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Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:12 pm
by TooManyHumyns
for the record i havent participated with FNB for over a year due to the same reason...more or less.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:14 pm
by ilikehorses
ilikehorses wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:no, i listen to him and laugh...but his personal stories are gold...i believe he is the only honest right winger on the radio...and respect the way he goes about his radio program despite how absurd and out touch with reality he is...whats wrong with listening to somebody you don't agree with? but you can see into my head, because we interact so regularly so, you probably know be better than anybody.
make that fucking list. you tried to call me out, now back it up.
also, you told me yourself "i often agree wtih him, but for different reasons." asshole.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:18 pm
by TooManyHumyns
i dont care if you didnt show up to food not bombs, or help out with the free markets, or try to do anything for the info shop(not that anybody was allowed to really), or bike collective we were trying to start, or other activities you were invited to participate in an expressed interest said you would and still didnt show up for one reason or another...this is over the course of like 4 years, and is completely irrellevant..the fact that you brought up the insinuation that those involved in the discussion arent productive is bullshit in an of itself, being you have nothing to base that assumption on...whats your definition of 'productive' anyways?

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:22 pm
by TooManyHumyns
i agree with him on his theories of modern medicine, illegal drugs, the power of government, prostitution, and smaller localized minimal government, and all destruction from the various trade agreements...the problem is many of his political beliefs stem from 'G'od...and religion, or in some other backwards way...

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:22 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:i dont care if you didnt show up to food not bombs, or help out with the free markets, or try to do anything for the info shop(not that anybody was allowed to really), or bike collective we were trying to start, or other activities you were invited to participate in an expressed interest said you would and still didnt show up for one reason or another...this is over the course of like 4 years, and is completely irrellevant..the fact that you brought up the insinuation that those involved in the discussion arent productive is bullshit in an of itself, being you have nothing to base that assumption on...whats your definition of 'productive' anyways?
stopped going to fnb as stated. i was never asked to participate in free markets, but showed up once when my capoeira group was asked to. i was never a part of the infoshop, but donated and showed up for a free market there as well, not to mention a movie showing and potlucks. i don't recall anyone actually trying to start a bike collective or having any serious meetings or discussions about it.
but in the course of four years i didn't show up for a handful of things? SO UNRELIABLE. NOT LIKE I HAVE ANYTHING ELSE IN MY LIFE GOING ON.
and yes, this "discussion' is and was unproductive and just a bunch of dudes, sitting at their computers, complaining that things "will never happen." is that YOUR definition of productive? no wonder so many things are happening!

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:24 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:no, i listen to him and laugh....whats wrong with listening to somebody you don't agree with?
TooManyHumyns wrote:i agree with him


Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:29 pm
by TooManyHumyns
also his theories on direct action...honestly, you would probably agree with him on those issues as well...however, i dont listen to him to get riled up...or to agree with him...i listen to him because its funny to hear him get angry, then go on spontaneous ramblings about irrelevant nothings...makes for good radio.

what things need to happen?
what would be productive?
im working on raising 2 kids, starting a buisness, writing music for 2 bands, getting my garden going, among many other house projects and whatnot, that is productive enough for me....
this discussion is not going to do discussion on here will...
i have plenty of more important shit going on in my life than trying to get more bikes downtown, or finding a place for shows, or whatever, but would like to help in small ways when possible... because my heart is still there and probably always will be..and the internet passes time...usualy when im at work and everybody is in bed...this thread was small exception in some spots...

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:31 pm
by TooManyHumyns
ilikehorses wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:no, i listen to him and laugh....whats wrong with listening to somebody you don't agree with?
TooManyHumyns wrote:i agree with him

ed, quit playing crime thinc. and glenn beck by making everything black and white...i agree with him on some things, i disagree with him on most things...i dont know why i care how you interpret what im saying...ugh.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:35 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:
ilikehorses wrote:
TooManyHumyns wrote:no, i listen to him and laugh....whats wrong with listening to somebody you don't agree with?
TooManyHumyns wrote:i agree with him

ed, quit playing crime thinc. and glenn beck by making everything black and white...i agree with him on some things, i disagree with him on most things...i dont know why i care how you interpret what im saying...ugh.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. youre fucking funny. i'm playing crimethinc AND glenn beck? because you like michael savage?
and you can see in MY head, because we've interacted so much blahblahblah.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:37 pm
by TooManyHumyns
good one? you got me there?

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:38 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:also his theories on direct action...honestly, you would probably agree with him on those issues as well...however, i dont listen to him to get riled up...or to agree with him...i listen to him because its funny to hear him get angry, then go on spontaneous ramblings about irrelevant nothings...makes for good radio.

what things need to happen?
what would be productive?
im working on raising 2 kids, starting a buisness, writing music for 2 bands, getting my garden going, among many other house projects and whatnot, that is productive enough for me....
this discussion is not going to do discussion on here will...
i have plenty of more important shit going on in my life than trying to get more bikes downtown, or finding a place for shows, or whatever, but would like to help in small ways when possible... because my heart is still there and probably always will be..and the internet passes time...usualy when im at work and everybody is in bed...this thread was small exception in some spots...
i honestly dont care what you have going on in your life, i never asked. i never made the insinuation that YOU aren't reliable or get things done. this fucking argument is the opposite of productive: fucking nothing will get done as long as the "discussion" is a bunch of nay-sayers, complaining and arguing. everyone in this thread, myself included now, are not adding to any discussion. it's just griping. no diy venue will come out of it ever.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:39 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:good one? you got me there?
i have a tough time taking YOU seriously when you call ME crimthinc. where on your new truck did you put your "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" sticker? circle any A's recently?

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:42 pm
by TooManyHumyns
you are right...but when you stated "if you guys put this much energy into constructive things"...that was an assumption you made that nobody in this discussion puts there energy into constructive things...because 'nothing gets done'...thats atleast how i read it.

so ive backed up my tried to foil me because i listen to michael wiener....ok. got it.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:45 pm
by TooManyHumyns
just to justify myself...
i got a new truck in hopes of using it for light construction and remodeling this summer, it takes a truck and a trailer to transfer lumber and tools to a job truck gets the same mileage as my car did(16-21)im working on doing a few things to hopefully get another mile or 2 out of it......and i am certainly NOT an @narchist, an haven't considered myself on for a VERY long least 3-4 years...again, nice try.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:47 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:just to justify myself...
i got a new truck in hopes of using it for light construction and remodeling this summer, it takes a truck and a trailer to transfer lumber and tools to a job truck gets the same mileage as my car did(16-21)im working on doing a few things to hopefully get another mile or 2 out of it......and i am certainly NOT an @narchist, an haven't considered myself on for a VERY long least 3-4 years...again, nice try.
i know. youre a neo-con, like i pointed out. i mean, someone who says the government should have control over the food people buy with gov't assitance... not very (A) or even liberal. NEO-CON.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:48 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:you are right...but when you stated "if you guys put this much energy into constructive things"...that was an assumption you made that nobody in this discussion puts there energy into constructive things...because 'nothing gets done'...thats atleast how i read it.

so ive backed up my tried to foil me because i listen to michael wiener....ok. got it.
yeah, youre right, this argument was very productive. i'm just a crimethinc asshole, ruining your productive discussion about how cynical you are about a diy venue.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:53 pm
by jjjsXe
EVERYONE, SHUT UP. The only people being productive here are Adam and Nick.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:53 pm
by TooManyHumyns
ok, so you take 1 view somebody has and say that the one view makes you a neo con...and yes, the government should have higher standards on the GOVERNMENT run food assistance program, are you a fucking idiot? is that really a neo-con view? i feel like the government should encourage more fresh whole foods than cheetos and processed junk when it comes to food stamps...give me a break...harm reduction, preventive is wealth..people apply for govt programs for assistance (including myself) i take what i can get, if people get pissed because they cant use their food stamps to by a shake at qt and they can only spend in on food products with less than 5 ingredients..then so be it...i still fail to see what is wrong with that, they are the ones utitlizing the evil government program to begin with...take what you can get...

for the record, this right here, dissagreeing with the norm of leftist politics and hten being called names is whats wrong with that community in this open minded, but only to our agenda and our way of thinking, dont you dare tihnk sometihng else, or you are a neo con...fucking pathetic ed.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:58 pm
by inx515xhell

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:59 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:ok, so you take 1 view somebody has and say that the one view makes you a neo con...and yes, the government should have higher standards on the GOVERNMENT run food assistance program, are you a fucking idiot? is that really a neo-con view? i feel like the government should encourage more fresh whole foods than cheetos and processed junk when it comes to food stamps...give me a break...harm reduction, preventive is wealth..people apply for govt programs for assistance (including myself) i take what i can get, if people get pissed because they cant use their food stamps to by a shake at qt and they can only spend in on food products with less than 5 ingredients..then so be it...i still fail to see what is wrong with that, they are the ones utitlizing the evil government program to begin with...take what you can get...

for the record, this right here, dissagreeing with the norm of leftist politics and hten being called names is whats wrong with that community in this open minded, but only to our agenda and our way of thinking, dont you dare tihnk sometihng else, or you are a neo con...fucking pathetic ed.

i'm not a part of any leftist community.
and you are a neo-con. you just haven't figured it out yet, apparently. just because you have a garden doesn't mean you're a radical (or whatever you think you are).
and i'm not going to argue with you about gov't control... because youre an idiot and have an ignorant, ethnocentric, ridiculous opinion.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:01 pm
by ilikehorses
inx515xhell wrote:Image

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:01 pm
by TooManyHumyns
and what opinion is that?
never said i was radical...
keep making assumptions ed,
keep calling names ed...good job.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:04 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:and what opinion is that?
that the government should have control over what food people buy. i mean, they should force individuals to use their $90/month on organic vegetables for their entire family, right?! i do it, so can they, right??
never said i was radical...
keep making assumptions ed,
"or whatever you think you are."
keep calling names ed...good job.
asshole. idiot. neo-con. boring. more?

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:09 pm
by inx515xhell

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:11 pm
by TooManyHumyns
god dammit ed...not what they spend THEIR PERSONAL MONEY ON...what they can spend their food stamps on...i never said organic food only....i mean, junk foods should be deterred, they dont need to accept the assistance....people dont need to apply if they arent happy with the help that is being offered....FOOD STAMPS are a government run program...funded by tax dollars.... food stamps are not income...NOT their personal income...its not stamps is a good program that could use improvements...thats all im saying...if i were a neo con i would say abolish the program...

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:14 pm
by TooManyHumyns
so let me get this straight...the gov't does not have the right to make changes and improvements to its own program? and if they do, its neo con? ok, got it.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:15 pm
by inx515xhell

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:16 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:god dammit ed...not what they spend THEIR PERSONAL MONEY ON...what they can spend their food stamps on...i never said organic food only....i mean, junk foods should be deterred, they dont need to accept the assistance....people dont need to apply if they arent happy with the help that is being offered....FOOD STAMPS are a government run program...funded by tax dollars.... food stamps are not income...NOT their personal income...its not stamps is a good program that could use improvements...thats all im saying...if i were a neo con i would say abolish the program...
who decides what's nutritious vs what's junk food? you? the government? the dairy / animal agriculture lobbyists?
besides, buying for a large family vs a single person seriously changes how you can make your assistance last. not that you've had to deal with that. i mean, you grew up poor, RIGHT?! pffft.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:16 pm
by ilikehorses
TooManyHumyns wrote:so let me get this straight...the gov't does not have the right to make changes and improvements to its own program? and if they do, its neo con? ok, got it.

Re: Kick around ideas for a new DIY venue for Des Moines

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:18 pm
by inx515xhell