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Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Hank Fist » Tue May 06, 2008 1:01 pm

Federal officials have imposed a news blackout at the National Cattle Congress fairgrounds in Waterloo, where they have leased almost the entire property through May 25.

Tim Counts, a Midwest spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE, declined to say Monday whether an immigration raid is pending that would use the fairgrounds as a detention center.

"ICE never talks about our investigative activity or possible future enforcement actions," Counts said. "Regarding the exercise in Waterloo, there is currently no publicly releasable information about that, so we aren't releasing any."

He declined to say whether the "exercise" involves training or an immigration enforcement operation.

"We expect that at some point there will be additional information available, but I can't speculate at what point that might be," Counts said.

In December 2006, ICE conducted an immigration raid at the Swift & Co. meatpacking plant in Marshalltown. Many workers were transported to Camp Dodge in Johnston, where military barracks were used as temporary detention facilities. A total of 1,282 Swift workers were arrested in Iowa and five other states in the biggest crackdown in history on immigration violations at one company.

The Waterloo Courier on Sunday reported that contractors have installed generators adjacent to many buildings at the fairgrounds.

In addition, windows on many buildings have been covered up, blocking views inside. A number of mobile-home-size trailers have been transported to the privately owned grounds.

Doug Miller, general manager of the Cattle Congress, declined Monday to release a copy of his group's rental contract with U.S. General Services Administration. He also indicated he was in the dark about what's happening inside the fairgrounds.

"I have no idea. They are conducting whatever exercise they are conducting without telling me all the details of it. I don't have any information to share with you, really," Miller said.

Representatives of Gov. Chet Culver and U.S. Sens. Tom Harkin and Charles Grassley said they had no information about what was happening at the Cattle Congress fairgrounds.

At Grassley's request, his staff called ICE officials on Monday.

"During the call, the ICE officials would neither confirm nor deny anything to Senator Grassley's staff," said Beth Pellett Levine, a Grassley aide.

Armando Villareal, administrator of the Iowa Division of Latino Affairs, said he hadn't heard any reports about impending immigration raids. But he added that many Latinos in Iowa are feeling tension and fear.

"Folks have resigned themselves that something terrible is going to happen between now and the election. It is more like a resignation that something is going to happen," Villareal said.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Nlaffey » Tue May 06, 2008 2:06 pm


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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Tue May 06, 2008 10:26 pm

Hank Fist wrote: Tim Counts, a Midwest spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE, declined to say Monday whether an immigration raid is pending that would use the fairgrounds as a detention center.

My fingers are crossed.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by cam » Tue May 06, 2008 10:40 pm

joey chaos is either king of the racist shitheads(not just because of this last post)

or the worst comedian ever.
because the racist shit he posts is so idiotic a 3 year old could shit it out.
and its not even worth posting.

you make the call.

either way i'm say you sir joey chaos are a complete fucktard

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Tue May 06, 2008 11:16 pm

And I'm saying you sir, faggot, are just one more person that will someday get their ass kicked by "some dude with a shaved head I've never seen before".

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by HeyFergy » Tue May 06, 2008 11:29 pm

Hey Joey, you going to go fill the jobs that will be empty at that fucking meat packing plant? No? Anyone else here? Oh, no one but illegal immigrants and high school dropouts wants to rip pigs open while wading through 6 inches of blood and shit? Strange.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Wed May 07, 2008 12:02 am

<----------worked at Swift for a while between jobs just a couple of months ago. So how about you keep your mouth shut? No? Didn't think so.

The best part? I had to apply 3 times before I got a call, just so Hector and Jorge could work illegally. It sucked working there, but it wasn't THAT bad. if I am ever in between or out of work again, I'd do it.

It pays the bills.

I personally know TWO guys right now that can't find work that pays over 8 bucks and hour, and have bills just like everyone else. Thanks bullshit employers that hire illegals.
Last edited by Joey Chaos on Wed May 07, 2008 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by cam » Wed May 07, 2008 12:11 am

they probably looked at your mohawk and laughed their asses off.
then hired more respectable non-bigots.

tell your friend to get a paper route.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Wed May 07, 2008 12:14 am

A. The Mohawk was long gone

B. I quit, but only because I got a better job.

C. Paper routes are only a good deal when you figure out a way to not deliver the papers, but keep getting paid. I haven't done this in a few years, but it seems to be getting harder and harder to pull off.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by El Rhino » Wed May 07, 2008 8:58 am

HeyFergy wrote:Hey Joey, you going to go fill the jobs that will be empty at that fucking meat packing plant? No? Anyone else here? Oh, no one but illegal immigrants and high school dropouts wants to rip pigs open while wading through 6 inches of blood and shit? Strange.

I wouldn't work in a meat packing plant for $9 an hour..... but back when they paid a decent wage (around $13-$15 an hour in the 80's), they had no trouble getting American citizens to work in packing plants.

They're not taking the jobs we won't take, they're taking the wages we won't take.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by ilikehorses » Wed May 07, 2008 9:40 am

El Rhino wrote:
HeyFergy wrote:Hey Joey, you going to go fill the jobs that will be empty at that fucking meat packing plant? No? Anyone else here? Oh, no one but illegal immigrants and high school dropouts wants to rip pigs open while wading through 6 inches of blood and shit? Strange.

I wouldn't work in a meat packing plant for $9 an hour..... but back when they paid a decent wage (around $13-$15 an hour in the 80's), they had no trouble getting American citizens to work in packing plants.

They're not taking the jobs we won't take, they're taking the wages we won't take.
IBP busted all the unions and ruined the jobs, the wages, and the idea of a safe work environment.
Even today, I can't see a car run a red light without instantly having an image flash into my head of a man's erect penis, penetrating a watermelon.


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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by El Rhino » Wed May 07, 2008 12:13 pm

They did and I've never said they didn't. I can't really blame the illegals for jumping on an opportunity, but I can blame IBP, Tyson, etc for enabling them.

I would like to see the illegals booted out of here. Once they're in Mexico (or whatever country they're from), I don't mind being friends. I wouldn't even mind helping them out a little bit. I also wouldn't mind seeing whoever is responsible for these companies cutting American jobs to hire illegals at drastically lower wages hang for treason.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by ilikehorses » Wed May 07, 2008 12:55 pm

El Rhino wrote:They did and I've never said they didn't.
i know, i'm just stating that.
I can't really blame the illegals for jumping on an opportunity, but I can blame IBP, Tyson, etc for enabling them.

I would like to see the illegals booted out of here. Once they're in Mexico (or whatever country they're from), I don't mind being friends. I wouldn't even mind helping them out a little bit. I also wouldn't mind seeing whoever is responsible for these companies cutting American jobs to hire illegals at drastically lower wages hang for treason.
most of the undocumented workers in the US would like and plan on returning to their home countries. but it's too hard for them to survive there.
again, Enrique's Journey, going to throw that out there.
Even today, I can't see a car run a red light without instantly having an image flash into my head of a man's erect penis, penetrating a watermelon.


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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Hank Fist » Wed May 07, 2008 1:02 pm

I worked with a dude at Qualis Inc. that saved up $15,000, then went back to Mexico to live the good life.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by joseph » Wed May 07, 2008 1:14 pm

Hank Fist wrote:I worked with a dude at Qualis Inc. that saved up $15,000, then went back to Mexico to live the good life.
maybe i should start saving and move to mexico. it doesnt snow there does it

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by 3axap » Wed May 07, 2008 1:31 pm

This thread is seriously upsetting.

Joey, I hope this is a huge troll post, otherwise you are a ignorant ass. Your way of life is only made possible by the immigrants, and not only those of your generation, but those that preceded it. The way of life America enjoys has been built up by a tradition of hard work and responsibility. That is why these "illegals" come here and work their asses off, for chicken-scratch. They are filled with hope that they can be awarded the same opportunity that others have capitalized on in this great country.

To me the punk ethos is synonymous with unity as humans, regardless of creed religion, or race. To help each other improve our way in life, not to bring each other down. What does it stand for in your eyes?

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by jjjsXe » Wed May 07, 2008 1:44 pm

man, this is all annoying, everyone knows how joe and people feel about all this. it is completely unnecessary to have all these new people come in and try to get all huffed up about the same ol' things everyone have been huffed up about for the past like 10 years like it is some major smack in the face. i understand that we don't all agree with their obvious in your face attitudes about it all is just not worth it to make such sticks about it like anything is going to change by it all, or like you might...reach out and change minds. we all don't think the same way about these things, but we have all managed to get along, for the most part. you would have a better chance at convincing varg about the existence of global warming.
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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by joseph » Wed May 07, 2008 2:41 pm

i think its fine for newpeople to call out whoever on whatever. just wish more people would stay

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joe » Wed May 07, 2008 4:55 pm

I'm all for new people calling out how fucking stupid the shit Joey says is.


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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Wed May 07, 2008 5:43 pm

ilikehorses wrote:
El Rhino wrote:
HeyFergy wrote:Hey Joey, you going to go fill the jobs that will be empty at that fucking meat packing plant? No? Anyone else here? Oh, no one but illegal immigrants and high school dropouts wants to rip pigs open while wading through 6 inches of blood and shit? Strange.

I wouldn't work in a meat packing plant for $9 an hour..... but back when they paid a decent wage (around $13-$15 an hour in the 80's), they had no trouble getting American citizens to work in packing plants.

They're not taking the jobs we won't take, they're taking the wages we won't take.
IBP busted all the unions and ruined the jobs, the wages, and the idea of a safe work environment.
More proof that you have no idea what you're talking about. IBP had nothing to do with it. In the late 80's/early 90's Swift became Monfort to get rid of the union, IBP had nothing to do with it. My dad worked at both for years, and then IBP. Swift is now union again, the work conditions are as good as they can be for that kind of work, and everything is safe, plus good training and benefits.

And Ryan, starting wage is between 11 and 14 an hour depending on what job you're doing.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Wed May 07, 2008 5:47 pm

3axap wrote:This thread is seriously upsetting.

Joey, I hope this is a huge troll postotherwise you are a ignorant ass.


3axap wrote:What does it stand for in your eyes?
Been over this far too many times to care about what any fagz on this website think about it anymore.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Wheatstache » Wed May 07, 2008 6:32 pm

Joey Chaos wrote:
3axap wrote:This thread is seriously upsetting.

Joey, I hope this is a huge troll postotherwise you are a ignorant ass.

Still obsessed?

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Wed May 07, 2008 6:46 pm

Nope, still making fun of absolutely terrible grammar on his account, and random others.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by El Rhino » Wed May 07, 2008 6:52 pm

3axap wrote:. Your way of life is only made possible by the immigrants, and not only those of your generation, but those that preceded it. The way of life America enjoys has been built up by a tradition of hard work and responsibility. That is why these "illegals" come here and work their asses off, for chicken-scratch. They are filled with hope that they can be awarded the same opportunity that others have capitalized on in this great country.

How are the illegal immigrants improving my way of life? The only people who say this are usually people from the suburbs/affluent neighborhoods who never interact with them other than knowing they mow their lawn and wash their dishes at El Monterry. On the South/East Sides, I can't say we're exactly experiencing a renaissance due to the influx of illegals.

Joey, I was just taking that $9 figure from all the "applique hoy!" billboards they used to put around here advertising jobs in the $7-$8 range. Even if they do pay $11-$15, its fucked up that they paid the same wages twenty years ago...and the price of meat surely hasn't fallen.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Smoking Guns » Wed May 07, 2008 6:55 pm

jjjsXe wrote:man, this is all annoying, everyone knows how joe and people feel about all this. it is completely unnecessary to have all these new people come in and try to get all huffed up about the same ol' things everyone have been huffed up about for the past like 10 years like it is some major smack in the face. i understand that we don't all agree with their obvious in your face attitudes about it all is just not worth it to make such sticks about it like anything is going to change by it all, or like you might...reach out and change minds. we all don't think the same way about these things, but we have all managed to get along, for the most part. you would have a better chance at convincing varg about the existence of global warming.
shouldn't racism feel like a slap in the face?

also... just cuz we've all given up replying to joey and his ignorant shit, i don't think the new members should be expected to ignore him.

he may never change, but that doesn't mean we have to stop pointing out what a shitty human he is.

i think the more people that refuse to accept this kind of shit, the better.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by Joey Chaos » Wed May 07, 2008 7:01 pm

El Rhino wrote:

Even if they do pay $11-$15, its fucked up that they paid the same wages twenty years ago...and the price of meat surely hasn't fallen.

I agree 100%, I just felt obligated to point out that Fergy was totally wrong in assuming that we need migrant workers to fill these jobs because the pay sucks and they can't find americans to do it. That is a load of bullshit.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by El Rhino » Wed May 07, 2008 7:14 pm

Smoking Guns wrote:
also... just cuz we've all given up replying to joey and his ignorant shit, i don't think the new members should be expected to ignore him.

Sure... but being "seriously upset" over a comment about keeping your fingers crossed that some illegals might be deported? Come on... Then to the bullshit, cliche addition of "to me punk rock is about...." THAT should make everyone groan.

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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by jjjsXe » Wed May 07, 2008 7:18 pm

you all have very valid points. i guess it just old after hearing it all so much for so long. that could be taken in a lot of contexts...
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Re: Something Creepy Waterloo Way Comes...

Post by noel_nothing » Wed May 07, 2008 8:56 pm

Smoking Guns wrote:he may never change, but that doesn't mean we have to stop pointing out what a shitty human he is.
i wouldn't go that far. joey's not a bad guy when you get to know him.

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