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Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:51 pm
by tylerjames515
inx515xhell wrote:i lovehow he's all fuckin bleedin and like "imma fuck you up"
Call da ambualamps... I'm a kill him.

Anyone notice how the camera girl jacked the old mans stuff?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:36 pm
by Thom
I is smrt 2!!1

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:45 pm
by inx515xhell
yeah that shit pissed me off. you can hear her say "go through this".

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:11 am
by Bullet Tooth
inx515xhell wrote:
awesome video of shit talking black dude getting shit stomped by an old dude.

this was pretty awesome.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:18 am
by Big Fat Retard
It was a black man who created the greatest thing ever on Earth; peanut butter.

Black dudes also have bigger dicks than white dudes, so black people win the race war.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:01 am
by Bullet Tooth
Big Fat Retard wrote:It was a black man who created the greatest thing ever on Earth; peanut butter.

Black dudes also have bigger dicks than white dudes, so black people win the race war.
fail. black people cant shoot.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:10 am
by Shamone Jackson
I think ya'll should just fist fight to settle this.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:56 am
by El Rhino
i'm suggesting that generally(both currently and historically), people of color put emphasis on preservation of land and community--relying on innovation and technologies that help their way of life, not destroy it.
Really? That's interesting. Could you please tell me where these people exist (other than inside your head)? India, China, Africa, parts of Latin America and the Middle East are all notorious environmental hellholes. I don't know if you've ever been out of the white/north Asian world, but I suggest you try it sometime and get back to me on the environmental conditions. I'm sure you would prefer a Minneapolis, Munich or Montreal over Mumbai, Mogadishu or Manila.
white people, on the other hand, put emphasis on creating technologies that destroy natural environments--both our own and especially indigenous ones. this has been true for over 500 years and it still continues today. nothing new or mind-blowing there(other than your refusal to recognize it).

This is true considering whites created pretty much everything...and these technologies are used all over the world when the economic situation permits (i.e. they don't ride bicycles in North Korea just because it's good exercise and good for the planet). Whites are also at the forefront of environmentally-friendly technologies and spearheading the environmental movement worldwide. Hell, the Sierra Club even pisses and moans because it's "too white".

i'm also suggesting that in our fast-moving culture of constantly new technologies(which btw, is the true factor of laziness, not geographic location or race as you comically put forth),
So our ancestors were just lazy when they decided to come up with tools, clothing, buildings and other items? Sorry, I can't get behind that one. If you're just talking about present day technologies, that's a completely different conversation that has even less to do with the statements of mine you were initially concerned with than the current discussion of environmental consequences of technology. Since it's irrelevant and not of much interest to me, I move on.

haha, are you seriously talking about credibility and relevance on a messageboard? im just killing time at work--though, for the record, servo thinks you're the smartest person on this board. that must mean something.
That Servo, he's a real sweetheart.
Big Fat Retard wrote:It was a black man who created the greatest thing ever on Earth; peanut butter.

Black dudes also have bigger dicks than white dudes, so black people win the race war.

1. Do you seriously believe that as long as humans have been using peanuts, no one ever thought about smashing them and forming an edible paste up until George Washington Carver in the 1800's? Think about it.

2. I believe this is your third post about the reported size of black genitals in as many weeks. It sounds like this is quite the preoccupation with you. I'm beginning to question the motives behind your half-cocked quips professing your admiration of blacks and wonder if they stem from a sexual attraction to black males?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:23 am
by Big Fat Retard
El Rhino wrote:r
1. Do you seriously believe that as long as humans have been using peanuts, no one ever thought about smashing them and forming an edible paste up until George Washington Carver in the 1800's? Think about it.

2. I believe this is your third post about the reported size of black genitals in as many weeks. It sounds like this is quite the preoccupation with you. I'm beginning to question the motives behind your half-cocked quips professing your admiration of blacks and wonder if they stem from a sexual attraction to black males?
I wonder if your hatred towards black people stems from jealousy of their monstrous dicks.

You ever see the episode of all In The Family where Archie Bunker wakes up from surgery and finds out the doctor used a black man's blood in his veins after a transfusion?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:59 pm
by jjjsXe
@nonymous wrote:
i'm suggesting that generally(both currently and historically), people of color put emphasis on preservation of land and community--relying on innovation and technologies that help their way of life, not destroy it. white people, on the other hand, put emphasis on creating technologies that destroy natural environments--both our own and especially indigenous ones. this has been true for over 500 years and it still continues today. nothing new or mind-blowing there(other than your refusal to recognize it).
Wait a minute, are you suggesting that black people are different from white people? Dude, that's racist.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:10 pm
by servo
love him or hate him, ryan is clearly one of the most intelligent posters here. i dont agree with all of the stuff he says, but got damn if he doesnt use logic and rhetoric properly. his arguments are usually pretty free of fallacies and i cant think of anything hes posted that was just plain stupid

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:15 pm
by @nonymous
jjjsxe wrote:Wait a minute, are you suggesting that black people are different from white people? Dude, that's racist.
should i too make a boring, predictable response about you wearing patches of political punk bands and are a walking cliche(quite literally)? or should we both recognize how tired and played out our interactions are and move on....

i'll go with the latter. meet me in the race war thread, and we can start a new relationship with better dialogue.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:26 pm
by @nonymous
servo wrote:his arguments are usually pretty free of fallacies and i cant think of anything hes posted that was just plain stupid
el rhino wrote:Yes, my stance is really that blacks as a race have higher criminal tendencies due to genetic predisposition than members of other racial/ethnic groups.
el rhino wrote:No, I don't deny it. As a whole blacks ARE more dangerous than whites and people have good reasons to stay out of areas where they're concentrated.
el rhino wrote:No one likes the Jews and in the matter of a generation or two they ended up controlling the media and the entertainment industry
el rhino wrote:You're familiar with the concept of "survival of the fittest?" In Africa different traits were beneficial than the ones in Europe and thus blacks are wired a little differently than we are. Other than the increased threat of wild animals they were challenged less than we were and were more prone to impulsiveness.
el rhino wrote:Also, if it's just a matter of skin color, why aren't the cops constantly harassing East Asians and Indians (dots) and sticking them with things they didn't do?
el rhino wrote:I know plenty of black people that aren't rapists (to my knowledge) but it doesn't change the fact that blacks are much more likely to be rapists than whites.
el rhino wrote:2. It makes them better athletes in some departments. Sprinting, jumping and things like that. Whites are generally stronger (see: World's Strongest Man competition) and better at sports that involve a lot of strategy. Whites rack up a hell of a lot of Olympic medals for being only less than 10% of the world's population. Blacks are well suited for boxing.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:52 pm
by jjjsXe
@nonymous wrote:
jjjsxe wrote:Wait a minute, are you suggesting that black people are different from white people? Dude, that's racist.
should i too make a boring, predictable response about you wearing patches of political punk bands and are a walking cliche(quite literally)? or should we both recognize how tired and played out our interactions are and move on....

i'll go with the latter. meet me in the race war thread, and we can start a new relationship with better dialogue.

It is true, I enjoy punk music and like a lotta shit on my clothes, you got me. And you are into Anarchy right? I hear punk and anarchy go hand in hand. Why can't we just get along?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:56 pm
by @nonymous
jjjsxe wrote:It is true, I enjoy punk music and like a lotta shit on my clothes, you got me. And you are into Anarchy right? I hear punk and anarchy go hand in hand. Why can't we just get along?
here here! i'll buy you a cup of coffee sometime. this time.....we'll stick to somewhere local[cue popular music played over our over-the-top laughter that lasts too long as we fade away, embracing our new friendship].

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:01 pm
by El Rhino
That route still isn't working, @dam.

Honestly, your attempts at whatever it is you're trying to do are getting obsessive, desperate and embarrassing (for you). There's nothing really being discussed anymore. I'm done monkeying around with you until you have something of substance to say.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:06 pm
by Nam
the end of an era :(

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:15 pm
by @nonymous
remember when this board was going to put out a zine collectively? ryan, davo and some people came into BPE to discuss it I think. was like some bizarro world. maybe that's what we need, to see past our differences.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:21 pm
by KY Jelly Belly
@nonymous wrote: maybe that's what we need, to see past our differences.
Then why did you start this thread? Obviously to start somewhat of a Debate/Fight.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:24 pm
by Joe
If I could, I would ban all you dumb fuckers.


Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:29 pm
by @nonymous
KY Jelly Belly wrote:Then why did you start this thread? Obviously to start somewhat of a Debate/Fight.
i don't care whether or not someone here is racist. that doesn't mean i'm not going to rebuttal--it's fun to argue on the internet. especially with people who say absurd things(me, el rhino...most people here). the people who post legitimate, non inflammatory material are boring on a messageboard(see: noel nothing). who cares?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:24 am
by Shamone Jackson
Is @nonymous a dude or chick ?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:42 am
by ilikehorses
ryan / other racists - i'd like to know what books (by sociologists and anthropologists, etc.) you are reading / have read that have developed your theories. seriously. have your theories on race been developed after researching the subject based on evidence shown by educated individuals that have researched or are they based on your own thoughts and minimal personal experience?
again, i'm being serious.
i can give you titles of numerous books i've read on the subject (that of course, don't coincide with your theories) that were written by anthropologists and sociologists who did a great deal of research. please give me some titles.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:53 am
by tom2electricboogaloo
El Rhino wrote:I'm done monkeying around

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:57 pm
by Thom
Hey remember when everyone on here were a bunch of douche bags? I really don't feel bad for having zero respect for almost every poster on this board.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:39 pm
by El Rhino
ilikehorses wrote:ryan / other racists - i'd like to know what books (by sociologists and anthropologists, etc.) you are reading / have read that have developed your theories. seriously. have your theories on race been developed after researching the subject based on evidence shown by educated individuals that have researched or are they based on your own thoughts and minimal personal experience?
again, i'm being serious.
i can give you titles of numerous books i've read on the subject (that of course, don't coincide with your theories) that were written by anthropologists and sociologists who did a great deal of research. please give me some titles.
What kind of question is this? I thought you already knew that my views are based on sheer ignorance and fear, or at least that's what I'm told.

Just like any other theory anyone holds, there's "minimal" personal experience (probably nothing like your maximal personal experience!) and observation combined with research, a skeptical nature and a healthy dose of common fucking sense.

Anyways, the last anthropology book I read was "Human Variation - Races, Types and Ethnic Groups" by Stephen Molnar which more or less towed the PC line but gave very straight forward (and damning) insight into IQ differences as well as the heritability of certain traits, both physical and mental.

Other than that, Carleton Coon did a lot of research into the subject. He was considered one of the premier anthropologists of his era but his works were shunned during the civil rights/left wing dominance of academia era. Nothing has really been disproved, it's just that what he had to say wasn't nice. "Bell Curve" by Charles Murray is another one that discusses low IQ and the connection to poor economic performance and high crime in blacks. I've only read parts of it as it is lengthy and kind of dry. "Race and Reason" by Carleton Putnam is another pre-civil rights era one. There are other books on the subject I haven't read and there's a ton of articles on the subject.

As far as the simple subject of race goes, David Duke's "My Awakening" covers a lot of ground (and covers it well). Jared Taylor and the rest of the crew at American Renaissance ( have some good material.

Like I said earlier, my time available for reading for pleasure these days is low due to the things I do coupled with reading for several classes so between what I'm required to read and reading about the topics, people, ideas, events and stories that interest me my time for sob stories about Central American peasants is limited.

But if you know of any anthropology books that effectively argue that populations that were separated for thousands upon thousands of years in drastically different environments aren't different, I'm all ears.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:40 pm
by El Rhino
Thom wrote:Hey remember when everyone on here were a bunch of douche bags? I really don't feel bad for having zero respect for almost every poster on this board.

Wow. That broke my heart.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:51 pm
by servo
how is no one talking about fast-twitch muscle fiber yet?

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:52 pm
by El Rhino
That was actually briefly hinted to in the original thread on this subject.

Re: Hey, remember when....

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:54 pm
by Beaver
I don't need to reference any book to state the obvious. Life taught me what I think about certain groups. If you need a crash course, just go stand outside the Pelican Bar at 2:00 am on a Saturday night. Although being an ostrich will help avoid getting into a situation with a big scary black man.

Also - it doesn't bother me if scurvy grind kids say they don't respect me. :lol: