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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:50 am
by joseph
inx515xhell wrote:i would definitely agree that people here are more environmentally conscience. waste management companies offer compost pick up, bike lanes/lock stations are everywhere, totally bitchin public transportation (just wish the lightrail came out here), wind/solar powered houses and businesses are EVERYWHERE, as well as eateries that use compostable silverware, glasses, plates and such. not to mention there are tons of vegan/vegetarian places to eat, and c'mon....everyone knows real environmentalists are vegan.
shit, i work for a division of the city that buys land in and around boulder just to preserve it and protect it from being developed. so in short, yeah, just because there are mountains, people are more conscience.
fat people definitely stick out. it's hard to live in a place that is so accommodating to an active lifestyle and not take advantage of it.