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Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:41 pm
by El Rhino
robdigi wrote: But at this point, if you are paying any attention to the race at all you know that Obama is a Christian. .

OH MY GOD!!!!!! He's gonna force kids to pray in school and make abortion illegal!!!!

But seriously, I think a lot of people are mistaking "Muslim" for a race or ethnic group and that's pretty much all the "Obama is a Muslim" talk is.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:10 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Nobama is whiter than John McSame. If you really want a black President write in George Clinton.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:57 pm
by Varg
@nonymous wrote:
sometimes, people just can't coexist with one another and they have to fight until one of them is dead, know what i mean?
lol, yeah brah, I'd love to see you fight ANY conservative. You're quite the tough cookie- what with remaining "anonymous" and with all your pussy "let's take down the govt.!" basement parties.

El Rhino wrote:
robdigi wrote: But at this point, if you are paying any attention to the race at all you know that Obama is a Christian. .

OH MY GOD!!!!!! He's gonna force kids to pray in school and make abortion illegal!!!!
Big Fat Retard wrote:Nobama is whiter than John McSame. If you really want a black President write in George Clinton.
Would you shut the fuck up've already said that more than enough times and it was never funny or clever. WE GET IT, U DUN'T LIKIN' DEM TWO. Go smoke a blunt, park your car on the tracks, and listen to some shitty music.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:10 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Big Fat Retard wrote:Nobama is whiter than John McSame. If you really want a black President write in George Clinton.
Would you shut the fuck up've already said that more than enough times and it was never funny or clever. WE GET IT, U DUN'T LIKIN' DEM TWO. Go smoke a blunt, park your car on the tracks, and listen to some shitty music.
Obama is a certified cracka, He's a worse dancer than Al Gore. Can you send me some of your demos to listen to on the tracks?

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:04 pm
by Smoking Guns
@nonymous wrote:the link varg posted was really weak.

watch the video i posted earlier; those mccain supporters are by far and large bigger fucking morons:

the people in this are seriously some of the dumbest people on the planet.
did you watch the ones i posted? just more of the same, really, but if you want to see some ignorant mother fuckers, watch all of them.
Hank Fist wrote: this would be a good question to ask mccain at the next debate: "Do you believe that Obama is a muslim, and do you believe that all muslims are terrorists". His answer would obviously have to be no on both accounts, then people could start stating their true problem with obama which is his race.
one of the video links i posted actually SORT OF has this happen. stupid lady basically says, “I’ve read about Obama and he is an Arab.” and then mccain takes the mic away from her while shaking his head. he doesn't really say the things he probably should say, but he does tell her she's wrong at least.

doesn't change anything. the morons and biggots will still be morons and biggots no matter who tells them they're morons and biggots.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:25 pm
by El Rhino
"bigot" only has one "g". I believe it's French for "realist"

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:55 pm
by Hank Fist
El Rhino wrote:"bigot" only has one "g". I believe it's French for "realist"
great. so we have to find a different word now. and the people at "Big People News" are really going to have to find a new angle.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:41 pm
by inx515xhell
thought about big people news the other day at work.
so many stories about the kennis family.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:09 pm
by Big Fat Retard
What ever happened to the Kennis'? Last I knew they got busted and wrere on probation. Dad turned to Jesus and lived in a Jesus bus. Mom left his ass. The last time I saw the son, he told me he was smoking weed to lose weight.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:47 pm
by inx515xhell
oldest son was always smoking i thought. matt was in my grade, last i saw him was like 5 years ago and he was working at target, had lost a ton of weight and was looking rather buff, and was going to seminary to be a pastor or whatever.
that wife was bat shit crazy.

Re: liberal outrage

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:20 am
by El Rhino
Hank Fist wrote:
El Rhino wrote:"bigot" only has one "g". I believe it's French for "realist"
great. so we have to find a different word now. and the people at "Big People News" are really going to have to find a new angle.

I always liked the bigot jokes:

"What are three things you can't give a bigot? A fat lip, a black eye and a job"

Nothing more than blonde, Polish and other ethnic/racial jokes with "bigot" instead of the group.

I thought ol' boy smoked too and obviously it didn't work for him in the weight loss department. From what I recall, part of his political platform when he ran for some office was the legalization of weed. I remember hearing about how he had a float in a parade and all the kids came out to throw apples at it.

I also remember during the Firestone strikes of '94 he kept offering to come negotiate with the company on behalf of the union. Bill Clinton couldn't even work it out, but this guy thought he could. My dad was the VP of the union at the time and said he kept coming around all worked up like "Let me get in there to those sons of bitches, I'll get them to start talkin'". Thanks but no thanks.