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Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 1:43 pm
by Smoking Guns
yeah. this is stupid to argue about. vegans and/or vegetarians are not going to buy meat. that's that.

if a band EXPECTS to be catered to, that band is a bunch of rude assholes.

i'm sure if the meat eating band brought their own toppings, nobody would complain about them adding them to part of the pizza.

out of all the bands i've had stay at my place, i've never heard any of them complain that the free food was meat free.

there have been times on tour where our hosts would be making something meaty, and we'd just politely decline and ask if we could use their kitchen to make our own veggie stuff. and we always make more than enough and offer it to the hosts.

as a host, i will do what i can for a touring band, and as a touring band, we do as much as we can for the hosts.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:19 pm
by jjjsXe
i don't understand why you guys are acting like i am talking about people who eat meat being rude assholes and not being appreciative of food offered to them. i have already explained that isn't the case. i said i would appreciate anything free given to me and i'm sure any band would appreciate any free food given to them. that isn't the point. what i was trying to get at is, i think instead of JUST having vegan/veg food, we should have both that way if there is a band that doesn't have the specific ideals that you have, they can have something they are comfortable eating. i never once said that i would decline the food in a rude or asshole manner. of course if it is free food offered to them i would kindly accept it and that is that. i'm really not even starting and argument, but i just stated a fact that there are bands out there that do eat meat and to just serve everyone veg stuff might not always be cool for everyone. i don't see how that is an argument. suggesting an alternative for an alternative position of the food chain isn't exactly a huge asshole argument stance, it is merely a point that i was adding to the topic that had everything to do with the topic. you guys get so defensive about things like this that you can't help but create an argument out of it. that is way lame.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:05 pm
by @nonymous
jjjsXe wrote:i don't understand why you guys are acting like i am talking about people who eat meat being rude assholes and not being appreciative of food offered to them. i have already explained that isn't the case. i said i would appreciate anything free given to me and i'm sure any band would appreciate any free food given to them. that isn't the point. what i was trying to get at is, i think instead of JUST having vegan/veg food, we should have both that way if there is a band that doesn't have the specific ideals that you have, they can have something they are comfortable eating. i never once said that i would decline the food in a rude or asshole manner. of course if it is free food offered to them i would kindly accept it and that is that. i'm really not even starting and argument, but i just stated a fact that there are bands out there that do eat meat and to just serve everyone veg stuff might not always be cool for everyone. i don't see how that is an argument. suggesting an alternative for an alternative position of the food chain isn't exactly a huge asshole argument stance, it is merely a point that i was adding to the topic that had everything to do with the topic. you guys get so defensive about things like this that you can't help but create an argument out of it. that is way lame.
why are you writing long-winded paragraphs about something that is so utterly simple to understand? if you're a band and you're on tour, you should be glad to get any free food that comes your way. if you're being hosted at a house that is made up of folks with vegan/vegetarian diets, you should expect to be served meals that reflect that. same goes for non-veg places.

i'm vegan. why would i cater to something that i decry just to make sure someone else is "comfortable"? folks are welcome to eat whatever they want but people shouldn't be expected to prepare food that goes against what they believe.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:34 pm
by Hank Fist
Bands staying at BFR's are forced to take huge bong rips.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:51 pm
by joseph
im hungry

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:11 am
by jjjsXe
@nonymous wrote:
jjjsXe wrote:i don't understand why you guys are acting like i am talking about people who eat meat being rude assholes and not being appreciative of food offered to them. i have already explained that isn't the case. i said i would appreciate anything free given to me and i'm sure any band would appreciate any free food given to them. that isn't the point. what i was trying to get at is, i think instead of JUST having vegan/veg food, we should have both that way if there is a band that doesn't have the specific ideals that you have, they can have something they are comfortable eating. i never once said that i would decline the food in a rude or asshole manner. of course if it is free food offered to them i would kindly accept it and that is that. i'm really not even starting and argument, but i just stated a fact that there are bands out there that do eat meat and to just serve everyone veg stuff might not always be cool for everyone. i don't see how that is an argument. suggesting an alternative for an alternative position of the food chain isn't exactly a huge asshole argument stance, it is merely a point that i was adding to the topic that had everything to do with the topic. you guys get so defensive about things like this that you can't help but create an argument out of it. that is way lame.
why are you writing long-winded paragraphs about something that is so utterly simple to understand? if you're a band and you're on tour, you should be glad to get any free food that comes your way. if you're being hosted at a house that is made up of folks with vegan/vegetarian diets, you should expect to be served meals that reflect that. same goes for non-veg places.

i'm vegan. why would i cater to something that i decry just to make sure someone else is "comfortable"? folks are welcome to eat whatever they want but people shouldn't be expected to prepare food that goes against what they believe.

because we aren't just talking about a house that is made up of vegan/veg people. sure the people who actually live there are, but we are talking about donating items and shit like that which means people who don't live at that residence would bring and might not necessarily be vegan. i have been to a lot of bbq's and things from both vegan and non vegan and out of hospitality they provide alternatives for whomever might require it.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:40 am
by Bullet Tooth
@nonymous wrote:
jjjsXe wrote:i don't understand why you guys are acting like i am talking about people who eat meat being rude assholes and not being appreciative of food offered to them. i have already explained that isn't the case. i said i would appreciate anything free given to me and i'm sure any band would appreciate any free food given to them. that isn't the point. what i was trying to get at is, i think instead of JUST having vegan/veg food, we should have both that way if there is a band that doesn't have the specific ideals that you have, they can have something they are comfortable eating. i never once said that i would decline the food in a rude or asshole manner. of course if it is free food offered to them i would kindly accept it and that is that. i'm really not even starting and argument, but i just stated a fact that there are bands out there that do eat meat and to just serve everyone veg stuff might not always be cool for everyone. i don't see how that is an argument. suggesting an alternative for an alternative position of the food chain isn't exactly a huge asshole argument stance, it is merely a point that i was adding to the topic that had everything to do with the topic. you guys get so defensive about things like this that you can't help but create an argument out of it. that is way lame.
why are you writing long-winded paragraphs about something that is so utterly simple to understand? if you're a band and you're on tour, you should be glad to get any free food that comes your way. if you're being hosted at a house that is made up of folks with vegan/vegetarian diets, you should expect to be served meals that reflect that. same goes for non-veg places.

i'm vegan. why would i cater to something that i decry just to make sure someone else is "comfortable"? folks are welcome to eat whatever they want but people shouldn't be expected to prepare food that goes against what they believe.
because they arent being hosted by vegans/vegetarians. they are being hosted by a diverse type of people which includes both vegans and meateaters. since we are all going to be pitching in, all types of food will be provided. you dont like it, dont participate. that will be your decision.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:45 am
by Bullet Tooth
this is stupid. quit fucking up my thread.

all sorts of shit will be provided and donated. all sorts of people will come and chow. those who wants certain stuff will eat it. those who want other stuff will eat that. those that choose to complain about free shit or put their politics before the group will lose out. those that choose to put their personal feelings aside for the benefit of the group will not lose out.

thats all the further the discussion needs to go.

now, back to shit we can do for bands, not bore them with drama.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:41 am
by tylerjames515
So would bringing like cans of green beans...corn, maybe some pastas..etc to the haunted basement just be cool?

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:55 am
by jjjsXe
yes, that would be perfect. zach, im sorry for bringing all this trouble by adding my suggestion. let this be the end of a "argument" that never started out as an argument.

last nights show was awesome. thank you all for coming and supporting us , party time, fetus and especially toxic holocaust. they seemed to enjoy themselves. we all need to write more songs so we can keep those shows going on longer.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:53 pm
by Bullet Tooth
jjjsXe wrote:yes, that would be perfect. zach, im sorry for bringing all this trouble by adding my suggestion. let this be the end of a "argument" that never started out as an argument.

last nights show was awesome. thank you all for coming and supporting us , party time, fetus and especially toxic holocaust. they seemed to enjoy themselves. we all need to write more songs so we can keep those shows going on longer.
no worries, it wasnt really directed towards you.

i had a good time and enjoyed all the bands. we will definitely have new songs for our next show.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:27 pm
by Furious D
Wow, this thread made me really tired, having to read through the exact same argument five times. If a problem with food arises, it will be dealt with. Until then, don't worry about it.


Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:29 pm
by Joe
Here's the deal:
I'm not buying meat for meat eaters. Sorry.


Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:35 pm
by Captain Caveman
pesto pizza is vegan and tasty and everyone can enjoy that, even joe ross.


Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:37 pm
by Bullet Tooth
Joe wrote:Here's the deal:
I'm not buying meat for meat eaters. Sorry.

thats cool. thats what i'm here for.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:47 pm
by Joe
I think the biggest thing you can do for a band is actually TALK to them. Talk to them about their scene back home, their favorite bands, how they're liking Des Moines, whatever. Just talk. I stayed up until 3:30 AM talking with the Suburban Smash kids about skateboarding. Time flies.


Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:07 am
by JoePreppy
Joe wrote: I stayed up until 3:30 AM talking with the Suburban Smash kids about skateboarding. Time flies.


"so you guys skate huh?"


"cool....I used to"


Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 10:38 pm
by inx515xhell
storkus wrote:Also, people who can't understand why vegans wouldn't cook meat for people who aren't vegan remind me a lot of people who don't understand why white people can't say 'nigga'.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:14 pm
by Joe
Since the HB is out of commission, the bands tonight need a place to sleep!
Can anyone hook this up?


Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:11 pm
by little foot
teedotjaydot wrote:
Joe wrote:McDonald's is your non-vegan alternative.
It's not hard to find meat anywhere. It's hard to find good vegan food in towns you've never been to. Finding meat is not the point... because that's all over the place.

The point of a pizza with no cheese is to try something different and not have the same hum drum boring shit over and over.

But this is a dumb argument, so stop bringing it up every time eating "vegan" food is brought up. We know you don't like vegan pizza.

So get back on track.

Joe, you know I have absolutely no problem with veg/vegan diets but this kind of talk is absolutely ludricous....McDonalds!!!???

i may not be "healthy" to you vegs out there but i know better than that shit.

as far as what jjjsxe is saying, he's got a more than valid point. Several years ago when i took a trip to Cleveland and I stayed a Fort Totally Awesome, which is easily the coolest 'punk' house i've ever been to. The people who lived there were all veg/vegan and being as they were my hosts I respected that and did not bring meat into their house. I was there for 3 days. Now for those of us who do eat meat, when you are deprived of those certain supplements found regularly in the animal products we eat, the body starts to go a little wonky on you. I had eaten 2 or 3 full meals every day i was there and still on the way home i was shaky and felt fatigued. As horrible as this may sound to you guys, i stopped halfway home and got some meat and within 20 minutes felt right as rain.

I guess the point of all this is that if you're planning on fixing a "home away from home" type meal for bands, don't forget that not everyone is veg/vegan and that some people don't take supplements/eat a good amount of certain veggies to get all the nutrients they need. Maybe the Haunted Basement stop on their tour is that third day of malnutrition that puts them over the edge.....
i forgot about your no meat shakes. i think i didn't beleive you when you told me. i do think the floor almost caving in that night was a bigger threat than your no meat weekend. the new house, tower2012, is supposed to be way sweet. might make my way there next month.

Re: touring band help/suggestion/discussion

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:21 pm
by little foot
also, to keep in mind, there have been a few instances when i have been either traveling or hosting, that the folks don't necessarily want to hang out all night, or even be social. sometimes, especially when sick or pissed, you just want left alone to sleep. still not an excuse to be a jerk, though. sometimes hosts can be a little too excited to have guests. not the norm, but i have seen it.