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Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:58 pm
by Beaver
These dudes are fagz. Nuff said.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:59 pm
by servo
if we get a crew together to do that im in as long as its understood that none of us have any intention of paying for the show

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:14 pm
by El Rhino
Yeah right, Shad and Fat Tony will goon all you fagz if you want to act up at the 620 House.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:53 pm
by DaVo
Shane wrote:
DaVo wrote:
servo wrote:i would assume everyones on the same page as me when it comes to the fact that i do not want to be a part of any scene these kids are
Like I posted earlier and then one of the moderators changed my post. Working together to create a better scene would be very un-Des Moines like.
The thing is, though, most people will agree that blending hardcore and scenester pop would end poorly for everyone involved, and that our scene would in no way improve. Also, they obviously don't want to mix scenes, so why should anyone here be at fault for agreeing?
Elitist US against them bullshit. Some of the best shows I've ever been to were mixed shows with everything from Hardcore to metal to ska to rockabille to Rock Steady. Better promotion + wider draw = better turn out. The side effect is that both scenes will draw fans from the other. This is the same bullshit that took shows that were drawing 150 to 200 to a bunch of sub-scene shows that were lucky to draw 10 people.

It's funny hwo a scene that talks so much about Unity would rather jerk off with the same 20 guys then go out into the big world and interact with others. I think you are all worried that you are going to start digging this whole pop scene and your friends will find out and take away your hardcore members only card.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:08 pm
by servo
well, i guess i'd rather be in the same scene as those kids than davo...

but on a serious note i am all for mixing genres. i remember booking ska bands will screamo and having hundreds of kids come out. and it worked because no one there really sucked. they were all there because they loved music. pretty much everyone there was in some way kinda punk rock (not used to denote anything about music but a general diy/outsider attitude)

these kids however... theres way more at work here than them just being fans of music. there is nothing punk rock about what theyre doing. this stuff is not outsider culture in any way. in-stores at hot topic dudes. and thusly i want nothing to do with them. i'm a part of the "scene" im a part of because mainstream culture doesnt work for me. and i dont want to interact with said mainstream culture.

i cant explain these kids' mindset and motives because im not them, but i', guessing they're probably kinda fucked.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:22 pm
by joseph
DaVo wrote:Elitist US against them bullshit. Some of the best shows I've ever been to were mixed shows with everything from Hardcore to metal to ska to rockabille to Rock Steady. Better promotion + wider draw = better turn out. The side effect is that both scenes will draw fans from the other. This is the same bullshit that took shows that were drawing 150 to 200 to a bunch of sub-scene shows that were lucky to draw 10 people.

It's funny hwo a scene that talks so much about Unity would rather jerk off with the same 20 guys then go out into the big world and interact with others. I think you are all worried that you are going to start digging this whole pop scene and your friends will find out and take away your hardcore members only card.
then maybe you shouldve booked shows at house of bricks then...

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:50 pm
by moltar
Hey, 620 house is a group of hard working guys that are coming up in the music scene and no one should talk shit on them.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:52 pm
by servo
attn this thread
i am about to make a crap in my toilet

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:16 pm
by moltar

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:24 pm
by servo

i totally thought the hot topic thing said chilli fest... and it didnt strike me as weird that keep and confess would be serving chilli in hot topic

but now that i see that it just says chill fest my mind is fucking boggled

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:49 pm
by Bullet Tooth
DaVo wrote:cockage fee

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:50 pm
by Bullet Tooth
kylervk wrote:
Thom wrote:jason hashman is in the "house band"

Kyler and I (maybe a few others) have experience with these kids.



i wont say anything on the internet
u scared?

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:53 pm
by Bullet Tooth
Thom wrote:
tylerjames515 wrote: It says on the 620 house myspace they won't book local bands either
except of course their own.

we should all seriously go to a show there, just too see what it all about. May be good for a chuckle.
agreed. i'd be down. id like to take a look at their security and maybe suggest some improvement. BALLS DEEP SECURITY is always looking for new accounts.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:57 pm
by Bullet Tooth
DaVo wrote:
Shane wrote:
DaVo wrote:
Like I posted earlier and then one of the moderators changed my post. Working together to create a better scene would be very un-Des Moines like.
The thing is, though, most people will agree that blending hardcore and scenester pop would end poorly for everyone involved, and that our scene would in no way improve. Also, they obviously don't want to mix scenes, so why should anyone here be at fault for agreeing?
Elitist US against them bullshit. Some of the best shows I've ever been to were mixed shows with everything from Hardcore to metal to ska to rockabille to Rock Steady. Better promotion + wider draw = better turn out. The side effect is that both scenes will draw fans from the other. This is the same bullshit that took shows that were drawing 150 to 200 to a bunch of sub-scene shows that were lucky to draw 10 people.

It's funny hwo a scene that talks so much about Unity would rather jerk off with the same 20 guys then go out into the big world and interact with others. I think you are all worried that you are going to start digging this whole pop scene and your friends will find out and take away your hardcore members only card.
nigga please. no one here talks about unity, no one here has a problem with diversified shows and youre the last person to talk about elitist bullshit. besides all that, youre not involved with the scene at all. not only that you refuse to be so your opinion is null and void.

shut up.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:59 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Even though I don't like that particular kind of music the place seems to cater to, at least they're putting on shows for people who like that kind of crap. I don't get the no local band thing. Sounds dumb to me.

Johnny Reeferseed & The High Rollers might have to schmooze our way in there and turn it into the 420 house.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:03 pm
by Bullet Tooth
by the way, i didnt realize officer mike moody was in the band Legal Limit.


i'd be down for playing with them.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:27 pm
by DaVo
servo wrote:well, i guess i'd rather be in the same scene as those kids than davo...

but on a serious note i am all for mixing genres. i remember booking ska bands will screamo and having hundreds of kids come out. and it worked because no one there really sucked. they were all there because they loved music. pretty much everyone there was in some way kinda punk rock (not used to denote anything about music but a general diy/outsider attitude)

these kids however... theres way more at work here than them just being fans of music. there is nothing punk rock about what theyre doing. this stuff is not outsider culture in any way. in-stores at hot topic dudes. and thusly i want nothing to do with them. i'm a part of the "scene" im a part of because mainstream culture doesnt work for me. and i dont want to interact with said mainstream culture.

i cant explain these kids' mindset and motives because im not them, but i', guessing they're probably kinda fucked.
I don't know these kids either but I hate to break the news to you but Hot topic is not the gauge of what is mainstream. Without in fact getting to know these people it's hard to say what they are about.

That said I understand your view point. Punk used to kind of be this uniting force cause you could throw a lot of different styles on a bill and people would support it. The smearing of the differences is what always attracted me to the early scene. It was such a fucking mess of all kinds of really different music.

The thing is that if these bands really do have fans, it seems it would be a lot of fun to either steal them or just shove your music down their thoats and really bum them out.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:39 pm
by DaVo
joseph wrote:
DaVo wrote:Elitist US against them bullshit. Some of the best shows I've ever been to were mixed shows with everything from Hardcore to metal to ska to rockabille to Rock Steady. Better promotion + wider draw = better turn out. The side effect is that both scenes will draw fans from the other. This is the same bullshit that took shows that were drawing 150 to 200 to a bunch of sub-scene shows that were lucky to draw 10 people.

It's funny hwo a scene that talks so much about Unity would rather jerk off with the same 20 guys then go out into the big world and interact with others. I think you are all worried that you are going to start digging this whole pop scene and your friends will find out and take away your hardcore members only card.
then maybe you shouldve booked shows at house of bricks then...
Do we really need to go down this path?

The reasons that I never worked with HOB have been beat to death. It has more to do with business and ethics then anything. I have my own personal issues with the people involved with that venue. However if you look at my track record, I did business, supported and helped when I could most of the bands and band members that are the backbone of the HOB scene and I fucking hate metal. So it wasn't an issue of musical style or what kind of clothes they wore.

So if you think that you can't do business with these people or have some ethical problem with them then I can see why you wouldn't want to work with them. However if you are writing it off cause of the clothes they wear and the music style, that is full on bullshit.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:43 pm
by DaVo
Bullet Tooth wrote:
DaVo wrote:cockage fee
Yeah it's a joke. One of the GM of DuBay's typed up a menu that in fact said "Cockage Fee" instead of Corkage Fee and no one noticed or said anything about it for 2 weeks.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:45 pm
by jjjsXe
that is lame that they wont let local bands play. part of the fun of shows for me is: knowing that one of my bands gets to play with the touring band, getting to thrash to just do it and other bands we all love, know that your scene and friends support you when they rock out as equally if not more to my band as they do the touring band and also, giving the touring band a chance to see what bands in des moines are like and that we are all amazing, then the opportunity of show trades.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:54 pm
by DaVo
[quote="Bullet Tooth]
nigga please. no one here talks about unity, no one here has a problem with diversified shows and youre the last person to talk about elitist bullshit. besides all that, youre not involved with the scene at all. not only that you refuse to be so your opinion is null and void.

shut up.[/quote]
Due to my work load and family responsiblities, I don't have a lot of freetime or money to blow on shit, yes I said shit, that I'm not interested in. If there is a show that interests me, I'll be there but otherwise I'd rather watch cable. If that makes me less of a "scene" member, I'd rather be an outsider with good taste then a sheep with no taste.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:07 pm
by DaVo
jjjsXe wrote:that is lame that they wont let local bands play. part of the fun of shows for me is: knowing that one of my bands gets to play with the touring band, getting to thrash to just do it and other bands we all love, know that your scene and friends support you when they rock out as equally if not more to my band as they do the touring band and also, giving the touring band a chance to see what bands in des moines are like and that we are all amazing, then the opportunity of show trades.
Yeah I'm still trying to get my head around what the fuck this means,

"locals, please work on building relationships with other local venues to help out other bands in need. it would be cool"

Not working with local bands is like shooting themselves in the foot. It will greatly effect what kind of draw they have. It maybe a way of suckering in these touring bands here to play thier parties.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:02 pm
by kylervk
Bullet Tooth wrote:u scared?
i aint never scared! and to prove it, i will fight you.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:18 pm
by Bullet Tooth
kylervk wrote:
Bullet Tooth wrote:u scared?
i aint never scared! and to prove it, i will fight you.
ok. dont pull a varg.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:51 am
by kylervk
Bullet Tooth wrote:ok. dont pull a varg.

what you talkin bout, brah?

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:55 am
by kylervk
p.s. *hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:43 am
by joseph
DaVo wrote:
joseph wrote:
DaVo wrote:Elitist US against them bullshit. Some of the best shows I've ever been to were mixed shows with everything from Hardcore to metal to ska to rockabille to Rock Steady. Better promotion + wider draw = better turn out. The side effect is that both scenes will draw fans from the other. This is the same bullshit that took shows that were drawing 150 to 200 to a bunch of sub-scene shows that were lucky to draw 10 people.

It's funny hwo a scene that talks so much about Unity would rather jerk off with the same 20 guys then go out into the big world and interact with others. I think you are all worried that you are going to start digging this whole pop scene and your friends will find out and take away your hardcore members only card.
then maybe you shouldve booked shows at house of bricks then...
Do we really need to go down this path?

The reasons that I never worked with HOB have been beat to death. It has more to do with business and ethics then anything. I have my own personal issues with the people involved with that venue. However if you look at my track record, I did business, supported and helped when I could most of the bands and band members that are the backbone of the HOB scene and I fucking hate metal. So it wasn't an issue of musical style or what kind of clothes they wore.

So if you think that you can't do business with these people or have some ethical problem with them then I can see why you wouldn't want to work with them. However if you are writing it off cause of the clothes they wear and the music style, that is full on bullshit.
my comment was more sarcasm at your unity sermon. ive been to more shows than you so i know more.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:01 pm
by inx515xhell
joseph wrote:my comment was more sarcasm at your unity sermon. ive been to more shows than you so i know more.
quoted for truth.

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:28 pm
by elliot
As stupid as it sounds, they really seem to be saying they will not book local bands on any of their shows. Unless, of course, you're their friends in Same Sick Feeling or Here's My Chance. Then you're cool. That defies all logic I know of, and actually prevents anything resembling a "scene" being built there.

620 House is trying to do something for the local scene, but what they're doing is stupid. They're booking unknown emo-pop-rock bands with either no locals or the same two locals that have limited draw. Hardly anyone goes to these shows. How does that help anyone?

Re: 620 house?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:29 pm
by KY Jelly Belly
DaVo wrote: I hate to break the news to you but Hot topic is not the gauge of what is mainstream.
Umm...then why are there stores in every fucking mall in America?
servo wrote:OMG i totally thought the hot topic thing said chilli fest... and it didnt strike me as weird that keep and confess would be serving chilli in hot topic

but now that i see that it just says chill fest my mind is fucking boggled
515 crew CHILI FEST? :D