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Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:18 pm
by ilikehorses
now tyler's the only one being productive.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:21 pm
by inx515xhell

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:24 pm
by TooManyHumyns
now your making assumption on how i grew up...ok....if you must
i grew up with my dad leaving my mom with 2 kids, so she couldnt complete college to become a mom got stuck with my sisters medical bills and debt....some 25,000 or didnt pay child support or medical bills...meanwhile my dad went onto make 100grand and my mom still works in retail...very long story short..ed, stop making assumption to prove a point...its not working, and i havent felt such negative feelings towards someone in a long far as who decides whats nutritious, its a good point, but who decides who's poor enough to qualify for hte program....? who decides who well off with out it...the program and almost all social programs are full of flaws, but it doesnt mean you cant about a nutrionist?...yeah, unlikely...but there is your awnser....
you have surprised me with how big a piece of shit you are

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:28 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:now your making assumption on how i grew up...ok....if you must
i grew up with my dad leaving my mom with 2 kids, so she couldnt complete college to become a mom got stuck with my sisters medical bills and debt....some 25,000 or didnt pay child support or medical bills...meanwhile my dad went onto make 100grand and my mom still works in retail...very long story short..ed, stop making assumption to prove a point...its not working, and i havent felt such negative feelings towards someone in a long far as who decides whats nutritious, its a good point, but who decides who's poor enough to qualify for hte program....? who decides who well off with out it...the program and almost all social programs are full of flaws, but it doesnt mean you cant about a nutrionist?...yeah, unlikely...but there is your awnser....
you have surprised me with how big a piece of shit you are

no, i'm not a piece of shit. ask anyone, im a pretty sweet dude. but i can't keep my mouth shut when someone tries to call me out on some bullshit (ie, you, this).

as for the gov't control, if that were enacted, it would be a complete clusterfuck.. yeah, social programs are full of flaws. why would you want to muddy them up even more by adding further gov't control?
yeah, improve the program, but not dictate people's lives.

but that's neither here nor there. this thread, very productive. we got a diy venue yet?

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:36 pm
by TooManyHumyns
no ed, the way you make assumptions about people and use your baseless assumptions to try and criticize peoples lifestyles make you a piece of shit...regardless of how nice you are...

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:36 pm
It doesn't take a smart person to figure out when you put a bowl of dog food on the ground with alot of hungry dogs. One of them is going to take over, and the rest will get the shitty left overs.

It's stupid to belly ach and cry about not haveing anything and NOT doing anything cus knowbody else wants to help. sounds like the same talk you'd hear at the wellfare line.

put in your own work, do not rely on others!!!

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:50 pm
by tylerjames515
ilikehorses wrote: nay-sayer

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:53 pm
by DaVo
Big Fat Retard wrote:Now that it's warm enough, why not have have some farm party shows? If anyone amongst you has access to private property outside of the city, why not start a Briar Patch type place for punks or whatever the hell kind of music you want to play? There's nothing better than camping and rock n roll.
I heard off and on from people that know the guy that owns the Briar Patch that he is want to have shows of different styles for some time. Understand that this is something that could happen but there is a whole level of headaches involved with it.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:56 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:no ed, the way you make assumptions about people and use your baseless assumptions to try and criticize peoples lifestyles make you a piece of shit...regardless of how nice you are...
my "assumptions" about you were all based on things i read, heard (from you), or saw. nothing i wrote was anything i made up or assumed.
and wouldn't that be the same as a person buying cheetos with their EBT card? i mean, you're assuming they don't buy healthy food. maybe they use their own money for healthier stuff and use their EBT for cheetos. you're assuming.
so your assumptions make you a piece of shit too? cool.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:05 pm
by Nam
ya know, i do belive goverment control over free trade, health care, social programs, ect. is more of a libral point of view, not so much conservitive. conservitives usually would rather strip it down to the needed essentials and throw the rest away so it cant be abused and squanderd. the libral ideal of food=health can be seen right now by michelle obama wanting to post nutrition facts upon the world, if she continues with this trend, food stamp regulations are a realistic direction she will be headed toward. so its really not fair to call someone conservitive when it really is a libral veiw to have your hand in everything.

a d.i.y. venue sounds rad, but really, when you have so few people around to actually go to pay the rent on a comercially zoned area, electric bills, and upkeep its really hard to think of it as being a viable senario. maybe a basement at someone house, thats more realistic not to mention start-up cost would be much easier to acheive. the only realitic way to do something like that in this town is to have a bar or anything that could turn a profit to afford it. but then it not so much diy is it? its a business. the idea of books and everything "green" is great and all but other than friends and maybe some old hippies youre not gonna get too many visitors. youd have to be real welcoming to ANYONE that came in and be open minded... that just not punk rock

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:06 pm
by Nam
DaVo wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote:Now that it's warm enough, why not have have some farm party shows? If anyone amongst you has access to private property outside of the city, why not start a Briar Patch type place for punks or whatever the hell kind of music you want to play? There's nothing better than camping and rock n roll.
I heard off and on from people that know the guy that owns the Briar Patch that he is want to have shows of different styles for some time. Understand that this is something that could happen but there is a whole level of headaches involved with it.
hippies and punks at the same showspace? oh no

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:12 pm
by TooManyHumyns
This is lacy interjecting to say...I think its rediculous that people can't get on here, share themselves, their opinions without being called names. I think Ashers group of 5 year old friends have more ability to have open minds than certain people on here...maybe thats what this dumbass website is for but seriously. We all have to have different opinions, because that is how things get done. I hate to sound like a middle school counselor but seriously. That is what makes the world go round....and that is what DIY is all about. That is what being a community is about. Not stupid name calling bullhonkey. Claiming certain perspective are straight better than others is sinking to the freaking bottom level. We are supposed to RESPECT each other for our opinions and individual ideas, thoughts and dreams.

damn. I just sound like a big hippy. perhaps we should just turn des moines into a huge battle royale.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:15 pm
by Nam
TooManyHumyns wrote:we should just turn des moines into a huge battle royale.
oh please dont

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:22 pm
by Big Fat Retard
Nam wrote:
DaVo wrote:
Big Fat Retard wrote:Now that it's warm enough, why not have have some farm party shows? If anyone amongst you has access to private property outside of the city, why not start a Briar Patch type place for punks or whatever the hell kind of music you want to play? There's nothing better than camping and rock n roll.
I heard off and on from people that know the guy that owns the Briar Patch that he is want to have shows of different styles for some time. Understand that this is something that could happen but there is a whole level of headaches involved with it.
hippies and punks at the same showspace? oh no
They really aren't very much different from each other.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:26 pm
by Nam
i suppose i wouldnt know

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:45 pm
I'm haveing a house show in my basement/bar July 17th (1pm-5pm) for donation only. after and during we'll be grilling out, then when it starts to get dark I'm going to play a movie in the back yard.

The last one I had for our cd release party went alright. I figure try house shows again this summer.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:52 pm
by DaVo
OK, I skipped the last three pages. There's just so much "Who sold out and who didn't", I have time for.

There have been a number of times that I've been involved with this subject with little or no real out come. It simply always came back to the same thing, it was much easier to work with an established venue then to try to do any type of all ages or DIY venue. Though I would like to believe that a Collective of some kind could work, experience has shown time and time again that it doesn't. Also a venue without alcohol is not a venue that those over drinking age are going to be drawn to. Which means that the quality of the shows would have to be at a level to make them not go to their favorite bar.

Rhino hit on a lot of good points. I went to one show at the HB but this was in part because it was outside of my social circle and comfort level. However, due to lack of interest nothing ever really came there that drove me to get out of my comfort zone. It's largely my own laziness and apathy but also the impression I had of the place from those that had gone there. Wrong or right, I have to say that the one show I did go to everyone I interacted with was friendly.

That said, I think the point is that this needs to be approached like any business. You have to have a clear understand of your operating costs and what amount of time it will take to run the operation and what your time is worth. DIY doesn't mean no income. Ideally sub-leasing shape and merch should cover the basic operating costs like rent/water/phone/insurance/electric. Promotion aka the booking of live music should be considered what a promotion is, advertising. See this is my problem with Venues that take a percentage of the door after their costs have been covered or promoters that pay flat fees of $50 for bands that draw 75 people at $8 a head.

If you want to really bust the local scene, the venue will need to be a club house and hang out. This will build the community more than anything and it is something that has been sadly lacking in Des Moines for sometime.

I have more to say on the subject but I got to run right now. I'll try to post more later.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:44 pm
by servo
we should start a kickstarter page for the new DIY venue

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:33 am
by Ben M.
I want a clubhouse.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:48 am
by Shane
Ugh, this thread sucks.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:52 am
by inx515xhell
Shane wrote:Ugh, this thread sucks.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:20 am
by robdigi
ilikehorses wrote:NEO-CON.

this word does not mean what you think it does

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:21 am
by robdigi
anyway yeah this thread was -so- much better when it was a hypothetical circle jerk.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:09 am
by El Rhino

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:10 am
by Nick
I was hoping Davo would chime in sometime. Got a lot of respect for him and his involvement with the old Mary's/Safari punk scene that used to be in DSM.

I think you are right about having to approach the idea of a DIY space somewhat as a business for it to be successful and legitimate. Not in the sense that it should make a big profit, but in the sense of how to operate it. I also agree that any DIY space would have to be a hangout type establishment for there to be any sense of "community" to be built around it.
robdigi wrote:anyway yeah this thread was -so- much better when it was a hypothetical circle jerk.
And this too!

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:57 am
by joseph
does that blocker thing still work?

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:59 am
by Bullet Tooth
TooManyHumyns wrote:This is lacy interjecting to say...I think its rediculous that people can't get on here, share themselves, their opinions without being called names. I think Ashers group of 5 year old friends have more ability to have open minds than certain people on here...maybe thats what this dumbass website is for but seriously. We all have to have different opinions, because that is how things get done. I hate to sound like a middle school counselor but seriously. That is what makes the world go round....and that is what DIY is all about. That is what being a community is about. Not stupid name calling bullhonkey. Claiming certain perspective are straight better than others is sinking to the freaking bottom level. We are supposed to RESPECT each other for our opinions and individual ideas, thoughts and dreams.

damn. I just sound like a big hippy. perhaps we should just turn des moines into a huge battle royale.
dude you had your woman stand up for you?

come on now.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:43 pm
by TooManyHumyns
No. The computer was on and sitting there and she asked to post...I don't need any defence against ed. He didn't prove a thing besides Internet discussion accomplishes nothin...and that he's irradical and irrational.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:51 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:No. The computer was on and sitting there and she asked to post...I don't need any defence against ed. He didn't prove a thing besides Internet discussion accomplishes nothin...and that he's irradical and irrational.
i set out saying that THIS "discussion" wasn't productive and you got all pissy and tried to call me out.
TooManyHumyns wrote:irradical
not a real word.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:58 pm
by ilikehorses
robdigi wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:NEO-CON.

this word does not mean what you think it does
i know what a neoconservative is.

i got a big kick out of this whole argument, beginning when james tried to call me out.