the choke was replaced when my brother had it.

Re: amp help

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:51 pm
by noel_nothing

Re: amp help

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:03 am
by joseph
noel_nothing wrote:did you see this?

Re: amp help

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:48 pm
by joseph
joseph wrote:its a 1991 reissue. the one before teh stupid effects loops were added. my brother bought it new. then jim bought it. buck rotten borrowed it for a few years then i bought it from jim. its been retubed and has less than 4 hours on the new tubes. its actual the only amp ive owned thats had maintenince. the standby toggle switch has been replaced and the choke was replaced when my brother had it.
im selling this.
$1,100.00 bukccs

Re: amp help

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:54 pm
by lukerauch
I'd say buy joe's super lead.

Re: amp help

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:26 pm
by TooManyHumyns
sooooooo i ended up spending my amp money on an Sg3 a good deal on it...i guess i will just use my woodson pa until i can save back up again...don't judge me